Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bahrain today - twitter

Realtime results for Bahrain

  1. Efb3036e-38dd-4fa7-8a52-502513054c0e_normal Krishaan13 RT @womenadvocates: Women UNREST in Gaza, Yemen, Swaziland, Bahrain, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Senegal, Libya, Honduras, Jordan, Saudi, Italy...
  2. 183780_202319013114136_100000081160780_775876_6604552_n_normal sayedali512 RT @sherif_azer: قبل ساعة و نصف جاء 40 شخص من الملثمون و قوات مكافحة الشغب باعتقال نبيل رجب رئيس مركز البحرين لحقوق الانسان من منزلة في بني جمرة #bahrain
  3. Default_profile_3_normal alaali7112 RT @FreeBahrainies: أنباء عن مداهمة منزل رئيس جمعية المعلمين مهدي ابو ديب #bahrain #Feb14
  4. 1_normal AntiKhorafat RT @Bah21Feb: لا توقف ولا تهاون الآن . نريد سماع خبر القبض على الدجال عيسى قاسم وباقي أعضاء مجلسهم العلمائي المشئوم. لقد دمروا البلاد بإفتراءاتهم #Bahrain
  5. 275839005_normal FAlfadhel #bahrain 2nd traitor: ‏​يادكتورة ندى : عندما أسقطكِ محمد المزعل وشلة ...
  6. 45973_normal twee_m Regarder cette vidéo -- Graphic amateur video: Protesters injured in Bahrain as troops open fire via @youtube
  7. Image_normal Ebrahim_M458 الخائن مهدي ابوديب الي مزبلة التاريخ قربيا انشاء الله #Bahrain #lulu
  8. Mat-black-lg_normal 3arabi7or الشرطة البحرينية تضرب سائق سيارة أعزل #bahrain #lulu #saudi #feb14 #qatif #BTV #KSA #SaudiArabia
  9. 002_normal Manuiza64 RT @Bh_activist: URGENT: @Nabeelrajab , president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights is arrested. #bahrain #amnesty #un #feb14 #lulu
  10. Tumblr_lh85wjjoii1qb2ahqo1_400_large_normal SusuAlMana @MehranAlighan exactly. It's Hell in Bahrain now.
  11. Lion_fire_by_88reset-d343o67_normal BRN_LION RT @m0om0z: Did You Know: If #lulu protesters were to direct their will on something worthwhile then #Bahrain would be a better place now. #Fact
  12. Kitty_normal Manderkat RT @weddady: RT @halmustafa: RT @rasid_arb preliminary arrest tally show 100 arrested in demos in #Qatif & Eastern province #Bahrain
  13. Hawaii_normal mauimaddness RT @M_BRN999: When Opposition took over SMC hospital,They didnt allow BTV in 4 live footage;However iranian media channels were CALLED in by them #Bahrain
  14. Mahmood_normal MahmoodAlRayash The footage that reveals the brutal truth about Bahrain's crackdown - Middle East, World - .. #bahrain #lulu #feb14
  15. 17feb_normal FroozyO Is this humanely justifiable? -- Face To Face Shooting in Bahrain- alwefaqtube via @youtube
  16. Inclogo_normal inciraq RT @eqanbar: #Iraq #Bahrain VIDEO الجلبي يحيي الشعب البحريني الشقيق الاعتصام لنصرة الشعب البحريني اليوم في ساحة الفردوس بغداد
  17. Yelling_normal HadiAlabdulhadi @Nabeelrajab كلنا نبيل رجب! #qatif #bahrain #lul #feb14 #saudi
  18. Dallas_skyline_normal DavidOlshansky RT @brianstelter: RT @AntDeRosa: Why is US backing force in Libya but not Bahrain, Yemen?
  19. Inclogo_normal inciraq RT @eqanbar: #Iraq #Bahrain VIDEOد.الجلبي تصريح اليوم والذي اقامته اللجنة الشعبية لاسناد الشعب البحريني في اعتصام ساحة الفردوس
  20. Hussn12_normal husashoor RT @albosta: RT @TheIndyNews #Bahrain and Yemen declare war on their protesters - Middle East, World - The Indep..

Japan today - Fukushima, Japan - twitter

Realtime results for Fukushima nuclear reactor japan

  1. Geoavatar_normal geehall1 RT @szpak: No 3 #Fukushima #nuclear #reactor, with #plutonium fuel, stabilised with water; progress on restoring power
  2. Kingfisher100_normal szpak No 3 #Fukushima #nuclear #reactor, with #plutonium fuel, stabilised with water; progress on restoring power
  3. Japanese-flag-640_normal japannewsupdate Electric power partially restored at Japan nuclear plant: ... the buildings at the Fukushima Daiichi plant,... #japan
  4. Japanese-flag-640_normal japannewsupdate A Day of Progress at Troubled Nuclear Plan: 3 reactor building of the stricken Fukushima Dai-1 Nuclear Power... #japan
  5. You2facetwitter_normal _you2face_ #7(France)today-Fukushima, Japan - Nuclear Reactor Explosion - March 12, 2011.flv #News #Politics
  6. Ohinasama_normal tsukiyominoasa
  7. You2facetwitter_normal _you2face_ #4(Sweden)today-Fukushima, Japan - Nuclear Reactor Explosion - March 12, 2011 #News #Politics
  8. Fon_normal FONnl RT @japannewsupdate: Japan's scientists mull 'Chernobyl solution': 3 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in... #japan
  9. Photo_normal Ravana9000 RT @ericstraatsma: Total information blackout; status of #Japan #Fukushima #nuclear #reactor #4, Ethan Huff:
  10. D1dab509-ab77-4154-9790-b868d8af9871_normal Ras_Menelik RT @ericstraatsma: Total information blackout; status of #Japan #Fukushima #nuclear #reactor #4, Ethan Huff:
  11. Speedo_normal henksijgers RT @ericstraatsma: Total information blackout; status of #Japan #Fukushima #nuclear #reactor #4, Ethan Huff:
  12. Image_normal LokiSullivan RT @ericstraatsma: Total information blackout; status of #Japan #Fukushima #nuclear #reactor #4, Ethan Huff:
  13. D9775d72-a0a1-4981-b8a2-40c85289180f_normal ElementalEscape RT @ericstraatsma: Total information blackout; status of #Japan #Fukushima #nuclear #reactor #4, Ethan Huff:
  14. Ericsmallprofilepic_normal ericstraatsma Total information blackout; status of #Japan #Fukushima #nuclear #reactor #4, Ethan Huff:
  15. 12_normal TiBer0use NEWS ADVISORY: Fire fighters end 13 hours of operation to shoot water to Fukushima nuclear reactor #japan
  16. Q2_normal Qpontevedra RT @Daiichisupport: CONFIRMED: Power is connected to the #Fukushima Daiichi No.1 Nuclear power plant. Reactor 2 first to be connected. #Japan
  17. Phoenix_capital_logo_normal phoenixcapgreen Japan crisis forces rethink of the nuclear option: The reactor meltdown at Fukushima has forced the energy indus...
  18. C55b7ee6-9fa3-4868-93cf-cbf92a69108b_normal 808armada #Firefighters end 13 hours of operation to shoot water at #Fukushima nuclear reactor#Japan Today
  19. Willemmiddelkoop_rtl_normal wmiddelkoop RT @japannewsupdate: Japan's scientists mull 'Chernobyl solution': 3 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in... #japan
  20. Japanese-flag-640_normal japannewsupdate Japan's scientists mull 'Chernobyl solution': 3 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in... #japan

Libya today - twitter what people are saying at midnight 19/20 March 2011 CET

Realtime results for libya

  1. 16955_243336287974_746277974_4116968_6174496_n_normal ElfYmnc RT @musmulapenguen: Libya'ya Demokrasi ve Özgürlük: Süper kahramanlarımızı yine zor bir görev beklemektedir ve olaylar gelişir... (Yılı:2011, Türü:Savaş/Macera)
  2. Tr_black_normal thethaireport Libya TV going out of it's way to show children at airports.
  3. Avatar90771_3_1__normal debianistt prancis v libya.. RT @Funny_Bits: War doesn't determine who's right - only who's left. ~~~ Bertrand Russell
  4. Rg2010-2_normal oliveoilguy Big strategic win for Libya? They got their computer to talk to their projector.
  5. Profesor_seppli_normal sebulorum But Libya does definitely not belong to Gadhafi ! RT @AP: Gadhafi tells Sarkozy in letter, "Libya is not yours. Libya is for the Libyans."
  6. Pea_normal theafricadude French willingness for action against Libya and German reluctance both policies for domestic consumption, not for Libyan's welfare.
  7. Syria-map-flag_normal March15Syria RT @maxneill: Hidden behind #Fukushima and #Libya bombing, governments in #Syria, #Bahrain, #Yemen #IvoryCoast etc crack down murderously on protests.
  8. Image_normal JostenKD U.S., allies strike Libya (via @cnn)...why???...we haven't even paid for the last 2 wars!!! WTF
  9. Libya_alhurra_tv_normal heyjude408 @kirannazish You're welcome. I guess you've heard Mohamed Nabbous who ran the Libya Alhurra livestream has been killed by G's forces?
  10. B13d5d21-b19e-4249-9e03-e427355434cc_normal lorian66 AnnCurry: NBCNews: "Senior defense official confirms..U.S. and British fired a total of 114 Tomahawk missiles at sites in Libya today."
  11. Image_normal EdubEsq RT @WolfBlitzerCNN: With daylight, US intelligence will have better assessment of how much damage 110+ cruise missiles did in #Libya
  12. Graphic_blue_eyes_2_normal slb196710 RT @BaghdadBrian: Hey @dropbox we are using your tools to make @alivein #Libya possible perhaps u want to sponsor us w a free account?
  13. Jordi_x_twitter_normal jorllompart International coalition launches strikes against Libya:
  14. Default_profile_6_normal ZaferMuratYasli libya'ya abd tarafından 63 milyn dolarlk füze atılmış.. acaba bu 63 milyn dolar afrikadki kaç yüzbin aç insanı doyururdu merak içersndeyim..
  15. Free_normal Ketelbay #Libya Update Human Life Value: thousand sacrificed for one of their choice. Bombs without qualms.
  16. Chairmanslime_normal DragonQuestWes RT @DailyGarriga: 77% oppose U.S. bombing #Libya. Is this Obama's idea of change??? Bush went to war with public support, Obama without.
  17. Flag-pins-bahrain-kuwait_normal FayezT @weddady With the Arab League sleeping and #Saudi forces protecting the King of #Bahrain,UN military intervention is underway to free #Libya
  18. P1050900d_normal Mazzatromon having a normal conversation about carpets and then BAM, ended up on how do i feel about the intervention in Libya??
  19. Pict0667_normal natamam RT @TC_Disisleri: Libya'daki gelişmeler hakkında basın açıklaması
  20. 066_normal calamitydursun 8 Yıl önce Irak, şimdi Libya. Tarih galiba gerçekten tekerrürden ibaret. //
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