Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Inbox - If is sounds to be good to be true it probably is! To many IP´s make me smell a rat

Received: from if00-mail-fb05-mia.mta.terra.com (if00-mail-fb05-mia.mta.terra.com [])
by mailer.ran.es (8.14.2/8.13.8) with ESMTP id o221bJgc029713
for <xxxxx@xxxxx>; Tue, 2 Mar 2010 02:37:20 +0100
Received: from musoni.terra.com (musoni.tpn.terra.com [])
by mail-fb05-mia.tpn.terra.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 08A2B5F58
for <xxxxx@xxxxx>; Tue, 2 Mar 2010 01:19:39 +0000 (UTC)
X-Terra-Karma: 0%
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for <xxxxx@xxxxx>; Tue, 2 Mar 2010 01:37:17 +0000 (UTC)
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 18:37:17 -0700
To: <xxxxx@xxxxx>;
From: Claim Support <SCOTTDew8@terra.com>
Subject: Claim your money now
Message-ID: <90ae0659b9e4199d623db7888cf6ec0d@>
X-Priority: 3
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X-UIDL: 0c:!!^:1"!%d0!!mo,!!
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X-EsetId: E74D982990713469F84B987C9D2476
X-EsetScannerBuild: 6677
Hey john nichols,

Yes money is waiting, Click Now...
Click Here

PS. Due to high traffic, link may not work by clicks copy and paste the link below for assurance


Check IP´s
IP Address Location results for
IP Address: WhoIs Lookup IP BlackList Lookup
Hostname: if00-mail-fb05-mia.mta.terra.com Reverse DNS
[See complete information about your system with our IP Information tool!]

IP Address Conversion - IP Convert for to Hex & to Dec
IP to Dec [IP Address to decimal]: 3495228299
IP to Hex [IP Address to hexadecimal]: d054f38b
IP to Bin [IP to binary]: 11010000010101001111001110001011

IP Address Lookup results for North America
IP Address Continent: North America
IP Continent Code:(NA)
IP Continent Population: 528,720,588
IP Continent Area: 24,709,000 km²
IP Continent Total Population: 8%
IP Continent Density People: 22.9 per km²
IP Continent Latitude: (46.07305)
IP Continent Longitude: (-100.546)

IP Location Lookup results for United States
IP Country Name: United States
IP Country Capital: Washington
IP Language: English
IP Currency: United States dollar($) (USD)
IP Country Latitude: (38)
IP Country Longitude: (-98)
IP Country Code: USA (US)

IP Location Lookup results for in Florida
IP Address Region: Florida
IP Address City: Miami
IP Address Latitude: (25.7541)
IP Address Longtitude: (-80.271)

Additional IP Location information for
IP Address Organization: Terra Networks Operations
IP Address ISP: Terra Networks Operations

Time zone for America/New_York
Local time zone for America/New_York

Reserved IP Addresses for private internet use

You have entered reserved IP Address for private internet use
and IP lookup for these will return not results.
Remember that IP address ranges –, –, –
and - are reserved IP Addresses for private internet use and IP lookup for these will return not results.

Click here to return to IP Address locator page!!
IP Address Location results for
IP Address: WhoIs Lookup IP BlackList Lookup
Hostname: musoni.terra.com Reverse DNS
[See complete information about your system with our IP Information tool!]

IP Address Conversion - IP Convert for to Hex & to Dec
IP to Dec [IP Address to decimal]: 3495227914
IP to Hex [IP Address to hexadecimal]: d054f20a
IP to Bin [IP to binary]: 11010000010101001111001000001010

IP Address Lookup results for North America
IP Address Continent: North America
IP Continent Code:(NA)
IP Continent Population: 528,720,588
IP Continent Area: 24,709,000 km²
IP Continent Total Population: 8%
IP Continent Density People: 22.9 per km²
IP Continent Latitude: (46.07305)
IP Continent Longitude: (-100.546)

IP Location Lookup results for United States
IP Country Name: United States
IP Country Capital: Washington
IP Language: English
IP Currency: United States dollar($) (USD)
IP Country Latitude: (38)
IP Country Longitude: (-98)
IP Country Code: USA (US)

IP Location Lookup results for in Florida
IP Address Region: Florida
IP Address City: Miami
IP Address Latitude: (25.7541)
IP Address Longtitude: (-80.271)

Additional IP Location information for
IP Address Organization: Terra Networks Operations
IP Address ISP: Terra Networks Operations

Time zone for America/New_York
Local time zone for America/New_York
IP Address Location results for
IP Address: WhoIs Lookup IP BlackList Lookup
Hostname: fc.dd.33.static.xlhost.com Reverse DNS
[See complete information about your system with our IP Information tool!]

IP Address Conversion - IP Convert for to Hex & to Dec
IP to Dec [IP Address to decimal]: 3509837308
IP to Hex [IP Address to hexadecimal]: d133ddfc
IP to Bin [IP to binary]: 11010001001100111101110111111100

IP Address Lookup results for North America
IP Address Continent: North America
IP Continent Code:(NA)
IP Continent Population: 528,720,588
IP Continent Area: 24,709,000 km²
IP Continent Total Population: 8%
IP Continent Density People: 22.9 per km²
IP Continent Latitude: (46.07305)
IP Continent Longitude: (-100.546)

IP Location Lookup results for United States
IP Country Name: United States
IP Country Capital: Washington
IP Language: English
IP Currency: United States dollar($) (USD)
IP Country Latitude: (38)
IP Country Longitude: (-98)
IP Country Code: USA (US)

IP Location Lookup results for in Ohio
IP Address Region: Ohio
IP Address City: Columbus
IP Address Latitude: (40.0842)
IP Address Longtitude: (-82.9378)

Additional IP Location information for
IP Address Organization: eNET
IP Address ISP: eNET

Time zone for America/New_York
Local time zone for America/New_York

Inbox - "Hello 8,600,000.00GBP win" IP Check Invalid IP address entered so it is a SCAM

Received: from linux01.suprisull.com.br (linux01.suprisull.com.br [])
by mailer.ran.es (8.14.2/8.13.8) with ESMTP id o21AQxOl031485
for <xxxxxx@xxxxx>; Mon, 1 Mar 2010 11:27:01 +0100
Received: (qmail 29763 invoked by uid 99); 1 Mar 2010 10:09:38 -0000
Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
Received: from ([])
by www.suprisull.com.br (IMP) with HTTP
for <recepcao@linux01.suprisull.com.br>; Mon, 01 Mar 2010 07:09:35 -0300
Message-ID: <1267438175.4b8b925fa36f1@www.suprisull.com.br>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2010 07:09:35 -0300
From: Kelvin Grant <kelgrant3@libero.it>
Reply-to: kelgrant11@i12.com
To: No recipient first warning sign
Subject: Hello
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.4
X-UIDL: ;jW!!RpI!!WWR!!*gf!!
Old-X-EsetId: E74D982990713469F84B987C9D2470
Old-X-EsetId: E74D982990713469F84B987C9D2470
X-EsetScannerBuild: 6677
X-EsetId: E74D982990713469F84B987C9D2476
I await your "Acceptance Letter"...(03/01/10)


I wish to notify you that you were listed as a beneficiary to an Inheritance
totaling a sum of 8,600,000.00GBP (Eight Million, Six Hundred Thousand British
Pounds) in the codicil and last testament of the deceased.(Name now withheld).
I am contacting you because you bear the surname identity of the deceased and
therefore, we can present you as the beneficiary to the inheritance.

I therefore reckon that you can receive this fund as you are qualified by your
name identity. All the legal papers will be processed on your acceptance. In
the light of the above, I request that you kindly forward to me your letter of
acceptance; your current telephone and fax numbers and a forwarding address to
enable us file the necessary documents at the High Court Probate Division for
the release of this sum of money to you.

If per adventure, you deem it fit to be part of this great promising venture,
please indicate your interest by responding to this notice via my personal
email address:

Yours faithfully,

Kelvin Grant.

This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/
IP Check Invalid IP address entered

Mother’s Day Voucher Code and Falke promotion from MyTights!

Mother’s day – Voucher Code

It's Mother's Day on March 14th - the time of year when we all want to say thanks to our Mums! What better way to say thank you than with a beautiful and pair of tights, stockings or cosy socks? We have come up with a range of
hosiery gift ideas for Mother's Day. Depending whether you're Mum is looking for elegant fashion, or even if her everyday sheers just need topping up - we've got it sorted! Why not treat her to the luxury of Wolford, or some cashmere socks to keep her feet cosy?

And from now until Mother’s Day we are offering you free standard delivery (£1.95 off) on all your orders – so you have no excuse not to treat your Mum this year! Just quote the code: MTMUM140310 at the checkout (valid until 14/03/10).

Falke Promotion

This week we are offering 10% off Falke Support and Control hosiery. Try Falke’s control tights to help shape your body for the perfect streamlined silhouette, or go for the Support range to revitalise tired legs by improving blood circulation. Check out the range

*This offer is valid from 26/02/2010 to 06/03/2010

You can find this promotional banner and many more by logging into your account and clicking through to any of the ‘Exclusive Weekly Offer’ banners.

Top Ten Best Seller List

Make sure you are promoting the right products with our top 10 best sellers:

Pretty Polly Absolute Legs Mock Hold Ups

These are back in stock and selling like hot-cakes! Mock hold ups are on everyone’s fashion wish list – seen on the likes of Lily Allen, Agyness Dean and Pixie Gelfolff. They are as sexy and sultry as hold ups, with the ease and comfort of tights!

Jonathan Aston 40 Denier Opaque Coloured Tights

There are so many colour variations, you’ll never get bored of these bright and bold opaque tights. Perfect for jazzing up a plain outfit this winter.

Spanx Higher Power

Powerful shaping panties with phenomenal impact. The perfect solution for looking svelte under an evening dress or everyday outfit.

Aristoc Ultra Shine 10D Tights

These are Aristoc's best selling tights; designed for maximum comfort and immaculate style. These high-shine tights are perfect for day and eveningwear – an absolute wardrobe essential!

Jonathan Aston Sweet Roses Tight

Lace is hot this season, and these back seamed lace tights from Jonathan Aston are the perfect way to accessorise your favourite little black dress to keep it up to date with the trends.

Spanx Power Panties

A celebrity favourite, discreet shapewear to smooth your silhouette and give you a washboard stomach and toned bottom without having to spend hours at the gym!

Aristoc Polished Tights

NEW COLOURS! Gorgeous 50 denier opaques with an opulent shimmer, available in a variety of rich winter tones, and newly added bright summer shades! These tights are incredibly soft, and the shine makes them just that bit more elegant.

Falke Pure Matt 100 Tights

So thick, they’re almost like leggings, these 100 denier tights are a must have! They have a gorgeous matt finish, are incredibly soft to touch, and are available in a great range of colours from classics to brights.

Trasparenze Gennifer Merino Wool Tights

Keep your legs looking gorgeously warm in this chilly weather, and save banishing those mini skirts to the back of your wardrobe with these soft wooly tights from Trasparenze.

Jonathan Aston Seam & Heel Lycra Tights

Seams are very on-trend at the moment, and we had a huge number of requests for them from the designers of last week’s London Fashion Week! Seams will add a touch of glamour and elegance to your outfit, so why not give them a try?

Inbox - Subject: [virus Win32/Oficla.DH Troyano] UPS Delivery Problem NR 31125. What is UPS doing about these crimminals?

Received: from 222-154-79-186 is an invalid IP Address.jetstream.xtra.co.nz (222-154-79-186.jetstream.xtra.co.nz [222-154-79-186])
by mailer.ran.es (8.14.2/8.13.8) with ESMTP id o226W8jO000771
for <xxxxx@xxxxx>; Tue, 2 Mar 2010 07:32:13 +0100
Received: from by mx1.swcp.com; Tue, 2 Mar 2010 19:31:57 +1200
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 19:31:57 +1200
From: "Postal Support Christine Spivey" <parcel.delivery@ups.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.71.01) Home
Reply-To: wotannw356@fortran.com
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <583385633.38126869506208@fortran.com>
To: xxxxx@xxxxx
Subject: [virus Win32/Oficla.DH Troyano] UPS Delivery Problem NR 31125.
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-UIDL: ?LT!!@'^!!,1~!!HP3!!
Status: U
X-EsetResult: clean (cleaned), contained Win32/Oficla.DH trojan
Old-X-EsetId: E75C98239060233DFD14C73FC27F253DA219927D
X-EsetId: E75C98239060233DFD14C73FC27F253DA219927D
X-EsetScannerBuild: 6677
Dear customer!

We failed to deliver postal package sent on the 1st of December in time

because the recipient’s address is not correct.
not expecting a package so warning sign

Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our department.

United Parcel Service of America.
What is UPS doing about these crimminals? Check IP address - http://www.find-ip-address.org/ip-address-locator.php
222-154-79-186 is an invalid IP Address which prooves that crimminals are behind this email

__________ Alerta de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versión de la base de firmas de virus 4907 (20100302) __________

Alerta, ESET NOD32 Antivirus ha encontrado las siguientes amenazas en este mensaje:

UPS_invoice_Nr145.zip - Win32/Oficla.DH Troyano - eliminado
UPS_invoice_Nr145.zip > ZIP > UPS_invoice_Nr145.exe - Win32/Oficla.DH Troyano - era parte de un objeto eliminado

Sunday, February 28, 2010

#haveplayed - Rihanna "Rated R"

Rated R CD

Played on http://twitter.com/nichols1936

#nowplaying Rihanna "Mad House" MP3 http://bit.ly/bL1wvb
Lyrics http://bit.ly/bxandC
#nowplaying Rihanna "Wait Your Turn" MP3 http://bit.ly/bdyDXV
Lyrics http://bit.ly/caQLVb
#nowplaying Rihanna "Hard" MP3 http://bit.ly/dcOQwJ
Lyrics http://bit.ly/aPRfGZ
#nowplaying Rihanna "Stupid In Love" MP3 http://bit.ly/bsItt4
Lyrics http://bit.ly/am8vBF
#nowplaying Rihanna "ROCKSTAR 101" MP3 http://bit.ly/cOMMko
Lyrics http://bit.ly/cH0Efa
#nowplaying Rihanna "Russian Roulette" MP3 http://bit.ly/9tyHO4
Lyrics http://bit.ly/aC95Hh
#nowplaying Rihanna "Fire Bomb" MP3 http://bit.ly/atA8NP
Lyrics http://bit.ly/b2m322
#nowplaying Rihanna "Rude Boy" MP3 http://bit.ly/bYodYD
Lyrics http://bit.ly/9XgBgb
#nowplaying Rihanna "Photographs" MP3 http://bit.ly/9snwdb
from the CD Rated R http://bit.ly/dBvByS
#nowplaying Rihanna "G4L" MP3 http://bit.ly/dwglex
from the CD Rated R http://bit.ly/dBvByS
#nowplaying Rihanna "Te Amo" MP3 http://bit.ly/dr0Xkd
from the CD Rated R http://bit.ly/dBvByS
#nowplaying Rihanna "Cold Case Love" MP3 http://bit.ly/b1VBG6
Lyrics http://bit.ly/dzPBf1
#nowplaying Rihanna "Last Song" MP3 http://bit.ly/dAW1ri
from the CD Rated R http://bit.ly/dBvByS

Inland Andalucia Spain Property for Sale 89.000 euros - Malcolm´s pick this weekend

to make an appointment to view send an email in the first instance
Reference VH349
 Quaint quiet street
Quaint quiet street

Code: VH349

Province: Malaga

Town: Villanueva del Rosario

Categories: Town/Village Houses Investment Special offers

Price: EUROS 89,000

A renovated house in a quiet street in the older character part of the town of Villanueva del Rosario.

The house has 67 m2 of living area and is on two floors. The ground floor has a sitting room 4m x 4m with large window looking out to the quiet street. Under stairs storage area. This room has a window, tiled floor and archway to a fitted kitchen. The kitchen has tiled worktop, double bowl sink unit, fridge, cooker, microwave and shelves. There is door going out to the utility area and bathroom which has bath - shower, wash hand basin, bidet and WC.

From the sitting room tiled stairs go up to the first floor and to an open terrace. Bedroom 1 is 4m x 4m and has a double bed, two night tables, fitted wardrobe and dresser. A large glass window opens onto a balcony. Bedroom 2 is 4m x 3m and has two single beds and a dresser. Large window tiled floors large window to the rear.

The property is being sold furnished and is an ideal holiday home or for retirement.

The town has all amenities including a health centre, two banks, bars, small shops and a number of supermarkets. Malaga airport and the coast are reached in 30 minutes and Granada and the ski slopes of the Sierra Nevada in just over one hour.

 Mountain views & walks
Mountain views & walks
 Parking in street
Parking in street

 Sitting room
Sitting room
 Back entrance from kitchen
Back entrance from kitchen

 Archway to kitchen & back
Archway to kitchen & back
 Upper back terrace
Upper back terrace

 Twin bedroom
Twin bedroom
 View from back bedroom
View from back bedroom
 Twin bedroom
Twin bedroom

 Front double bedroom
Front double bedroom
 Double width bedroom
Double width bedroom
 Another photo of bedroom
Another photo of bedroom

Friday, February 26, 2010

#haveplayed - Shakira "She - Wolf"

#nowplaying Shakira "She Wolf" MP3 http://bit.ly/bGvtUv
from She Wolf CD http://bit.ly/cBRJdX
#nowplaying Shakira "Did It Again" MP3 http://bit.ly/9r49hG
#nowplaying Shakira "Long Time" MP3 http://bit.ly/bWQtqf
from She Wolf CD http://bit.ly/cBRJdX
#nowplaying Shakira "Why Wait" MP3 http://bit.ly/9F3xIl
#nowplaying Shakira "Good Stuff" MP3 http://bit.ly/9OogdG
Lyrics http://bit.ly/baNzuk
#nowplaying Shakira "Men In This Town" MP3 http://bit.ly/cGlhbG
Lyrics http://bit.ly/bQDHzS
#nowplaying Shakira "Gypsy" MP3 http://bit.ly/cOtP4J f
rom She Wolf CD http://bit.ly/cBRJdX
#nowplaying Shakira "Spy" (featuring Wyclef Jean) MP3 http://bit.ly/bSXicU
Lyrics http://bit.ly/9K7P6M
#nowplaying Shakira "Mon Amor" from She Wolf CD http://bit.ly/cBRJdX
#nowplaying Shakira "Loba" MP3 http://bit.ly/bwcybJ
from She Wolf CD http://bit.ly/cBRJdX
#nowplaying Shakira "Lo Hecho estaa Hecho, Lo"
Shakira ringtones 4 your cell phone? http://bit.ly/az22FU
#nowplaying Shakira "Anos Luz" from She Wolf CD http://bit.ly/cBRJdX
#nowplaying Shakira "Give it Up To me" - (featuring Lil Wayne) MP3 http://bit.ly/bSXicU
#nowplaying Shakira "Did It Again" - (featuring Kid Cudi) MP3 http://bit.ly/bSXicU
#nowplaying Shakira "Gypsy - (live)" MP3 http://bit.ly/bSXicU
from She Wolf CD http://bit.ly/cBRJdX
#nowplaying Shakira "She Wolf" - (live)" MP3 http://bit.ly/bSXicU
from She Wolf CD http://bit.ly/cBRJdX

Get Shakira ringtones on your cell phone!
? http://bit.ly/az22FU

#haveplayed - The Black Eyed Peas "The E.N.D"

E.N.D. (Energy Never Dies) CD Black Eyed Peas

#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Boom Boom Pow" MP3 http://bit.ly/9mwnZU
from CD E.N.D http://bit.ly/dlXmgX
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Rock That Body" MP3 http://bit.ly/bam64K
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Meet Me Halfway" MP3 http://bit.ly/9VXFye
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Imma Be" MP3 http://bit.ly/aaSluE
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feeling" MP3 http://bit.ly/cDMwyN
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Alive" MP3 http://bit.ly/aQxHbn
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Missing You" MP3 http://bit.ly/dgKA5S
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Ring-A-Ling" MP3 http://bit.ly/aCIuR4
from CD E.N.D http://bit.ly/dlXmgX
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Party All the Time" MP3 http://bit.ly/cVIAvJ
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Out of My Head" MP3 http://bit.ly/9bh2wQ
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Electric City" MP3 http://bit.ly/cXAlVU
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Showdown" MP3 http://bit.ly/b0ccE6
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Now Generation" MP3 http://bit.ly/9xitlH
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "One Tribe" MP3 http://bit.ly/bxX6jL
#nowplaying Black Eyed Peas "Rockin to the Beat" MP3 http://bit.ly/bey1eu
from CD E.N.D http://bit.ly/dlXmgX
Get Black Eyed Peas ringtones on your cell phone! - http://bit.ly/9s5dil