Saturday, January 21, 2012

Yemen - Revised immunity law angers opposition

Published on Jan 20, 2012 by Human rights groups and the opposition in Yemen have condemned a draft law granting immunity to outgoing President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The bill, which will be discussed in parliament on Saturday, will protect his aides only from politically motivated" crimes. Human Rights Watch has described it as a "licence to kill," that lets Saleh's henchmen off the hook

Blues legend Etta James dies at 73

Published on Jan 20, 2012 by The American singer, Etta James, has died from complications of leukaemia at the age of 73.

A pioneer of 1950s rhythm-and-blues and rock music, the triple Grammy Award winner was perhaps best known for her show-stopping hit "At Last" and "I'd rather go blind."

"Etta James is simply one of the best singers I've ever heard," singer-guitarist Bonnie Raitt wrote in Rolling Stone magazine. "... Etta is earthy and gritty, ribald and out-there in a way that few performers have the guts to be."

etta james I'd Rather Go Blind

Uploaded by on Jul 9, 2007
Rather go blind is one of the greatest sad songs ever made..
I remember this song sung by "Chicken Shack" in 1968

Italy - deregulates for competition

Published on Jan 20, 2012 by Italy's cabinet has approved new laws deregulating some service sector jobs and professions -- everything from taxi drivers to pharmacists, journalists, lawyers, doctors and dentists, even petrol station operators.

The aim is to increase competition and boost Italy's economic growth.

The cabinet approved the decree after an eight hour long meeting.

Our most popular with you last 24 hours - 2012 Jan 20 09:00 – 2012 Jan 21 08:00 CET


USA - South Carolina Primary: Neck and Neck to the End

Published on Jan 20, 2012 by
As the clock ticks down to the South Carolina primary, the race has turned into a nailbiter between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. But with the stakes so high, all four of the remaining candidates are fighting to the finish. (Jan. 20)

USA - Remorseful Man Admits He Caused Big Reno Blaze

Published on Jan 20, 2012 by
Fire officials in Reno say a man has admitted to accidentally starting a huge fire that destroyed 29 homes and forced as many as 10,000 people to evacuate. (Jan. 20)

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 21st January 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Teaming up with like minded enthusiasts opens up some new doors. Your pioneer spirit helps attract new donors, while their contacts improve your professional prospects. Do yourself a favour and promise less than you think you can deliver. That way, you won’t be setting up clients for disappointment. Inspiration will strike at the last moment with an important opportunity, causing you to create something truly original and popular. Set yourself apart from the crowd.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) An exciting career opportunity is on the way. It will mean you have to work behind the scenes on behalf of someone else. Although you won’t get much recognition for your contributions, you will get paid well for them. Don’t try to hog the limelight. By adopting a modest attitude, you’ll soon win the trust of your employer. That’s the way to make bigger and better opportunities. Don’t worry; you’ll get a chance to showcase your talent after you’ve paid your dues.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) A chance to travel, write, or study is on the way. It will be such a relief to get a change of scene after being bogged down with cash concerns. A techno-savvy friend has great advice for you; be sure to follow it to the letter. Whether you learn a new computer program, buy the latest gadget, or simply learn how to drive is immaterial. The important thing is to expand your knowledge base at every opportunity. The lessons you learn now will come in handy very soon.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A handsome bonus or award comes your way from a grateful friend. You’ve worked hard and long for them and now you're reaping the rewards of your labours. Beware of putting your faith in irresponsible people. Although their intentions are good, they are incapable of keeping their grandiose promises. You’re better off putting your energy into a corporate entity that has the money and equipment necessary to get a creative venture off the ground.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A new partnership puts you on the path to adventure. Without your colleague by your side, it would be hard to make your plans move forward. Therefore, you must play second fiddle from time to time. That’s not easy for a superstar like you. Yet, adopting a humble attitude will have significant rewards in the long run. Beware of getting overly confident in a job interview. You might think you made a good impression, but the competition for this position is fierce.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) This is a positive time of the year to find a new job. Having technical skills will help you land the job you’re looking for. Take a crash course if you have to master the latest gadgetry or learn an up and coming software programme. You’re a quick learner, and won’t have any trouble getting the necessary skills. Having the right certificates in your hand will open a whole new range of opportunities for you. Friends and colleagues will help while your star is in the ascendant.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A compelling new beginning is about to take root, it will be unconventional. Friends and relatives will be utterly confused by the arrangement, which gives you a secret pleasure. You’re tired of following the rules all of the time. Whether it’s a new loving relationship, a new intellectual or spiritual interest or a change of career direction you should feel free to follow your own inspirations and enjoy the chance to explore and experiment in all sorts of ways.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Taking charge of a family matter gives you a sense of stability. You’re tired of seeing a relative waste their valuable energy in an unrewarding field. By joining forces, you will help them change course. Sit down and fill out applications, put together an attractive portfolio, and draft a compelling CV. Arming them with the right professional tools will make all the difference. Don’t expect a business or romantic partner to support this project. Jealousy has reared its ugly head.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Embarking on an educational journey will be great fun. You will get on with a fellow traveller like a house on fire. You’re uplifted and inspired by their attitude. In fact, your new friend’s influence could prompt you to leave a dead end job. It’s important for you to have a creative outlet. Doing the same things day after day just dulls your imagination. Look for something that seems more like play than work, like walking dogs, exercising horses, or working with greenery and wildlife.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your financial picture is all set to improve by leaps and bounds. Moneymaking opportunities related to computers, electronics, broadcasting, and utilities are especially good. Your organisational abilities will save your employer lots of time, energy, and aggravation. Your loved ones may feel a little sidelined, but they will understand. Once you establish a sensible routine, you’ll be able to take more down time. Give yourself six months to get a firm foothold with this job.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’re in the driving seat now, so use it to your own advantage. Everybody knows you know all the latest trends. By steering the group in a new direction, you’ll help it avoid disaster. Your family will try to drag you away from your duties, but you must resist. This project is too important to fail. You’ll have to spend long hours with your collaborators to make this endeavour a success. This may mean you will have to come late to a birthday party or family get together.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A spiritually uplifting opportunity comes to you out of the blue. Take this chance to return to those things you really love, whether it’s meditating, painting, writing, listening to music, or simply napping. Too often, you put yourself at the beck and call of other people who drain and sap your energy with constant demands for attention. Put your own needs first for a change, even at the risk of appearing neglectful. You’ll get a lot more respect when you set your own schedule.
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Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 21st January 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Keep your feelings under wraps. It's important to look cool, calm, and collected, especially when chaos breaks out. Your masterful handling of an emergency causes your star to rise. People know they can depend on you to make the best decision for everyone. If you're thinking of climbing the ladder of success, craft a strategy. Take this opportunity to strengthen your skill set and improve your managerial skills. Studying with an executive will prove worthwhile.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Taking risks runs contrary to your nature. You prefer to follow a comfortable routine. Still, you have to admit life has grown a little stale. By changing direction, you'll get a welcome opportunity to develop your nurturing talent. It gives you great pleasure to put people at ease and shower them with creature comforts. Consider a career in the hotel, restaurant, or spa industry. Some people think it's draining to look after demanding clients, but you'll find it energising.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You're feeling edgy, daring and argumentative, and may be tempted to hurl yourself into a twisted situation. Do yourself a favour and avoid this mess. A dark rebel may sizzle with allure, but will only cause heartbreak in the end. Similarly, working as a ruthless executive's apprentice will put you in at least one dangerous situation. You have better things to do with your time. If you're choosing between two job offers, pick the one that affords the greatest emotional satisfaction.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Keeping up appearances is an exercise in futility. Eventually, everyone will realise you are human. Admit your shortcomings and ask for help when you need it. People will admire your honesty and reward you for it. A close partnership gives you the courage to make a daring admission. Lean on your best friend or lover for support when you start doubting your abilities. Together, you'll slay a dragon that's been blocking your path. Your path to success is assured once you conquer this demon.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It's almost impossible to meet with your approval. No matter what anybody does or says, you find fault with it. You're not trying to be difficult; it's just that you're restless. Take some time away from your labours to do something fun. Go on a shopping spree, take a short trip, or read a book for pleasure. A playful creature like you needs frequent breaks. Nobody will begrudge you time off, especially since you've been so irritable. Your sunny disposition will return after you've enjoyed some leisure time.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Obey your generous instincts. Showering a friend with love and affection gives you a divine sense of purpose. It makes you really happy to brighten people's lives. Fortunately, you always pay close attention to individual tastes. You know just what sorts of gifts and outings will please every member of your social circle. If you're in a relationship, take this opportunity to pay tribute to your amour. You don't need to wait for a special day to celebrate their fabulousness.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It's hard to control your emotions. One minute, you're laughing uproariously, and the next, you're sobbing copiously. No wonder your family is worried! Actually, you're just ridding yourself of a lot of pent up feelings that have been building. Letting down your guard will be therapeutic. There is both cause for celebration and concern. By facing the truth, you'll be able to come to terms with all the upheavals that have brought you to this place. Go ahead, let it all out!
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're feeling pretty restless. You've just finished a big project and are ready to move on to bigger and better things. Improving your technical skills should take first priority. Although you've always been more interested in people than gadgets, knowing how to navigate online databases and execute complicated computer commands will be helpful. Instead of combing dusty archives for information, you can get the material you need within a few quick clicks of the mouse.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Usually, you're eager for change. Right now you want nothing more than a nice, long rest. Go ahead and schedule a tranquil break. Avoid the busy hotspots you usually enjoy. Choose a quiet seaside resort instead. Leave work at home, and only give your contact information to one or two trusted friends. This should be a time of contemplation for you. Focus on enjoying good meals, catching up on sleep, and letting your imagination run wild.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Find a channel for your considerable energy. You feel very strongly about a family matter. A relative's erratic behaviour demands attention. You're the only one willing to do what is necessary to treat the problem. Fortunately, you'll find some help at a civic institution. Getting an expert to look in on this family member will bring tremendous improvement. Don't be afraid to bully the more timid members of your family. Secretly, they want to be told what to do.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You may be a hostage to your emotions. It's impossible to express what you feel without causing a commotion. Still, it's difficult to keep these impressions bottled up inside. Make a diary entry or launch a creative project. Having an outlet will prove therapeutic. Pay special attention to your dreams, as they are trying to tell you something. Get involved with a project that is dear to your heart. Volunteering for an ecological organisation might be just the thing.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Spending time with friends restores your confidence. You're tired of feeling as if your only function in life is making money. Nothing could be further from the truth. People value you for your wit, humour, and compassion. Without you, your loved ones would be lost. If you've recently finished an art project, be sure to show it to an agent, gallery owner, or publisher. Are you an actor or musician? Go on an audition. The public is receptive to your particular brand of talent.

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