Sunday, July 10, 2011

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 9th July 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It’s hard to separate your personal and professional lives. Work tends to be more satisfying these days, so it’s frustrating to go home. Relatives and roommates don’t give you the same respect colleagues do. This makes you short tempered. Unfortunately, your bad attitude is driving a wedge between you and loved ones. Take a gentler attitude, and remember you’re just one of a team on the domestic front. Expecting special treatment is making you miserable.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Your attitude toward ethics is rather conservative. Some think you’re dreadfully old fashioned. That’s nothing to be ashamed of, so long as you don’t lord your beliefs over others. Just because you have certain standards doesn’t mean everybody else should. The more open minded you are, the easier it is to form friendships. Your love life will improve too. Nobody wants to share their world with an impatient, intolerant know it all so get down off your high horse
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’re tired of living from pay day to pay day. Keeping money in the bank will be a struggle, but it is worth the effort. Saving is like a habit; the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Begin by putting a set amount of your income into an interest bearing account. Eventually, you won’t notice you’re not spending everything every week. It may be necessary to cut back on luxuries now, but that’s temporary and you’ll soon find things ease when you have your own little nest egg
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You’ve never been a fan of change. Still, if you don’t move with the times, your relationships will suffer. This is especially true when it comes to romance. If you’re not willing to explore some new possibilities you could drive your lover away. Single? Maybe you must relax your relationship standards a little. Instead of looking for someone who is going to make your life perfect, seek a pleasant companion. It takes time for love to develop.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Work feels limiting right now. You’re tired of the same old routine work day after day. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like your situation will change any time soon. Therefore, you have to find fulfilment outside the office. Taking a short trip with friends will be stimulating. You’ll have fun shopping in a nearby town. You might even find some collectible books, music, or artwork. Snap these items up while you can; you’ll be able to sell them at a sizable profit later.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It feels like you don’t have any time for something as frivolous as creativity. If you don’t make time for artistic pursuits, you’ll feel stalled at work and home, too. You’ve been blessed with a vivid imagination. If you don’t channel it in a rewarding direction, life becomes difficult. Reassess your priorities. Responsibility is important, but you shouldn’t fulfil obligations at the expense of your own happiness. Factor in a little time for yourself, even if it’s just an hour or two.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) If you’re having work done on your house, stop micromanaging everybody. It’s fine to occasionally check in, but breathing down their necks will only get on their nerves. If you’re coping with a rebellious child, try to see things from their point of view. If they’re feeling fed up and bored and can’t wait for the holidays you should put your thinking cap on and find things for them to do. Maybe they only need more of your time and attention. You can manage that. Can’t you?
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your secretive behaviour is getting in the way of a relationship. While it’s true you were hurt in the past, that shouldn’t stop you getting closer to someone who is worthy of your love and affection. Let down your defences, a little at a time. Eventually, you’ll see that your vulnerabilities won’t be used against you. In fact, they’ll help you enjoy a level of intimacy you never thought possible. This isn’t a good week to deal with big, bureaucratic institutions.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Generally you don’t give much thought to money. Right now you have a little extra cash. The temptation to hoard it is strong, but goes against your generous nature. The best way to deal with this dilemma is to divide it into three. Use part of it for life’s little luxuries, save some for a rainy day, and do something wise and good with the rest. Taking a balanced approach to cash brings contentment. Don’t let a stuffy friend stop you taking a risk.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Take care not to rain on a loved one’s parade. Your best friend, lover, or business partner has some exciting plans. Although they may not meet with your idea of fun, that’s no reason to pour scorn on them. Offer as much encouragement and support as you can muster. You may be surprised to discover that everything pans out beautifully. Your boss is cracking down hard. Beware of sending private emails or making personal calls on company time.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Listening to your inner critic will only hold you back from happiness. You’ve got to stop telling yourself you’re not good enough or smart enough for certain types of work. Fill out as many applications as you can and see what happens. If your health is becoming an issue, take small steps to improve things. Take a 15 minute walk each day, cut out sweet or fatty foods. Reduce the serving size of one meal. Slow and steady wins the race, especially when it comes to fitness.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Friends won’t be available to hang out and have a good time. You’ll have to entertain yourself. Fortunately, you’ve always welcomed solitude. This is a great opportunity to catch up on your reading, rent a few movies, and experiment with new recipes. If you think there is trouble brewing between you and an old friend, extend an olive branch. It may take a few days before they respond, but you can resolve this issue, provided you bring it out in the open.

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 10th July 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Recently, you've been anxious to make lots of changes. Now you are starting to see the results of all these alterations, you're not so sure you want to go through such a radical transformation. Adopt a 'wait and see' attitude towards a certain plan you haven't yet launched. You need a chance to adapt to your new situation. If, in a few months, you're still intent on making further changes, you can go ahead and break more ground. For now, take time to catch your breath.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Eccentricities will die down for a while, allowing you to rejoin the mainstream for a brief period. You'll never be a diehard traditionalist again, but you will become more comfortable with the status quo. This is a good opportunity to get help for a deep seated problem that has been interfering with your private life. If you're not aware of any such compulsions, you may decide to seek guidance for a stubborn phobia. Your subconscious is a powerful tool for healing.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Group endeavours will seem less important now, when you're able to strike out on your own. Once you're able to act as your own advocate, you will realise how much you sublimated your identity for the sake of an organisation. This will be a valuable lesson. There is definitely strength in numbers, but you can never sacrifice your beliefs for the sake of fitting in. A friend who has been behaving erratically will finally find peace, which makes your life easier, too.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) An oppressive authority figure will lose its influence over you, which comes as a huge relief. Your boss might go away on sick leave, or you might be reassigned to a different office. A public official could step down, or you will be assigned another caseworker. Whatever the change, it will give you a chance to be more independent. You might even decide to open a company and become your own boss, or run against the person who once made your life miserable.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You will feel more focused about your direction in life. Recently, you felt as if you had too many choices. Now you're starting to divine a path, based on your dreams and convictions. Before, you thought you had to make a dramatic overhaul. Now you realise just a few small adjustments are all that is necessary to find happiness. These can include learning how to use machinery or cutting edge technologies. In this economy, knowledge is power.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Your love life won't be as dynamic as it was, and that's probably a good thing. It will be a relief to let your sheets cool off for a while, at least for the next few months. Someone who has captivated your imagination will start losing your influence over you. Uncertainties about your financial situation will evaporate, and you'll be able to create some long term security for yourself. Put away as much money as you can into savings, so you can remain independent.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) An intimate relationship starts to settle down, giving you much needed breathing room. You'll be able to set the terms for this union a little bit more, instead of following your partner's lead all the time. If you're single, you won't be as picky about dating as you have been in the past. You'll be more open to dating people who are a lot different from you. It will also be easier to overlook your admirers' eccentricities.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) The course of your daily life is about to become a lot calmer. You won't have to change course with very little notice. Take this opportunity to attend to your health. Establishing some therapeutic routines will be very soothing. Schedule a weekly massage, go for a walk every day, and establishing a soothing bedtime ritual. This will combat some of the effects of stress you've experienced, and help you deal with anxiety in a more productive way.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Romance has created tremendous highs and lows in recent months. At long last, an intimate relationship is experiencing a greater measure of stability. You no longer feel as if you're walking on eggshells. It's possible the two of you will decide to separate, at least temporarily. This will give you a chance to decide what you really want from your lover. If you're single, you'll enjoy the experience more, and savour your freedom to the fullest.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your personal life has been rife with drama, but fortunately, things are starting to calm down. You'll be able to stay in one place, at least for the short term future. It's possible an argumentative relative will go away or get treatment for any issues they may have. Whatever the change of circumstances, they will be beneficial. You're also coming to terms with a toxic situation from your childhood. It's impossible to change the past, but you can use it as a catalyst to bigger and better things.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Lately, your mind has been racing with plans, and your schedule has been packed with activities. Now you have a chance to slow down and smell the flowers. Stop accepting every invitation and accepting each job. Develop a daily routine that includes an hour of sheer relaxation. Whether this means waking up earlier or going to bed later is up to you. The important thing is to enjoy some peace and quiet. If you don't, you will run the risk of burnout.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your financial situation is becoming more stable. You'll no longer have to live from payday to payday. This is just a temporary lull in the storm, so take advantage of it. Set aside as much money into savings as possible, so when the lean times return, you'll have a safety net. Resist the urge to lecture a rebel. The two of you have entirely different principles, and won't be able to convert each other. By agreeing to disagree, you'll maintain a valuable friendship.

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"Sleeping With The Enemy" trailer - on Channel 4 this week - Starring: Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin, Kevin Anderson Director Joseph Ruben

Uploaded by on Mar 17, 2007
Sleeping with the Enemy trailer
starring Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin, Kevin Anderson
Director: Joseph Ruben
Drama, Thriller

Sleeping with the Enemy (1991 film)


Laura Burney (Julia Roberts) lives in a beautiful home by the beach on Cape Cod with her husband, Martin (Patrick Bergin), a charmingly handsome and wealthy investment counselor who is also possessive, abusive, and controlling. It becomes clear that he has OCPD (obsessive-compulsive personality disorder), and while she tries to abide by his needs, she seems to suffer under the strain. Martin believes Laura has been flirting with an attractive neighbor, and he physically assaults her as punishment. The abuse is an ongoing routine, which began immediately after their wedding. To escape Martin, Laura, whom Martin believed to be a non-swimmer, plans and fakes her own death at sea in a storm while the couple are boating. Unbeknownst to Martin, she swims to safety, having recently taken swimming lessons at the YWCA. She secretly returns home, retrieves some clothing and cash she had hidden away in preparation, disguises herself, and leaves home after flushing her wedding ring down the toilet.
Laura moves to Cedar Falls, Iowa. In preparation, she has told Martin that her mother, Chloe Williams (Elizabeth Lawrence), died, and pretended to attend the funeral, but secretly she had moved her to a nursing home in Iowa. She rents a modest house and adopts the name Sara Waters. In Cedar Falls, she meets Ben Woodward (Kevin Anderson), who teaches drama at the local college. A relationship develops, but suffers a setback when Ben discovers that her real name is not Sara. After a date, Laura is unable to be physically intimate with Ben, and the next day, she confesses that she is on the run from an abusive husband. Martin receives a chance phone call from a friend of Laura's from the YWCA, learning of Laura's swimming lessons. His suspicions aroused, Martin heads home and finds the ring in the toilet bowl, where it failed to flush. From the Cape Cod nursing home, he learns that Laura's mother is alive, and has her traced to the nursing home in Iowa. He visits the blind woman without revealing his identity and learns from her that Laura is seeing a college drama teacher in Cedar Falls.
Martin finds Laura and Ben at a local fair, then follows her to her home. After leaving idiosyncratic clues around the house for Laura to find, Martin confronts Laura. Ben appears at the door and Martin, brandishing a gun, threatens to kill Ben if she doesn't make him leave. Laura talks to Ben and he appears to leave, but then breaks down the door and struggles with Martin, who knocks him unconscious. As he aims the gun at Ben, Laura distracts and attacks Martin, who drops the gun, and she manages to take control of it; she fires at Martin but misses. Martin dares her to call the police; Laura calls the police saying that she just killed an intruder. She shoots him three times, Martin falls to the ground, and she drops the pistol. Laura collapses, sobbing, but Martin grabs her and points the gun at her. He pulls the trigger but the gun only clicks empty and Martin sags lifelessly. Ben is revived by Laura and they embrace as Martin's dead body lies on the ground with Laura's wedding ring inches from his hand.