Thursday, April 12, 2012

♡ Libra Daily stars for today 12 April 2012 -

Don't brush off the issues triggered by the clash between the Sun and the practical Saturn, which remains in Libra until later this year. Neither positive thinking nor charm will resolve these exceedingly tricky situations. You must define them clearly then talk over each issue frankly. Only then can they be resolved.  


 Your stars for the week beginning 08 April 2012
Don`t allow your concerns about upsetting others prevent you from discussing the heightened feelings roused by the recent Libra Full Moon. While some were about the past weeks` rather tricky events, others involve persistent issues that really need to be discussed. Challenging as those exchanges will be, they`ll both clear up confusion and lead to the kind of forthright exchanges necessary to clear the air for good.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Escalada Deportiva Villanueva de Rosario Malaga / Rock climbing Villanueva del Rosario Spain

Uploaded by on Sep 18, 2010
Sergio en "Planta de Shiva 8c" en sector de "chilam balam".Villanueva de Rosario es un sitio perfecto para escalar en cuerda y bloque.Atardecer espectacular que grabe en "Rosario" y barias tomas mas!VER EN "HD"
Confirmado encadene por Sergio hace unos dias!!!
Sergio in "Plant 8c Shiva" in sector "Chilam Balam". Villanueva de Rosario is a perfect place for climbing rope and bloque.Atardecer spectacular record in "Rosario" bar and several more shots! CHECK IN "HD"
Confirmed by Sergio chaining a few days ago!

La Sierra de los Camarolos y el Jobo. Villanueva del Rosario 29312 Provincia de Málaga Spain

Uploaded by on Apr 11, 2012
La Sierra

La Sierra

Villanueva del Rosario se encuentra a las faldas de la sierra de los Camarolos y el Jobo, las cuales ofrecen unos paisajes de roca caliza. Entre los puntos más destacados se encuentran El Chorro, manantial natural de agua muy apreciada por los visitantes; la dehesa de Hondonero, en la cual se pueden disfrutar de un tranquilo día en la naturaleza, las diferentes cuevas y abrigos, como la del Malnombre en donde se han encontrado pinturas rupestres, la zona de la Maera en donde se encuentra el popularmente llamado “Tajo de la Maera” en el que se puede practicar la escalada (lugar preferido por los mejores escaladores del mundo) y el rappel, y como no el pico del Chamizo que con 1.641 m de altura es el más alto de la comarca.,-4.366808&spn=0.012801,0.01929&hnear=Villanueva+del+Rosario,+Malaga,+Andalusia,+Spain&t=m&z=16

the Sierra

Villanueva del Rosario is located at the foothills of the Sierra de los Camarolos and Jobo, which offer a landscape of limestone. Among the highlights are The jet, natural spring water much appreciated by visitors, the Hondonero meadow, where you can enjoy a peaceful day in nature, the various caves and shelters, such as the Malnombre in where they have found cave paintings near the Maera where is the popularly called "Tajo de la Maera" in which you can practice climbing (favorite place for the best climbers in the world) and rappelling, and as no Chamizo peak with 1,641 meters high is the highest in the region.,_Spain


Вильянуэва-дель-Росарио расположен в предгорьях Сьерра-де-лос-Camarolos и Jobo, которые предлагают пейзаж известняка. Среди основных моментов струи, натуральная родниковая вода ценится посетителей, на лугу Hondonero, где вы можете насладиться мирной день на природе, различные пещеры и убежища, а в Malnombre где они нашли наскальные рисунки у Maera где в народе называют "Тахо-де-ла Maera", в котором вы можете практиковать восхождение (любимое место для лучших альпинистов мира) и спуска, а также не Chamizo пик 1641 метров является самым высоким в регионе.

 Вильянуэва-дель-Росарио (исп. Villanueva del Rosario) — муниципалитет в Испании, входит в провинцию Малага, в составе автономного сообщества Андалусия. Муниципалитет находится в составе района (комарки) Антекера. Занимает площадь 45 км². Население 3698 человек (на 2010 год). Расстояние 40 км до административного центра провинции.

♡ Libra Daily stars for today 11 April 2012 -

It hasn't even been a week since the Libra Full Moon brought certain already intense matters to an emotional head, and you're recognising the real source of problems. Initially you thought it was a matter of ironing out minor differences. You're now realising there are more major issues to deal with. And soon.

 Your stars for the week beginning 08 April 2012
Don`t allow your concerns about upsetting others prevent you from discussing the heightened feelings roused by the recent Libra Full Moon. While some were about the past weeks` rather tricky events, others involve persistent issues that really need to be discussed. Challenging as those exchanges will be, they`ll both clear up confusion and lead to the kind of forthright exchanges necessary to clear the air for good.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Buenas noches desde el sur de España. Los chinos están interesados ​​en nuestro Aceite de Oliva / 从西班牙南部的美好的夜晚。中国有兴趣在我们的橄榄油

Uploaded by on Apr 10, 2012
Olive fields in Andalucia - El Brosque 29312 Villanueva del Rosario (Peñon Prieto) 09-04-2011_122019.m2ts

Camino de la Cueva del Agua y Camino del Sacristán El Brosque 29312 Villanueva del Rosario

Дама сказала мне, что однажды она вступила в гонку карт в Донецке., Но что у нее аварии, и сошел с цепи. Я надеюсь, что она любит так, что я беру углов
La señorita me dijo que una vez entrado en una carrera de karts en Donetsk., Pero que tenía un accidente y salió del circuito. Espero que a ella le gusta la forma en que tomo las curvas



Semana Santa Antequera 2012 - la procesión del Domingo de Resurrección

Uploaded by on Apr 8, 2012
ATQ Radio-Televisión graba para El Sol de Antequera la procesión del Domingo de Resurrección con un amplio resumen de la misma con locución de Antonio J. Guerrero. Imágenes grabadas el domingo 8 de abril de 2012

♡ Libra Daily stars for today 10 April 2012 -

Should discussions become heated, you're usually the one who's trying to calm things down. But in one particular situation you seem to have become so wound up you're determined to have the last word. While this may make you feel better at the time, you could easily alienate someone close, and for good.
 Your stars for the week beginning 08 April 2012
Don`t allow your concerns about upsetting others prevent you from discussing the heightened feelings roused by the recent Libra Full Moon. While some were about the past weeks` rather tricky events, others involve persistent issues that really need to be discussed. Challenging as those exchanges will be, they`ll both clear up confusion and lead to the kind of forthright exchanges necessary to clear the air for good.