Saturday, July 3, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 3 July 2010


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You need to be more conscientious with your nearest and dearest. Irresponsible behaviour is causing your loved ones time, aggravation, and money. It's time to set aside your childish ways and assume more responsibility. If that means taking a second job, contributing more money to household finances, or breaking a bad habit, so be it. Taking the initiative will cause your star to rise. Apply for work or get medical attention. The sooner you act, the stronger your relationships will be.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) Don't insist on working while everyone else is intent on having fun. A disapproving attitude will spoil a perfectly good time. You need to reflect on why you're so irritated by a loved one's light hearted attitude. Maybe it's because you have been depriving yourself of pleasure. Stop acting like a martyr. If you have too much on your plate, redistribute your duties among relatives and roommates. Let some jobs fall by the wayside. Make more time for the people and activities you love.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) Fear of the unknown is preventing you from making an important change. You need to break away from a stifling relationship. Someone who has been telling you what to do and think has prevented you from fulfilling your potential. Throw caution to the wind and do something really daring. Find a course on an impractical subject. Move to a neighbourhood that is entirely different from the one you are used to. Make time for people who challenge your ideas about life.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) It will be difficult to get the training or assistance you need. The course may be full or a teacher could be sick. Instead of focusing on your disappointment, make a different plan. An unexpected career opportunity will fall in your lap. Taking this position will require you to work overseas. Although it pains you to move away from friends and family, this would be a wonderful change. You'll be able to develop your leadership skills while seeing the world.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) The financial security you crave is beyond your reach right now. Don't worry; you will be able to build a nest egg later on. At the moment you have to spend money to make money. Taking a gamble will pay off handsomely, but it may take years to see a profit. Meanwhile, abandon yourself to a passionate romance. A trim athlete can't keep their hands off you. This affair is so exciting that it may cause you to forget your responsibilities. Who cares? You're having fun!


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Don't let an inferiority complex get in the way of applying for an important job. You're the most capable person in your organisation. By taking the weekend to spruce up your CV and gathering your work samples, you can grab the top spot. Enlist the aid of a cosmopolitan friend who knows how to make a good impression. With their help, you can create a work profile that will bring would be employers to your door.


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You won't be able to get the solitude you crave. Well meaning friends, neighbours and relatives have a way of dropping in at the most inopportune moments. The best bet may be to give in gracefully to their demands for your company. A romantic partner or best friend may have a special surprise for you. Although you're uncomfortable accepting lavish gifts, this tribute may be the exception to the rule. You can't bring yourself to pass up a pair of concert or movie tickets!


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) If there is a dreaded chore ahead, you need to avoid a pessimistic pal like the plague or they'll plant all sorts of anxious fears in your head you wouldn't usually entertain. Hitting the gym will keep anxiety at bay. It's amazing how brisk activity can take your mind off problems. A mechanical breakdown may force you to cancel a trip or take in an appliance for repairs. Try not to panic. This last minute change of plans will result in a creative breakthrough.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Try not to take a dictatorial attitude towards your family. Instead of giving a disorganised relative an important job, tackle the task yourself. That way, you won't be setting anyone up for failure. Don't worry, you will find some work more suited to their particular talents. They'll be happy to contribute in a positive and helpful but non-interfering way. Someone may be taking a very judgmental attitude towards your living arrangements.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It's important to see the forest for the trees, especially when it comes to an ethical matter. Instead of following the letter of the law, bend the rules to accommodate the needs of the group. Your approach may be unorthodox, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Your family will appreciate your efforts to accommodate them, and will shield you from punishment. Resist the temptation to use your charms to influence a money matter or your reputation will suffer.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You need to work on your relationship skills if you're ever going to enjoy true intimacy. Sharing your resources with another is a matter of developing healthy habits and open communication. You and a partner will have differing attitudes about work, sex and money, but that's part of the excitement. By striking a balance, the two of you can move mountains. A last minute deal on technical equipment allows you to afford a high end computer, mobile phone or PDA.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A partnership feels very restrictive, but resist the urge to bolt; the best things in life require an element of sacrifice. You may have to double your workload while a friend, lover or roommate moves on somewhere new. Alternatively, you might feel compelled to break a bad habit for the sake of your union. Whatever you decide, it's important to remember your progress will be gradual. Be patient and keep your eyes on the prize. A lucrative job is just around the corner.

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