Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It's time to take off the rose coloured glasses and take a cold, hard look at a family problem. If a relative is struggling with addiction, they need support and treatment. Stop bailing them out and making excuses for them. If they refuse to get help, cut them off until they go into recovery or your life will continue to be affected by their behaviour. Remember that children are being affected by this problem. You need to set a good example for them to follow.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You need to follow the rules if you're going to win the group's respect. Lately, you've insisted on doing things your own way, even while others have struggled within the confines of strict regulations. This is a good way to make enemies. Stop demanding special treatment and do as you are asked. Just because an authority figure gives you permission to do as you'd like doesn't mean you should take advantage of your position.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Curb your ambition, even if a golden opportunity is being dangled in front of you. The money you are being offered isn't worth the sacrifice involved. Right now, your family needs you. You won't be able to fulfil both your personal and professional responsibilities. Err on the side of the former. Don't worry about future career prospects. You'll get a good offer in a few months' time. Right now, you need to focus on your home life to the exclusion of all else.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Beware of falling under the spell of a charismatic character. They're not all they appear to be. You develop a great affection for others, and this can be an Achilles' heel. It's hard for you to recognise the weaknesses in people you love. If someone asks you to contribute money to a charitable cause, do a little research into the organisation. See where the funds really go. It's possible someone is using this organisation as a way to increase their personal wealth.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You're so sick of an oppressive situation that you're tempted to abandon it altogether. Don't make any hasty changes. It's better to make gradual alterations. If you burn your bridges, you'll soon regret it. A hidden enemy is poised to sully your good name. Maintain friendly relationships with former employers and colleagues. Enquire after the health of your friends and neighbours. Yes, these people will occasionally annoy you, but they will soon prove helpful.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) A friend or lover's erratic behaviour is concerning you. It's becoming increasingly difficult to realise your goals, thanks to their bad behaviour. Maybe it's time to put a little space between you. Going solo will help you shift your priorities. Instead of attending to the whims of a loved one, focus all of your energy on creating a home, writing a book, or pursuing your dream career. People might call you selfish, but the truth is you've made plenty of sacrifices.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Adopting a healthy routine will keep an illness at bay. Irregular hours have taken a toll on your nervous and digestive systems. Headaches, stomach pains, and skin problems will subside once you turn over a new leaf. Eat a diet that is mostly comprised of fresh fruit, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains. Get at least eight hours of sleep each night. Take some brisk exercise each day. You can no longer thrive on fast food and a sedentary lifestyle.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Sometimes it just isn't practical to get your own way. This is one of those times. You'll have to put your own needs on the back burner to cope with an emergency. A youngster will need extra attention and specialised instruction. Consequently, you'll have to scale back your work schedule and cancel a few social engagements. Try not to let your disappointment show. The important thing is to pave a way for their healthy development.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your changeable moods are causing distress for your nearest and dearest. A youngster is bewildered by your behaviour. Children in particular need stability above all else. Try laying the groundwork for a secure home life. Routines may not suit you, but they will reassure your loved ones so get some stability in your world by sticking to the decisions you make and not allowing yourself to get blown off course by random circumstances or situations.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It's hard to focus on a course of study as you're easily distracted. Isolating yourself in a quiet spot will be helpful, but mastering a complicated skill will take lots of time. Don't get discouraged if your initial attempts fail. Let an attentive friend or partner soothe your anxieties. Lashing out against your loved one will only compound your problems. You hate looking vulnerable to your nearest and dearest. Still, it's a good way to cultivate humility.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You're afraid to take a risk because it will affect you financially. At some point, you need to decide where your priorities lay. Just because you decide to take the secure path now doesn't mean you will always be destined to follow it. Protecting your family from deprivation is your first priority now. In time, you'll be in a better position to travel, study and write. Life is comprised of different seasons. Embrace the one you currently occupy.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Beware of being too outspoken because people aren't ready to hear the unvarnished truth. Keep your opinions to yourself. When life becomes too claustrophobic or oppressive, put down your feelings in a diary. Then you won't offend anyone. A source of income may suddenly dry up. Don't despair. You can find another way to make money, if you keep your options open. Selling your handiwork will help pay your bills while doing work you enjoy.