Monday, March 28, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Monday 28th March 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Beware of biting off more than you can chew. Even if you have tremendous energy, there is a limit to what you can do now. Don't volunteer for a big job. You already have too much on your plate. Your boss will complain about your lack of initiative, but that's only a ploy to get you to do more for less. If there's a staffing shortage, the powers that be must hire more people. You can't be expected to do all the work.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You won't get much cooperation from a big bureaucracy. In fact, you'll have to do everything in your power to keep them from undermining your progress. No matter how many times you file paperwork, you'll be asked to do it again. Make lots of copies of every form you complete and keep a note of where and when you send everything. Lack of work is making you worried. Learn to use your free time constructively. Find an outlet for your creative talent.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Friends aren't particularly supportive, which is really hurtful. You've always made it a habit to encourage loved ones to follow the dreams. The fact they cannot return the favour is upsetting. Still, you can't let this be the reason for giving up on a plan, no matter how elusive it seems. If you want to write a book, you've got to make time for it. Set aside time every day to scribble down a few paragraphs. If you don't, you'll always live with regret.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Organising a big group of people will be like trying to herd cats. Nobody is listening and everyone is intent on doing their own thing. Instead of banging your head against the wall, make a strategic retreat. An older relative will disapprove of your behaviour, but they don't understand the challenges you face. You're dealing with a whole different generation of people who don't feel any obligation towards institutions. You'd be wise to keep that in mind.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Not everyone is as tolerant as you. Although you have deep respect for other people's beliefs, they don't have the same consideration for you. The next time somebody tries to convert you or give you a lecture, put your foot down. Establishing a firm boundary will help you focus on matters that give you hope and inspiration, like art, music and science. You may have to wait a wee while longer to join a group or society that interests you.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Beware of letting your sensual side spiral out of control. You long to spend all day eating, sleeping and making love, but that's just not possible right now. You're running short of money and need to find new sources of income. A lover or youngster is clamouring for expensive gifts and you feel pressured to buy them. Take a few steps back from the situation and try to see it objectively. Your relationship should not be contingent on whether or not you can provide expensive baubles.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) The more you bend over backwards for a friend, lover, or business partner, the less they'll appreciate it. Put yourself first for a change. You'll notice a dramatic change in their attitude. You're such a generous, reliable person that others take you for granted. No wonder you are so resentful. As a youngster, an imposing adult made you feel like you had to earn their approval. This caused you to become a people pleaser. It's time to nip this in the bud.
"Yo se perfectamente que después de esta carta tu no tendría ganas de comunicar conmigo pero espero que encontramos otro camino."  Dulcinea del Toboso
23 enero 2008
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Overindulging in food and drink will take a serious toll on your health. Practice moderation, especially if you're dealing with powerful people. Making a good impression is critical to your success. This will be impossible if you are bloated or hung over. A job that was promised to you will fall through. A secret rival conspired to take this work away from you. In the future, don't talk about your prospects with casual acquaintances.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You fail to see the danger in risky behaviour. If you don't take safety precautions, some serious damage will occur. Wear protective equipment when you play sports or work with sharp tools. Don't speed or run red lights and above all, resist the temptation to jump into bed with an attractive person you barely know. Small decisions have big consequences. Exercise caution, just this once. If you don't, an obnoxious friend will never cease saying 'I told you so.'
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You want nothing more than to spend time with family, but personal obligations are getting in the way. Your boss is tightening the screws, forcing you to spend long hours at the office. Getting away for a youngster's recital or game will be practically impossible. This is not a good time to put down a deposit on a house or sign a lease. You'll end up spending much more money than is necessary. Hold out for a better deal with fewer restrictions.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It's impossible to contain your anger at someone who has been spreading lies. Confronting this troublemaker will be akin to tossing a grenade into an auditorium. All sorts of fallout will occur, but at least everyone will hear the truth. Arguments over a legacy will cause some big headaches. People will be so intent on fighting over scraps they will lose sight of the big picture. Just walk away and make your own fortune. At least you'll have done it by yourself.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A lot of peer pressure is being exerted on you. Friends are urging you to do something that goes against your principles. Stick to your guns. Giving in to temptation will be serious cause for regret. You may have to walk away from a good job or lucrative contract, but it's a small price to pay for retaining your dignity. Besides, other jobs will come along, but you only have one reputation. Be sure to pamper yourself in the days after your decision.

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