Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A friend or lover who has experienced similar problems helps you heal from an old wound. You’re tired of dwelling on the past. Achieving your career goals is only possible if you’re able to come to terms with the harm that was done to you. This doesn’t mean forgiving someone who abused you. It just means releasing their hold over your life. Instead of investing them with power, treat your tormentor like an insignificant slug. It will set you free.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Flattery will get you everywhere, especially where your best friend, lover, or business partner is concerned. By paying tribute to their unique talents, they’ll do their best to accommodate your needs. You’re not the most expressive person in the world, so when you give a compliment, it really means something. It’s possible they are planning further education to improve their qualifications. If so, offer your full support. Their advancement is sure to benefit you, especially on the material plane.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Work takes on a pleasant prospect, especially now the office spy has gone on holiday. At long last, you can get things done without fear of reprisal. A romance may spring up between two of your workmates, and you’ll be enlisted to keep the affair secret. This is just the sort of intrigue you enjoy. You’re the sort who needs to be steeped in the human element of work in order for it to feel rewarding.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) It’s virtually impossible to resist your sex appeal. An attentive lover is bending over backwards to win your approval. Playing hard to get will yield the best results. Although you hate causing anybody pain, it will do your relationship good to make your lover jump through hoops. In the past, you let lovers take you for granted. Forcing someone to treat you with the respect and adoration you deserve will set a good precedent. Keep your standards high and practice discernment at all times.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Your sentimental side is evident to everyone. There’s no point in covering up your tears of joy; let them flow freely. Go ahead and let relatives poke fun at you. After all, you’ve done the same when the situation was reversed. If you’re looking for work, you may want to launch a home based business. That way, you can operate in comfortable surroundings at your own pace. If there’s anything you hate, it’s a sterile office environment. You’re most productive when you can control the atmosphere.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) An intense flirtation gives you a sexy glow. It’s such pleasure to talk with someone who appreciates your cultural references and play on words. If you’re single, there’s no reason you shouldn’t steer this relationship into romantic waters. Still, take things slow. The courtship phase is so fleeting; you need to savour it. If you’re already in a relationship, keep things light. Your verbal sparring is a welcome release from the pressure you go through with your lover.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You long to be surrounded by beautiful, luxurious things. There’s nothing wrong with that, so long as you’re willing to devise ways to afford the things you love. If new items are too expensive for your budget, focus on refurbishing vintage items. You’re so artistic that it will be easy to find ways to restore shabby things to their original beauty. They will also give you the creative fulfilment you crave. An impressed relative will give you a lovely family heirloom.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It’s virtually impossible to get a certain someone out of your head. They seem to be everything you want in a partner: mystery, depth, and passion. Friends worry you’ve become obsessed, but fortunately, the object of your lust seems to return your feelings. If you’re already in a relationship, tread carefully. You can’t just hurt someone to satisfy an urge. If the love has truly gone out of your partnership, break up before embarking on a new romance or your new relationship will be doomed to fail.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Keep your feelings for someone special a secret. Confessing what is in your heart will only drive them away at this point. You need win their trust, and it won’t be easy. It’s possible the object of your affection was burned badly in love. Alternatively, they may be in a committed relationship which they are reluctant to leave. Patience is a virtue in circumstances like these. Look at this as a lesson in suppressing your impulses.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Spending more time with friends softens your outlook. Being a workaholic has always been a problem for you. By mixing with people who know you outside of the office, you’ll get a better perspective on what’s important. One of your loved ones is embarking on a dream project and needs your financial assistance. Helping this woman realise her dream will inspire you to pursue your own desires. Stop telling yourself it’s too late to write a book, learn to paint, or start a fashion line.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) People respond well to your authority, possibly because you understand what motivates each member of the team. You’re willing to adjust your approach to suit the individual. In the past, you had a boss who treated the whole staff like a bunch of robots. By refusing to fall prey to that kind of simplistic approach, you’ll bring out the best in everything. Looking for work? Apply to a government institution which offers lots of security. Regular pay should be your first priority.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A romantic attraction is developing between you and a foreigner. You’re enchanted by their exotic ways. Just make sure the two of you are compatible before moving in together or joining bank accounts. What begins as a charming difference of opinion could develop into a serious clash. You can’t be expected to abandon your principles for the sake of a relationship. Hold out for a partner who shares your values. It will be worth the wait.
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