Wednesday, March 21, 2012

France - Police, Shooting Suspect Negotiate

Published on Mar 21, 2012 by
French police raided a home in Toulouse early this morning, searching for the gunman who shot dead seven people including three Jewish schoolchildren. (March 21)

Наталка Карпа "Дубай" музыкальное видео / Natalka Karpa "Dubai" music video

Uploaded by on Mar 21, 2012
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Авторы музыки/слов - Т.Гвоздь, Е.Карвацкий / О.Войцович, В.Морозенко
Режиссер - О.Войцович
(c) 2012 ФОП Карпа Н.С.

USA - Soldiers Get a Taste of Afghanistan Stateside at Fort Polk

Published on Mar 21, 2012 by
In mock-ups of Afghan villages, American soldiers at Louisiana Army base are getting ready for a mission vital to ending the US combat role in Afghanistan. The AP's Sagar Meghani visited Fort Polk to take a look. (March 21)

France - French Police Raid House in Toulouse at 3 am in Search for Gunman

Uploaded by on Mar 21, 2012
French police exchanged fire and were negotiating today with a gunman who claims connections to al-Qaida and is suspected of killing 3 Jewish schoolchildren, a rabbi and 3 paratroopers.