Tuesday, March 20, 2012

France - Thousands march in Paris in silence in memory of Toulouse attacks victims

Uploaded by on Mar 19, 2012
Thousands turned up to march to remember the four people killed at a Toulouse school and to support the Jewish community.

Monday, March 19, 2012

USA - Bernard Madoff Victim Trustee, Mets Settle for $162 Mil.

Published on Mar 19, 2012 by
The New York Mets owners agreed to pay up to $162 million in a settlement to Bernard Madoff's fraud victims, in a deal to recoup losses from fake profit payouts. (March 19)

France - Nicolas Sarkozy: 'anti-semitic motivation of Toulouse killings obvious'

Uploaded by on Mar 19, 2012
French President Nicolas Sarkozy says the gunman in the Toulouse school shooting, which killed four people, was driven by racism.

USA - Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney Slug It Out for Illinois

Published on Mar 19, 2012 by
The Presidential primary race for the republican nomination is halfway complete with front runners Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney in a cage match, trying to gather delegates and win the Illinois primary. (March 19)