Uploaded by reycholote on Jul 16, 2011
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Sunday, July 17, 2011
Albanian Mafia On Discovery Times 4/6 (featured in the film Taken - where it appears that Paris has a big problem with them)
and in the French thriller series "The Butcher of La Villette" shown on BBC earlier this year Spiral
Investigation on the ALBANIAN MAFIA IN KOSOVO. The Albanian Mafia in Europe
Sexual trafficking in KosovoTaken - Trailer 2 [30 January 2009] HQ
The new TAKEN (2008) Trailer. Release Date: 23 January 2009. MUSIC used in trailer : Ghinzu - The Dragster-Wave Starring : Liam Neeson, Maggie ...
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FBI against Albanian mafia in USA and Europe. Thursday, 14 July 2011 17:11 Displaced Somalis pour into Dadaab refugee camps - Worst drought in 60 years
15 Jul 2011 – Jonathan Glennie: If promises are kept, development finance is set to rise to $100bn. ... Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp is a haunting place ... Poor countries set to benefit from patent agreement on Aids drugs ...
Thousands of Somali refugees fleeing drought in their home country are continuing to pour into the Dadaab refugee camp in neighbouring Kenya.
People have lost their homes, their livestock and their livelihoods. Many are preparing to be at Dadaab for a long time to come.
Although Somalia is the worst affected by the drought in the Horn of Africa, some 12 million people across the region are also at risk.
Nazanine Moshiri reports from Dadaab in North East Kenya.
People have lost their homes, their livestock and their livelihoods. Many are preparing to be at Dadaab for a long time to come.
Although Somalia is the worst affected by the drought in the Horn of Africa, some 12 million people across the region are also at risk.
Nazanine Moshiri reports from Dadaab in North East Kenya.
Weekly Urdu Horoscope from 17 to 23 July 2011 - Part 1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini & Cancer
http://www.astrohope.com/ Weekly Urdu Horoscope by Aameer Mian from 17 to 23 July 2011 Part 1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini & Cancer
Australia yesterday aged 84 - Googie Withers dies - watch her "Convict 99" (1938 Movie)
16 Jul 2011 – Googie Withers, best known for appearing in Alfred Hitchcock's The Lady Vanishes and TV series Within These Walls, has died in Australia.
Convict 99
Uploaded by nologorecords on May 28, 2011
DVD: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002A6H70I/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=d...
Convict 99 is a 1938 British comedy film directed by Marcel Varnel and starring British comedian Will Hay and Googie Withers.
Incompetent Dr Benjamin Twist (Will Hay) is dismissed from his job as headmaster at St. Michaels' School (the school returns in a later film The Ghost of St. Michael's), and applies for a job in another school.
Unknowingly, Twist is confused at the Labour Exchange for John Benjamin, a strict prison governor recently arrived from Australia who is applying for the vacancy at Blakedown Prison in Devon. On the way to what Twist believes is the school, he becomes drunk, and on arrival is mistaken for Max Slessor a prisoner who had escaped during a jailbreak.
Designated Convict 99 and sentenced to seven years for forgery, Twist is soon discovered to be the new Prison Governor, and once put in his (dubilously) rightful place embarks on a programme to make the prison a more friendly place for the prisoners, funding it from the proceeds of a football pools win and stock market investments.
Things take a turn for the worse, when one of the prisoners absconds with the entire prison funds. Twist and some of the convicts head to Limehouse, in east London to catch the errant prisoner, recover the lost funds and successfully break into a bank in order to return the funds.
Cast Will Hay - Dr Benjamin Twist Moore Marriott - Jerry the Mole Graham Moffatt - Albert Googie Withers - Lottie "the Baroness" Peter Gawthorne - Sir Cyril Basil Radford - Deputy Governor Dennis Wyndham - Head Warder Wilfred Walter - Max Slessor Alf Goddard - Sykes Basil McGrail - Bates Kathleen Harrison - Mable Roddy McDowall - Jimmy Teddy Brown - Slim Charlie Bertha Belmore - Tiara Lady George Merritt - Patrolman Roy Emerton - John Benjamin
William Thomson "Will" Hay (6 December 1888 -- 18 April 1949) was an English comedian, actor, film director and amateur astronomer.
Hay was trained as an engineer and joined a firm of engineers but at the age of 21 he gave up that profession for the stage, starting in Manchester, as a juggler, self-taught after seeing W C Fields doing it in a film. Later, he took up acting. He had a relatively brief screen career: by the time he made his first film he was in his mid-40s and an established music hall artist, and his last role came less than a decade later. But between 1934 and 1943 he was a prolific and popular film comedian. He was credited on several films as a writer or co-ordinator, and was arguably the dominant "author" of all the films in which he appeared, in that they were built around his persona and depended on the character and routines he had developed over years on the stage.
He worked at the British film studios of Elstree, then Gainsborough, then Ealing; the Gainsborough period was the most consistently successful, particularly when he worked with the team of Marcel Varnel (director), Val Guest and Marriott Edgar (writers), and Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt (supporting cast) - as on the railway film Oh, Mr Porter! (1937), his most fondly remembered picture with its catchphrase, 'The next train's gone!', spoken by Marriott as the decrepit old deputy stationmaster. Hay decided to break up the partnership with Moffatt and Marriott and brought in Claude Hulbert as his side-kick for The Ghost of St. Michael's (1941). The Goose Steps Out for Ealing (1942) was an effective anti-Nazi piece of slapstick, and while he was never quite the same again without Moffatt and Marriott, My Learned Friend (1943) again with Hulbert, is considered a masterpiece of black comedy which some regard as his best.
Moore Marriott (14 September 1885 -- 11 December 1949) was a British character actor most notable for a series of films he made with Will Hay in the 1930s.
Graham Moffatt (6 December 1919 -- 2 July 1965) was a British character actor and comedian.
Googie Withers, CBE (born 12 March 1917) is an Indian-born British theatre, film and television actress who has long been a resident of Australia.
Convict 99 is a 1938 British comedy film directed by Marcel Varnel and starring British comedian Will Hay and Googie Withers.
Incompetent Dr Benjamin Twist (Will Hay) is dismissed from his job as headmaster at St. Michaels' School (the school returns in a later film The Ghost of St. Michael's), and applies for a job in another school.
Unknowingly, Twist is confused at the Labour Exchange for John Benjamin, a strict prison governor recently arrived from Australia who is applying for the vacancy at Blakedown Prison in Devon. On the way to what Twist believes is the school, he becomes drunk, and on arrival is mistaken for Max Slessor a prisoner who had escaped during a jailbreak.
Designated Convict 99 and sentenced to seven years for forgery, Twist is soon discovered to be the new Prison Governor, and once put in his (dubilously) rightful place embarks on a programme to make the prison a more friendly place for the prisoners, funding it from the proceeds of a football pools win and stock market investments.
Things take a turn for the worse, when one of the prisoners absconds with the entire prison funds. Twist and some of the convicts head to Limehouse, in east London to catch the errant prisoner, recover the lost funds and successfully break into a bank in order to return the funds.
Cast Will Hay - Dr Benjamin Twist Moore Marriott - Jerry the Mole Graham Moffatt - Albert Googie Withers - Lottie "the Baroness" Peter Gawthorne - Sir Cyril Basil Radford - Deputy Governor Dennis Wyndham - Head Warder Wilfred Walter - Max Slessor Alf Goddard - Sykes Basil McGrail - Bates Kathleen Harrison - Mable Roddy McDowall - Jimmy Teddy Brown - Slim Charlie Bertha Belmore - Tiara Lady George Merritt - Patrolman Roy Emerton - John Benjamin
William Thomson "Will" Hay (6 December 1888 -- 18 April 1949) was an English comedian, actor, film director and amateur astronomer.
Hay was trained as an engineer and joined a firm of engineers but at the age of 21 he gave up that profession for the stage, starting in Manchester, as a juggler, self-taught after seeing W C Fields doing it in a film. Later, he took up acting. He had a relatively brief screen career: by the time he made his first film he was in his mid-40s and an established music hall artist, and his last role came less than a decade later. But between 1934 and 1943 he was a prolific and popular film comedian. He was credited on several films as a writer or co-ordinator, and was arguably the dominant "author" of all the films in which he appeared, in that they were built around his persona and depended on the character and routines he had developed over years on the stage.
He worked at the British film studios of Elstree, then Gainsborough, then Ealing; the Gainsborough period was the most consistently successful, particularly when he worked with the team of Marcel Varnel (director), Val Guest and Marriott Edgar (writers), and Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt (supporting cast) - as on the railway film Oh, Mr Porter! (1937), his most fondly remembered picture with its catchphrase, 'The next train's gone!', spoken by Marriott as the decrepit old deputy stationmaster. Hay decided to break up the partnership with Moffatt and Marriott and brought in Claude Hulbert as his side-kick for The Ghost of St. Michael's (1941). The Goose Steps Out for Ealing (1942) was an effective anti-Nazi piece of slapstick, and while he was never quite the same again without Moffatt and Marriott, My Learned Friend (1943) again with Hulbert, is considered a masterpiece of black comedy which some regard as his best.
Moore Marriott (14 September 1885 -- 11 December 1949) was a British character actor most notable for a series of films he made with Will Hay in the 1930s.
Graham Moffatt (6 December 1919 -- 2 July 1965) was a British character actor and comedian.
Googie Withers, CBE (born 12 March 1917) is an Indian-born British theatre, film and television actress who has long been a resident of Australia.
Libra - Daily stars for today 17 July 2011 - www.shelleyvonstrunckel.com
Silence can be extremely unsettling or even, in certain circumstances, upsetting. It can even be used as a weapon. What you don't realise is that the silence about one particular situation which you regard as tactful, seems to others unfair, if not just plain cold. Difficult as discussing these matters are, you really must.
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not your star sign? then click here - www.shelleyvonstrunckel.com
Молчание может быть очень тревожным или даже, при определенных обстоятельствах, расстраивает. Он даже может быть использована в качестве оружия. То, что вы не понимаете, что молчание об одной конкретной ситуации, которые вы считаете тактичная, кажется, другие несправедливо, если не просто холодно. Как бы трудно обсуждать эти вопросы, вам действительно необходимо.
Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 17th July 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Encourage your best friend, business partner, or lover to develop their creative talent. Too often, our culture underplays the importance of expressing our imaginations. If you champion your friend's artistic ability, your relationship will become much stronger. It will also be easier to work together. That's because you will have changed the emphasis from responsibility to play. Life is too short to focus all of your energy on duty.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) The more practical skills you have, the more confident you feel. If you don't know how to cook, do repairs, or drive, take this opportunity to learn. There's no shame in admitting your ignorance. Actually, people will admire you for bettering yourself. Once you get a few basic accomplishments under your belt, your confidence will soar. Suddenly you'll start trying things that once were too intimidating to contemplate. It won't seem nearly so scary to experiment.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Your creative ability helps you communicate with a wide array of people. Somehow, you know how to get through to even the most stubborn audience members. Don't be surprised when an older, accomplished artisan singles you out for romantic attention. You feel an undeniable pull towards your admirer, even if you're something of an unorthodox couple. Together, you can find deep love and produce very impressive artwork.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Your sense of fairness helps you land a secure job. People can rely on you to do the right thing. You can't be swayed by bribes. Making unpopular decisions is never easy, but you will do so if it means creating a fair playing field. In the past, a certain institution was riddled with corruption. Now you're in charge, you have a chance to redeem it. Trust your instincts. When in doubt, model your behaviour after a wise relative you always admired.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Your warmth and generosity make a favourable impression on a local celebrity. Don't be surprised if your friend asks you to serve as their spokesperson or communications director. You have a knack for connecting with large groups. Looking for creative representation? This would be a great time to find an agent or manager. When in doubt, choose substance over style and make sure their track record is second to none.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Finances are improving, much to your relief. You're finally able to go out and have a good time with friends. You may even be able to take a loved one along on an amusing trip. The two of you will have fun exploring the sights and sampling restaurants. You may even go on a shopping spree. Ordinarily, you don't pamper yourself with such lavish expenditures. Right now you crave a little glamour. Go ahead and treat yourself; you're long overdue!
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Trust your instincts about a fun loving newcomer to your social circle. Lately, you've had difficulty letting go and relaxing. Your friend can show you the trick of having a good time, even when you have a lot of responsibility. Too often, you turn away invitations for the sake of work. This has got to stop. You also must learn to indulge your love of glamour. There's nothing wrong with wanting beautiful clothes and accessories.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Working behind the scenes lets you to draw closer to your career goals. Don't discuss your plans with anyone else. You can't afford to be discouraged at this juncture. Opportunities related to film, entertainment, and childcare are especially favoured. You might even try to write about these subjects. An authority figure is poised to help, provided you are willing to ask for it. There's nothing wrong with using personal contacts to get ahead.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Joining a business association will put you in contact with some important power players. As a general rule, you're not especially ambitious. You prefer having a good time with friends to climbing the ladder of success. Still, you've been blessed with considerable talent. Finding a channel for your gifts will be gratifying. Teaching, writing, travelling…you can get paid to do these things if you make the right contacts.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your air of authority is extremely alluring. People are drawn to your confident approach. If they knew how insecure you feel sometimes, they'd be shocked. If you're looking for love, you could find it with a glamorous intellectual. The two of you will have a great time discussing your favourite books, movies, and musicians. Are you already in a relationship? You'll make a big splash as a power couple and may even get your picture in the paper.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A chance to share your expertise gives your spirits a huge lift. You don't like drawing lots of attention to yourself, but it can be difficult when people don't realise just how knowledgeable you really are. Now you have the opportunity to teach an eager group of students, you feel appreciated. It also helps that one of your pupils has developed a crush on you. Of course, you're too ethical to take advantage of your position, but in time, you could become close.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Working as part of a team will be both spiritually and financially rewarding. It's relief to have the support of experts, especially when you're plunged into an unfamiliar atmosphere. Colleagues are impressed with your creativity. They'll rely on you to put artistic touches on dull and drab areas. Meanwhile, you can depend on them to attend the practical details of your projects. Keep up the good work and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
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