Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Discussing religion or politics will get you in trouble. Right now, you should be building bridges with your colleagues and neighbours. Focusing on your similarities is a much wiser strategy. If you're intent on surrounding yourself with people who share your views, decide whether this will limit your appreciation of life. Widen your horizons. Reach out to someone who had a radically different upbringing from your own. Beware of overdoing it at the gym; treat your body gently.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A childish outburst throws a wrench into an intimate relationship. You're tired of putting all of your desires on the back burner while your partner pursues their dreams. If you're single, it may be because you lack the skills to merge with someone else. At some point, you have to let go of your own ways for the sake of meeting someone special halfway. Doing so will force you to relinquish some of your independence, but that can be a good thing.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Suppressed anger is coming between you and your family. You're tired of walking on eggshells around a relative who is spiralling out of control. Until everyone is willing to confront the problem honestly, it will continue to get worse. You may want to distance yourself from the group while all of this enabling is occurring. If you don't, you'll be implicated in the situation. You're too honest to look the other way at a disaster. Stick to your guns and don't back down.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A neighbour or friend will lash out at you, but are their angry words really meant for someone else. You're a convenient target because you're such a receptive, nurturing person. Be ready to defend yourself in a dignified, quiet manner. If you take action now they will back down and apologise. If there is anything in what they say, own up and apologise and then set some boundaries. You're able to take criticism, so long as it's delivered with kindness and compassion.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You're tired of watching people take advantage of others. Voicing your disapproval won't make a difference In fact; it will give you the reputation for being a nag. The best thing you can do is serve as a good example for others to follow. You may not realise it, but others really respect you. That's because you don't derive a sense of self worth from putting people down. You actually rejoice over friends' good fortune. No wonder you're so popular!
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It will be impossible to change someone's mind by bullying. The best strategy is to make your proposal in a friendly way and then leave them to make up their own mind. The less interested you seem in the outcome, the more likely things will go your way. Even if the tide turns against you, you'll be able to arrive at an inventive solution. That's one of the great things about being born with an analytical mind. You see possibilities where others see brick walls.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You're sick and tired of being pushed to the side while others command the spotlight. Unfortunately, your particular gifts aren't appreciated right now. You'll have to suffer in silence for the short term future. Find an outlet for your frustrations. A creative hobby or handicraft will be just what you need to burn off your excess energy and pass the time. Don't worry this period of obscurity won't last forever. Take this opportunity to improve and perfect your skills. You'll never get a better chance.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're experiencing a lot of peer pressure and don't appreciate being made to feel like an outsider. You're better off seeking friends who will support you unconditionally. Joining a volunteer organisation will put you in contact with people who share your values. Whether you're working on behalf of stray animals, the poor, or the environment, you're sure to make some good friends. It's even possible you'll find a lover along the way. Just keep your standards high.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) An aggressive official is rubbing you the wrong way. No matter what you do or say, this blowhard will find fault with it. You're starting to realise you'll never win their approval. Therefore, it's better to keep forging your own way, even if it's under a constant barrage of criticism. This isn't the best time to go on interviews or first dates. Your intelligence comes across as arrogance, but with a little patience and persistence, you'll find someone who appreciates your talent.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Trying to bring big changes to a bureaucratic institution will be an exercise in futility. The powers that be are intent on keeping things the way they are, mostly to preserve their jobs. In time, their short sightedness will catch up to them and they'll have to answer for all of their poor decisions. Meanwhile, keep a detailed record of everything you see and hear. That way, when the roof comes crashing down, you'll be able to hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Resist the urge to steer a friendship into romantic waters. Even if the two of you do feel a certain attraction for each other, the long term prospects for this union are weak. You'd be better off with someone who is somewhat of a mystery. If there's anything you can't stand, it's predictability. Already have a lover? Stop putting so much pressure on your amour to live up to some Hollywood ideal. Focus instead on what initially drew you together.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your ideas won't get a warm reception. A close friend wants you to refrain from making suggestions. You simply can't do it. Sitting idly by while the authorities carry out ill conceived plans goes against everything you believe. Still, no matter what you say or do, your warnings will fall on deaf ears. Later on you'll be remembered as the one who challenged the status quo. Continue to stand your ground, even at the risk of ridicule.