Friday, November 18, 2011

Romania - mayor fined over 'Roma wall' in Baia Mare / România - primar amendaţi cu peste "zid de romi" din Baia Mare

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by Anti-discrimination officials have fined the mayor of a northern Romanian town for building a wall between a Roma neighbourhood and a main road.

They have ordered that the wall in Baia Mare be torn down. Many of those living behind it say authorities are trying to hide their appalling living conditions and abject poverty.
Anti-discriminare oficiali au amendat pe primarul unui oraş din nordul român pentru construirea unui zid între un cartier de romi şi un drum principal.

Ei au ordonat ca peretele de la Baia Mare să fie dărâmată. Mulţi dintre cei care locuiesc in spatele ei spun autorităţile încearcă să ascundă lor condiţiile execrabile de viaţă şi de sărăcie.

France - scare over 'carcinogenic' baby bottles / effrayer les plus «cancérogène» biberons

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by France is investigating reports that bottles and teats used in hospital maternity units have been sterilised with a carcinogenic gas.

All such baby feeding items, treated with ethylene oxide, are being withdrawn. Experts differ over the potential risks but health officials want to take no chances.
La France est d'examiner les rapports que les biberons et les tétines utilisées dans les unités de maternité de l'hôpital ont été stérilisés par un gaz cancérigène.

Tous ces articles d'alimentation pour bébés, traités à l'oxyde d'éthylène, sont retirés. Les experts divergent sur les risques potentiels, mais les autorités sanitaires veulent prendre aucun risque.

Spain - 15-M Toma del congreso del régimen español por los estudiantes

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
171111 A @sextanoticias no parece gustarles estas acciones ;)

Estudiantes toman el congreso del régimen español
Carga en el Congreso del régimen del reino de España, 17N 2011

Noticias sobre los indignados

La Estrella Digital
  1. Los indignados la liarán en Sol
    La Vanguardia (blog) - hace 13 minutos
    Indignados Sol. Llegó el día D, hora H para los indignados y el 15-M. Sábado noche, lugar de la cita: la Plaza del Sol. Los indignados tienen ante sí la ...
    156 artículos relacionados

Europe - Jean-Claude Junker lashes out at UK over euro advice "British budget deficit is twice as high as the average in the eurozone"

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by There was further evidence of tensions between eurozone and non-eurozone countries from Jean-Claude Junker, who heads the single currency's group of finance ministers.

He said the UK was in no position to lecture eurozone members, given the state of its own finances.

"I believe that the British have the right to point out what we have to do. But I would also like to point out to the British -- I must point out to them -- that the British budget deficit is twice as high as the average in the eurozone," he said.

Europe - Monti gets green light in Italian parliament & Merkel, Cameron stress friendship amid differences

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by The green light has been given for Mario Monti to get down to work.

The Italian lower house of parliament has passed a confidence vote in the new technocrat prime minister and his team of non-elected business experts.

One of the ministers is the boss of a major bank, but Monti has not shied away from criticising the financial markets.
Il via libera è stato dato per Mario Monti per arrivare al lavoro.

La casa italiana più bassa del parlamento ha superato un voto di fiducia nel nuovo ministro tecnocrate primo e il suo team di non eletti esperti di business.

Uno dei ministri è il capo di una grande banca, ma Monti non ha evitato di criticare i mercati finanziari.

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron tried their best to hide their differences on how to solve the euro zone crisis after talks in Berlin on Friday.

Both leaders sent out mixed signals on the best solutions to Europe's economic woes, admitting they disagree on what role EU institutions should play in saving the single currency and whether to introduce a new tax on financial transactions.
Deutsch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und der britische Premierminister David Cameron versucht ihr Bestes, um ihre Differenzen darüber, wie der Euro-Zone Krise nach den Gesprächen am Freitag in Berlin zu lösen verstecken.

Beide Politiker verschickt gemischte Signale auf die besten Lösungen zu wirtschaftlichen Problemen in Europa, zuzugeben, sie streiten darüber, welche Rolle die EU-Institutionen bei der Rettung der gemeinsamen Währung zu spielen und ob eine neue Steuer auf Finanztransaktionen einzuführen.

Syria - to allow Arab League observers 'in principle' / سوريا -- السماح لمراقبين جامعة الدول العربية "من حيث المبدأ"

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by Syria has accepted in principle an Arab League plan to send observers to help end the bloodshed, according to British media reports on Friday.

Several newspapers quoted Syrian diplomats as saying that they had accepted a deal with conditions: Damascus wants further clarification of the observers' legal status.

The United Nations say more than 3,500 people have died in the eight-month uprising against President Bashar Assad's rule.

Protests were held again on Friday. Activists said at least eleven people were killed.
وقد قبلت سوريا في المبدأ على خطة الجامعة العربية لإرسال مراقبين للمساعدة في انهاء اراقة الدماء، وفقا لتقارير وسائل الاعلام البريطانية يوم الجمعة.

ونقلت صحف عدة دبلوماسيين سوريين قولهم انهم قبلوا وقفا لتعامل مع الظروف : دمشق تريد مزيدا من التوضيح لوضع المراقبين القانونية.

الأمم المتحدة ان اكثر من 3500 شخص قتلوا في الانتفاضة منذ ثمانية اشهر ضد حكم الرئيس بشار الأسد.

ونظمت احتجاجات مرة اخرى يوم الجمعة. وقال نشطاء على الاقل قتلوا احد عشر شخصا.

Даша Суворова - Музыка, которую будут слушать завтра / Dasha Suvorov - music that will listen tomorrow

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
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Inbox - SCAM ALERT "Update Your Account To Avoid It Closed !!!" Phishing attempt by someone pretending to be Yahoo

----- Original message -----
De: Yahoo! Inc ©
Enviado: viernes 18 de noviembre de 2011 15:14
Asunto: Update Your Account To Avoid It Closed !!!

Dear User,

We are sorry to inform you that we are currently working on securing our server, during this process account which is not manually verified by us will be deleted, Please confirm and submit your information for manual verification by one of our customer care.

Do not complete this as it is a phishing / Identity theft attempt. Yahoo puts it in spam and that says it all
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Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his/her account after two weeks of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently.