Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Britain - Queen's Diamond Jubilee boat revealed

From: telegraphtv  | Jan 18, 2012
The owner of 'The Spirit of Chartwell' describes the changes his boat will have to go through before it carries the Queen down the Thames on June 3.

Hungary - PM hopes for quick remedy to dispute with EU

Uploaded by on Jan 18, 2012
European Union concerns over Hungary's disputed laws on its central bank and judiciary can be resolved swiftly, Prime Minister Viktor Orban tells the European Parliament in an effort to stave off legal action by Brussels and win an aid package from the EU and IMF.

Joke? No Pants Subway Ride 2012 Viaje en Metro sin pantalones

Viaje en Metro sin pantalones
Uploaded by on Jan 8, 2012

Improv Everywhere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation ... [edit] Police intervention. Participants at the No Pants Subway Ride mission in January 2010 ...

Doctors: Depression and Bipolar Disorder Shrinks Parts of the Brain

Published on Jan 18, 2012 by
British doctors say latest scanning techniques show distinct differences and changes in volume in parts of the brain among patients with depression and bipolar disorder. (Jan. 18)

Italy - Raw Video: Searching Under the Costa Concordia

Published on Jan 18, 2012 by
The Italian navy has released underwater video, filmed on Tuesday, of its divers during operations to find survivors inside the stricken Concordia ship. (Jan. 18)

USA - Raw Video: Possible Record Snow in Washington State

Published on Jan 18, 2012 by
The snow that moved across Washington on Wednesday seems to be heaviest in the southwest corner of the state. About a foot of new snow was on the ground by 7:30 a.m. in Olympia. (Jan. 18)

Mujeres y hombres y viceversa Miércoles 18/01/12 Laura "No sé lo que quiero" (lo que yo pensaba)

Laura no esperaba que Álvaro se marchara Está enfadada y muy dolida 
(Usted tiene que tomar el amor cuando sucede. No se puede tener un plan para enamorarse cuando sea conveniente) Álvaro llega a su límite Pide una minicita para decirle a Laura que se va
(Hay un límite a la cantidad que una persona puede tener en una relación. Uno de las personas (en este caso Alvaro) dice "Basta". La otra persona podría lamentar esta indecisión para el resto de sus vidas) Laura se derrumba Su amiga le aconseja que vaya a buscar a Álvaro Ana les pide que no pierdan esta oportunidad Álvaro se enfada mucho con Mamen por compararle con Abel Ana les pide que no pierdan esta oportunidad Álvaro se enfada mucho con Mamen por compararle con Abel Álvaro regresa a por Laura José Luis reacciona y los pretendientes se enfrentan Arturo cree que José Luis es bisexual En su Twitter publicó que era gay Laura desconfía de José Luis Cree que no es sincero 
(José Luis no parece una persona sincera en la actualidad. Sus expresiones faciales) Laura y José Luis (18/01/12) Quinta cita Miércoles 18/01/12 Programa 902 ¿y Mamen?

Arturo tiene pruebas de que Nico fue stripper Mamen lo acepta porque fue en el pasado Mamen y Nico (18/01/12) Tercera cita ¿y Abel Mamen?

Mamen Carrera myhyv

Mamen Carrera myhyv

Apoyo a Mamen Carrera ex-pretendienta y nueva tronista de mujeres y hombres y viceversa

Iraq - Turkish embassy in Baghdad hit by rockets

Published on Jan 18, 2012 by The Turkish embassy in Baghdad has reportedly been attacked with three rockets or RPG-type devices.

There is no information for the moment about damage or casualties.

In Turkey the AK party's vice-president blamed Iraq's prime minister Maliki for caring more about making aggressive speeches about his country than protecting Turkey's embassy in his capital.

On Monday Iraq summoned the Turkish ambassador in Baghdad to complain about comments by Turkish officials it said amounted to meddling in its affairs