Sunday, March 18, 2012

India - Italian tourists 'abducted by Maoist rebels' in the state of Orissa in the east

Published on Mar 18, 2012 by Two Italian tourists have reportedly been kidnapped by Maoist rebels in India. TV reports say they were taken in the state of Orissa in the east of the country.

The group holding them said their safety would depend on how the state goverment responded to the Maoists' demands submitted last year.

The area around Kandhamal is inhabited by vulnerable tribes. The state government had recently sought to restrict access to tourist groups by making them obtain advance permission.

The men are said to have been taking photos of Indian women bathing in a river.

Maoist rebels have been active in the region for more than 40 years. They claim to defend minority rights.

Serbia - Belgrade demo to support Serbs in Kosovo

Published on Mar 18, 2012 by Several hundred ultra-nationalist Serbs rallied in Belgrade to give support to ethnic Serbs living in Kosovo.

The march was on the eighth anniversary of attacks in the north of Kosovo, when nine Serbs were killed and properties burned down.

In 2008 Kosovo broke away from Belgrade, which does not recognise its independence.

Egypt - Christians and Muslims grieve for Pope Shenouda

Published on Mar 18, 2012 by Coptic Christians in Egypt are mourning the death of their patriarch, Pope Shenouda III.

The 88-year-old spent 40 years leading Egypt's christian minority.

Many people gathered at Cairo's Abbaseya Cathedral hoping to see the body.

During his time in charge, Shenouda was also popular with Muslims and seen as a symbol of religious harmony.

"I would like to say that, Muslims included, we all love each other and this was what he used to speak about. When he spoke, he didn't only speak of and for Christians but for all the Egyptian people and it wasn't just talk; this is what he planted and harvested. All Egyptians are mourning his death, it's a very difficult situation," one man said choking back tears.

Mourners flocked to Egypt's main Coptic church after hearing of Shenouda's death.

His passing comes at a time when many of the country's 10 million Christians feel vulnerable due to rising tension with Muslims and the resurgence of Islamic-based politics since the uprising last year.

Despite this, a statement on the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party website expresses its condolences.

Shenouda's funeral will be held on Tuesday. In the meantime, his body will be on display in the cathedral.

USA - Suspected Solider Had Legal, Financial Problems

Published on Mar 17, 2012 by
The soldier suspected of killing 16 Afghan civilians had run ins with the law and potential financial problems, too. (March 17)