Saturday, November 15, 2008

the incredibility irresponsible George Osborne?

Gordon Brown is risking the "collapse of sterling" by borrowing his way out of economic turmoil, George Osborne has warned.

The pound sterling has reached it´s lowest against the dollar and the euro in 13 years!

This remark has fuelled the fall?

Is it not an irresponsible remark in the current market conditions? It obvioulsy is of use to currency speculators! such as George Soros who can have a field day as he did back in the nineties!

It will increase the rate of inflation in the UK as imports will cost more.

Less UK residents will be able to afford a holiday abroad

UK pensioners that moved abroad in the hope that their pension would go further will suffer causing many to consider returning to the UK placing another burden on the services there.

Is George Osborne not a liability to David Cameron?

Should the UK not have entered the Euro?