Friday, November 11, 2011

Петр Бобылев и Олег Панов "Они вместе" / Serbian Peter and Oleg Panov Bobylev, "They Are Together '

Uploaded by on Nov 10, 2011
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Авторы музыки/слов - Петр Бобылев/Олег Панов
Режиссеры - Олег Витвицкий Мл.
(с) 2011 Петр Бобылев

Poland - Protesters attack police on Polish independence day in Warsaw / Polska - policja atak Protestujący na Święta Niepodległości Polski w Warszawie

Published on Nov 11, 2011 by Dozens of protesters attacked police in Warsaw during Poland's independence day celebrations on Friday.

A spokesman for Warsaw police said 100 people were arrested, adding that many of them were anarchists from Germany.

The demonstration by far-right groups was countered by a peaceful march of some 300 left-wing protesters, who held anti-capitalist banners and chanted slogans.

The violence happened despite an earlier call for calm by President Bronislaw Komorowski.
Dziesiątki demonstrantów zaatakowała policję w Warszawie podczas obchodów niepodległości Polska dzień w piątek.

Rzecznik policji powiedział, że w Warszawie 100 osób zostało aresztowanych, dodając, że wielu z nich anarchiści z Niemiec.

Wykazania przez grupy skrajnie prawicowe, odpowiedzieli pokojowego marszu około 300 lewicowych demonstrantów, którzy posiadali antykapitalistycznej banery i skandowali hasła.

Przemocy Stało się to pomimo wezwanie do spokoju przez prezydenta Bronisława Komorowskiego.

Mujeres y Hombres y Visa Versa - Viernes 11/11/11 Programa 857 Rocío, pretendienta de José Luis tuvo un 'affaire' con Vicente

José Luis sigue desconfiando de Gina Ella ya no es pretendienta de él
Bronca entre David Morales y Gina David acusa a Gina de ser falsa. Tiene él derecho a atacar a Gina como este? ¿Puede realmente manipular a los hombres?
José Luis recibe la llamada de su hermano Uno de los momentos más emotivos. y se sienten mucho mejor después de la llamada telefónica
El pasado José Luis relata cómo fue su relación El tronista la descubrió con otra persona.
José Luis se intentó suicidar El amor de su vida le fue infiel ¿Qué hombre no ha tenido que esto ocurra a él y trató de suicidarse?
Gina le da todo su apoyo a José Luis La ex pretendienta pasó por algo similar. pero esto no rebaje David Morales en su ataque como un "manipulador de hombres" y si esto influyó en el rechazo final de José Luis de ella y Gina finalmente dice basta ya no es finalmente clara. Si se trata de su destino que estarían juntos en el futuro - Mira lo que pasó entre Elena y Fabián
Ana se derrumba No ha tenido una cita con José Luis. as lágrimas de los ojos de Ana trajo José Luis se puso de pie a su comodidad y le ayudó a olvidar sus problemas del pasado. Él le dijo a Ana que quería que se quedara para que pudiera llegar a conocerla mejor.
¡Confidencia! ¿Quiere María entrar en Gran Hermano? Según Miriam Sánchez, podría preferir el reality a 'Mujeres y hombres' el encuentro entre María y José Luis era un poco frío y su no parece haber ninguna chispa en su relación en esta cita.
Cita José Luis y Ligia (11/11/11)José Luis sigue desconfiando del divorcio de su pretendienta. Este tenía problemas era la señora de Rumania en el amor con el novio o no? ¿Por qué se canceló la boda? Creemos que tiene algo que ver con la documement legal "separación de vienes" bastante común en España. Ligia dijo que su pareja anterior era querer una reconciliación. José Luis pesar de sus dudas, le ha permitido permanecer en el programa para darle una segunda oportunidad.
Lo peor estaba por venir. El 'affaire' de Vicente. La pretendienta Rocio de José Luis se avergüenza de haber estado con el gancho. Rocío hizo realmente disfrutar de lavar su ropa sucia en público en la televisión?


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Girls' Generation 소녀시대 "The Boys" music video #18 on the YouTube 100

Uploaded by on Oct 18, 2011
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Selena Gomez & The Scene "Hit The Lights" (Lyric Video) #3 Youtube most viewed today

Published on Nov 9, 2011 by
"Hit The Lights" premieres on VEVO in the US on 11/16

Turkey - struggles to find Wenesday´s quake survivors / Türkiye - depremzedelere bulmak için mücadele

Published on Nov 11, 2011 by Turkish rescue workers say hopes are fading of finding any more survivors from Wednesday's earthquake in the eastern city of Van.

At least 30 people have been pulled alive from the rubble of a five-storey hotel, one of two apparently weakened by last month's massive tremor.

It is unclear how many people were originally inside at the time of the quake but officials say there is little if any sign of life.
Türk kurtarma ekipleri, umutlarını Çarşamba günü doğu kenti Van'da deprem daha kurtulanların bulma solmaya söylüyorlar.

En az 30 kişi, beş katlı bir otel moloz hayatta çektiği, iki görünüşe göre, geçen ayki büyük tremor zayıflamış.

Deprem ancak yetkililer anda aslında içinde çok az olduğunu söylüyor kaç kişi belli değildir, hayatın herhangi bir işaret.

USA - Google Acquires Internet Startup Apture

Uploaded by on Nov 10, 2011
Google's (NASDAQ:GOOG) latest acquisition involves a startup known as Apture, a company focused on producing instant access to information with in-page search technology. Google is adding the company to its Chrome team to most likely enhance its position in the internet browser market.

Apture calls itself "A Glossary for the Web" and features a way for users to highlight or double click a word and find loads on information on it. The features transform the flat web page into a 3D multimedia experience with the information jumping right off the page. Some of the company's customers include The New York Times and The Financial Times.

Financial details and the expected date of the close of the deal have not been disclosed.

Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) has potential upside of 22.2% based on a current price of $596.23 and an average consensus analyst price target of $728.57.

USA - professional negligence Standard & Poor's Mistakenly Announces Downgrade of France

Uploaded by on Nov 10, 2011
France's credit rating has not been changed. That's what ratings agency Standard & Poors said after they mistakenly announced to some clients that the country was downgraded from their AAA rating.

S&P said in a statement, "As a result of a technical error, a message was automatically disseminated today to some subscribers of S&P's Global Credit Portal suggesting that France's credit rating has been changed. This is not the case: the ratings on Republic of France remain 'AAA/A-1+' with a stable outlook and this incident is not related to any ratings surveillance activity. We are investigating the cause of error."

The bond spread between France's ten-year bond rates and Germany's hit new record highs during the eurozone debt crisis. Moody's has warned France that it is in danger of becoming downgraded.

President Nicolas Sarkozy's government has launched an austerity program and insist its finances are under control, vowing to balance its budget by 2016.

McGraw-Hill (NYSE:MHP) the parent company of Standard & Poors, has potential upside of 12.5% based on a current price of $42.22 and an average consensus analyst price target of $47.5.