Russell Grant’s Monthly Horoscopes December 2011
Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 3 December 2011
Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 3 December 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Don't take an authority figure's story at face value. A little research will reveal a deception. It just goes to show, it pays to do your homework. If you hear about a religious or cultural leader taking advantage of their position, file a report with the authorities. There may not be anything the police can do now, but establishing a paper trail will be invaluable later. Decent people can't let con artists get away with stealing, lying, and cheating.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A romantic spat will erupt when your amour rains on your parade. You're sick and tired of having your plans shelved for so called emergencies. Your partner is always anticipating disaster. Until the two of you agree to stop panicking at every potential problem, you'll never have any fun. A temporary separation will allow you to enjoy your favourite activities without guilt. Once you get a taste of freedom, you may never want to relinquish it.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Make sure you have the tickets before heading out to a special event. It's also important to have good directions to the venue. Give yourself plenty of time, or you could arrive after the doors are shut. A relative will be resentful if you keep expecting them to babysit. Maybe it's time to offer some financial compensation for their services. Your relationship will greatly improve once you show appreciation for their help. Nobody likes being taken for granted.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A health problem demands attention. Much of the damage is being caused by excessive worry. After getting a proper medical consultation, you should make it your mission to integrate relaxing activities into your daily schedule in order to ease the tension that's been eating away at you. It's also important to stop taking responsibility for things you can't control. If a relative wants to keep screwing up, that's their problem, not yours. You're not their superhero.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Resist the urge to buy someone's affection. You have so many good qualities besides the material things you can provide. The next time somebody asks for a gift or hints you should pay the bill, refuse. You have better things to do with your hard earned money. Besides, you two have such different values that it will be hard to sustain a loving relationship. Go off on your own so you can re-evaluate what you want from a commitment. The answer will surprise you.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It's easy to misplace your keys, wallet, or glasses right now. Try not to get sucked into the Universe's hysterical vortex. When something goes wrong, stop, take a couple of deep breaths, and find your centre. Soon, you'll remember where you left whatever it was you lost, and life will resume its merry pace. Resist the urge to tell a relative exactly what you think of their stupid decision. They will soon discover they've taken the wrong path.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Transportation problems might force you to cancel plans. Although it's sad you won't be able to see friends, you could probably benefit from some time off. Today is a delicate time for partygoers. Even if you're feeling great, you should take this opportunity to make some positive changes. You have a chance to make some significant personal accomplishments by autumn. Think about going into education or becoming an apprentice to a successful artist.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A clash of values causes tension with a friend. You're not sure if you can continue this relationship any longer. While it's admirable you have such strong feelings, beware of being overly judgmental. There are all different ways of seeing a single issue. Your upbringing and social status have a tremendous effect on your beliefs. If you were raised in another part of the world, you might have a radically different philosophy. Keep this in mind during an argument.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) An authority figure will put you on the spot, asking questions you prefer not to answer. It will be impossible to deceive them. Refusing to give any response is the best bet. Yes, this will make you look guilty, but nobody will be able to definitively accuse you of wrongdoing. Chances are you are protecting someone you love. Consider whether you are willing to compromise your reputation for theirs any longer. Maybe it's time your friend takes the consequences for their actions.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Dwelling on a loss isn't doing you any good. Make plans for the future, before depression destroys all of your ambition. If you got turned away from an educational or religious institution, don't despair. You'll have other opportunities to study and develop your talent. It's just a matter of keeping your eyes open. A rival organisation will be eager to accept you. Although it won't be as prestigious, it will provide you with the tools you require to succeed. Be flexible.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Lack of reliable information makes it impossible to formulate a plan. You may have to postpone this project until you're able to get the guidance you need. Try not to resort to threats. The more sympathetic you are to customer service agents and government representatives, the harder they will work to accommodate you. Don't panic if a payment is delayed. You will get this money, but it will take a lot of patience and persistence, as well as a series of long phone calls.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) An authority figure is telling you one thing, but doing another. It's impossible to get ahead in circumstances like this. Meanwhile, your partner is pressuring you to make a move. Instead of trying to meet everyone's demands, make a strategic retreat. Go someplace quiet where you can think. It may be necessary to find a new job, where your work will be appreciated. You're tired of having projects cancelled at the last minute, and being denied credit for your contributions.