Tuesday, September 16, 2014

16 septiembre 2014 - Ucrania ultimas noticias. Latest news from the Ukraine. Деятельность Путина в Украине

Rebel-held eastern Ukraine to get self-rule and amnesty 
Повстанцами восточной Украины, чтобы получить самоуправление и амнистию
Ukraine's parliament has passed a law giving "special status" to rebel-held areas in the east of the country. They will be given a certain amount of self-rule for three years, including the right to create their own police force, to appoint prosecutors and judges and manage their own economy. Kyiv also passed a second law granting amnesty to pro-Russian separatists including fighters and politicians. The special status will only apply to rebel-held areas which take up around a third of the Do… READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2014/09/16/ re...

Separatists' Pirate State Is Bound to Fail - The Moscow Times

British jihadi called John is the world's most wanted man. The Radicalisation Of British Muslims. Report by Afua Hirsh

The murder of David Haines by an I.S. militant with a London accent will renew the government's focus on people travelling from the UK to fight in the Syrian conflict.

But Sky News has been told by many Muslims that the government's new measures to prevent this happening are more likely to create radicalization than to prevent it.

Afua Hirsh has this special report.

Scottish Referendum: The Alistair Darling Interview Tonight that the mood in Scotland over the referendum has "turned sour."

Better Together campaign leader Alistair Darling tells Sky News Tonight that the mood in Scotland over the referendum has "turned sour." Full story: http://news.sky.com/story/1336332/ref...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Garry Kasparov's advice for taking on Putin

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An international coalition of 29 countries hold meeting in Paris France in response to the threat posed by Islamic State


  1. Bloomberg‎ - 5 hours ago

    Broad Coalition Vows to Back Fight Against Islamic State 

    1. Top diplomats vowed Monday to back the Iraqi government's fight against Islamic State but struggled to agree on concrete action, underscoring ...

Over 30 civilians massacred by ISIS in Til Hamis - Diha

1 day ago - TIL HAMIS (DİHA) - Inhuman gangs now calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) massacred over 30 civilians after suffering ...

The UK Will Not Be The Same After Scotland Vote. Sky's Political Editor Faisal Islam talks about Scottish referendum on September 18

Sky's Political Editor Faisal Islam says whatever the result of the Scottish referendum on September 18 the way Britain is run will change forever.
Your Horoscope

15 septiembre 2014 - Ucrania ultimas noticias. Latest news from the Ukraine. Деятельность Путина в Украине

Luhansk struggles after weeks of shelling 
Луганская борется после нескольких недель обстрела
14/9/2014 Luhansk in eastern Ukraine is a shattered city. Weeks of government shelling have destroyed the airport - the separatists themselves damaged the runways to prevent them being used by Ukrainian troops.

Ukrainian children singing "Ukraine Is Not Dead" / Shche ne vmerla Ukrayina / Ще не вмерла Україна at the Ukrainian Independence Concert held on September 14, 2014 at the Ukrainian Social Club in London, UK to raise money for humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Please help Ukraine in its fight for freedom and democracy. #UnitedForUkraine You can financially support humanitarian assistance to Ukraine here: http://www.clovekvtisni.cz/en/humanit...

Nobel Laureate Herta Müller: "Putin Makes Me Sick. Look What the Russians Doing to the Poor Ukrainians". VIDEO

Нобелевский лауреат Герта Мюллер: "То, что Путин и его силовики воюют против Украины, - это неслыханно! Они разрушают страну, которая не хочет в Советский Союз!". ВИДЕО россияне делают с бедных украинцев.". ВИДЕО
In a video of the panel discussion that took place at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebæk, Denmark, Herta Müller says:

"Look what the Russians are doing to the poor Ukrainians, how they are destabilising and infiltrating Ukraine, how they are destroying this country with their filthy propaganda and their dirty and hypocritical war. It's outrageous, and it's far worse than what we had in our dictatorships back then. It's a big problem. And how this makes me sick! I always imagine that I'm in their country, I used to live in one like it. I would be there, I would have risked as much as the Ukrainians, already for the third time, in order to live another way… And they are punished atrociously. Only because Putin can't accept that the Soviet Union is gone. We had it up to here with the Soviet Union! For decades they ruined our lives in all of Eastern Europe. Putin and his secret service should accept that we want no more of that."
Лауреат Нобелевской премии по литературе немецко-румынская писательница Герта Мюллер в резкой форме раскритиковала действия России на территории Украины и назвала российскую агрессию попыткой силового возрождения Советского Союза.
Как сообщает Цензор.НЕТ, отрывок интервью, в котором Мюллер высказала свою точку зрения по поводу российско-украинского конфликта появился в соцсетях. Писательница также отметила, что Россия пытается достичь своих целей с помощью "грязной пропаганды и грязной, лживой войны". Источник: http://censor.net.ua/v302677 Источник: http://censor.net.ua/v302677

Sunday, September 14, 2014

14 septiembre 2014 - Ucrania ultimas noticias. Latest news from the Ukraine. Деятельность Путина в Украине

Ukraine says Putin wants to restore the USSR 

Украина говорит Путин хочет возродить СССР

Fighting flared between pro-Russian rebels and government forces in Donestk as both sides traded fire near the government-held airport .Despite a ceasefire being in effect, continuous rocket fire could be heard overnight.This came as Ukraine's prime minister accused Russian president Vladimir Putin of trying to destroy Ukraine as an independent country and re-create the Soviet Union.Al Jazeera's Robin Forestier-Walker reports from Donetsk.
WHERE terrorists from the Donbas such huge BABKA TO BUY YOURSELF such an expensive military equipment?
You are my last love, my car, my car ... Congratulations, fearless riders iron horses, happy tanker!

Finally, in Russian propaganda media are real photos of the American army in the Ukraine). "RepidTraydent - 2014» https://www.facebook.com/theministryofdefence.ua/posts/767810289948145 ...
Defense Minister of Ukraine Valeriy Geletey of Ilovajskij events of Putin and his hybrid war against Ukraine, etc.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_6Zx_SbUl0#t=1022
Masha punishes Rusnė
Battalion "Sich" security guards

MoD Geletey: if the guarantors of the Budapest Memorandum will not help Ukraine. Ukraine will create weapons that could protect country from Russia

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Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba view from Naves Abd al Rahman 1 towards expansion by Al Hakam II

Andrius Aleksandravičius Curves | Valencia, Spain - Enjoy the day & be inspired by the latest Flickr

IS claims beheading of British aid worker David Haines, weeks after killing US hostages James Foley

Group releases video showing murder of David Haines, weeks after killing US hostages James Foley and Steven Sotloff.Al Jazeera's Sue Turton reports from northern Iraq.Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribeFollow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglishFind us on Facebook

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Social media & twitter abuse in politics - BBC News Yes I normally have it from Pro Russian tweeters!

13/9/2014 The advent of social media has meant that almost anyone can vent their anger whenever they like on the web about anyone or anything. In a Daily Politics film, Giles Dilnot talked to journalists David Aaronovitch and Kelvin MacKenzie about the bile that spills out over Twitter and Facebook, and the hurt it can cause others.

13 septiembre 2014 - Ucrania ultimas noticias. Latest news from the Ukraine. Деятельность Путина в Украине

Second Russian aid convoy enters Ukraine without permission from Kyiv 
Второй конвой помощь России входит Украину без разрешения Киева
A convoy of Russian aid trucks bound for the separatist held city of Luhansk in east Ukraine have crossed the border into the country.
About 200 militants with armored vehicles trying to break to Vasilevka

Somehow strange looks 'humanitarian aid'. (Photo of a rashatudeyschika, if that)

The government has allocated the first 100 million USD for the project "Wall"

Hot as Sun - When We Fell by LastGangRecords

Hot as Sun - When We Fell by LastGangRecords
 Starring Jeremy Allen White & Emma Greenwell
Directed by Jamie Wollrab
Director of Photography Ross Riege
Produced by Kathleen Heffernan & Hot As Sun
Assistant Producer Naveen Chaubal

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Iraq Peshmerga, Sunni group cut out Shia pact. Now, the Badr brigade, an Iranian-backed Shia group, has broken this pact,

At one point, Shia, Sunni and Peshmerga militias fought together in northern Iraq to remove Islamic State presence in the area. Now, the Badr brigade, an Iranian-backed Shia group, has broken this pact, and is being accused of carrying out revenge attacks against Sunni villagers harbouring IS fighters. Al Jazeera's Sue Turton reports from Yangija.Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribeFollow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglishFind us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aljazeeraCheck our website http://www.aljazeera.com/
IS : How did the group come about? 12/9/2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

12 septiembre 2014 - Ucrania ultimas noticias. Latest news from the Ukraine. Деятельность Путина в Украине

Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels exchange prisoners of war 
Украина и пророссийские повстанцы обменяться военнопленными
 Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian rebels have exchanged dozens of prisoners of war (PoW). The swap took place on a highway close to the separatist stronghold of Donetsk. Two buses, one carrying Ukraine's PoWs and another separatists', arrived at a spot several kilometres north of Donetsk where OSCE (Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe) observers were waiting for them. "We are glad to return to our homes, families finally, after the deal was reached. Though we are st… READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2014/09/12/uk...

Игорь Гиркин найден повешенным в центре Ростова

Igor Streklov found hanged in Center of Rostov

South African Judge Judge Masipa delivers the Pistorius verdicts

Judge Masipa has Oscar Pistorius stand up as she reads her verdicts.

The Cliffhanger Verdict in Oscar Pistorius Trial

Paralympian was cleared of murdering his girlfriend, but still faces other charges that could put him away for decades.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Obama leads tributes at 9/11 commemoration - 9/11 Commemoration Begins With Bell Toll (second video)

Remembrance ceremonies have been held across the United States to commemorate the victims of al Qaeda's attacks on the country this day thirteen years ago