Wednesday, July 6, 2011

La Senza - as of today 6 July there will be plenty of bras reduced to only £10

The La Senza Summer Sale is in full swing and the reductions just keep getting better: as of today 6 July there will be plenty of bras reduced to only £10!!

Parallel with the sale there are also two special offers on nightwear:


? BOGOF on Vest Shorts ? 50% off Silk Nightwear

Teen Deviyaan - Google search 6 July 2011 & Subhamastu - Daily Astrology - Gruha Balam - 06th July 11

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Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes: Sunday 3rd July 2011

Uploaded by on Jul 5, 2011
ETV Subhamastu - Astrology - Horoscope - Numerology - Gruha Balam - Gruha Vastu - Special Program

Libra - Daily stars for today 6 July 2011 -

The time has come to tell others precisely what you're unhappy about, and in detail. True, for ages you've been avoiding exactly such forthright exchanges for fear of the upset they'd cause. Now that things have changed, you need to be both frank and precise, as a lack of detail could cause problems.

not your star sign? then click here -

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 6th July 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your strength and self assurance are incredibly attractive. Don't be surprised when a bold flirt makes some outrageous suggestions. The two of you have fun provoking each other, but when push comes to shove, you're not sure if you should make a move. Some relationships are best left platonic. Already have a lover? You may want to spice things up in the bedroom with some salacious banter. Naughty suggestions really get you in the mood.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You'll have to work extra hard to land a job. Normally, you wouldn't consider such a position worth so much effort. This situation is different. Not only does it afford long term security, but there's also a creative element. If you get this job, it will feel more like play than work. Besides, you'll gain some very valuable experience along the way. It looks as if those you work with will be accomplished people you will genuinely respect.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You have great instincts about which projects will yield fruit. Stop bothering with dead end jobs, even if you need the money. You're better off conserving your energy for endeavours that will pay off. It's time to develop your considerable creative talent. Study with a respected craftsman or artisan. At first, it will be difficult to buckle down and learn new skills. If you stick to your guns you will become a skilled and impressive expert in your own right.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Working behind the scenes yields the most impressive results. You hate having someone look over your shoulder while you're busy trying to solve a problem. Luckily, the powers that be trust your judgement, allowing you to set your own pace. If you're looking for work, explore opportunities related to government agencies, hospitals, and religious institutions. The pay may not be great, but the position will afford you a measure of independence you'll enjoy. That's worth its weight in gold.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Immersing yourself in a large group will be fun and informative. You feel a strong pull towards an experienced executive who makes hard work look incredibly easy. This kind of grace under pressure is an admirable trait you can adopt. It's just a matter of patterning your behaviour after theirs. When you begin to feel anxious, ask yourself how your role model would handle the problem. It sounds simplistic, but this is an effective way to establish healthier habits.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Check out a new career opportunity. Teaching, the law, and military service are all good options for you. Somehow, you must find a way to serve the community. There are several interesting options. The salary may not be impressive at first, but it will grow as you gain seniority. More importantly, such a job will give you some much needed security. You're not the type who can sleep easily without knowing when your next cheque will arrive.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your respect for others makes you a popular figure. You'd never dream of micromanaging a project if you're surrounded by capable workers. That's why so many people look to you for guidance. They know they can trust you to delegate jobs in a fair and sensible way. If you feel like you're out of your depth in a particular subject, ask for help. A friend will be eager to show you the ropes. Don't worry about developing your own style; that will come later.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your sexual needs are stronger than ever. Sometimes it's difficult for you to express what you really want, for fear of seeming overly amorous. What you don't realise is these powerful desires are actually very alluring. Stop trying to repress them. Even if you don't have a partner, you can satisfy your sensual side with a massage, spa treatment, or hot bath. While you're at it, buy some silky lingerie. A little self pampering goes a long way towards getting the satisfaction you crave.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You're deeply attracted to somebody with well defined goals. In the past, you went for irresponsible types who liked stirring up trouble. Now you realise how unfulfilling such a person is in a relationship. It's good to see your tastes improving. If you're already in a relationship, sit down with your amour and develop a plan for realising a mutual goal. The two of you can accomplish anything, provided you are on the same page.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Ramp up your exercise routine. A workaholic like you has a tendency to sit for long periods of time. This not only compromises your physical health, but slows your thinking, too. Schedule a brisk walk on your lunch hour. Head for the gym after work. Arrange an outdoor activity each weekend. It doesn't matter if you're training for a marathon or walking your dog. What counts is that you move your body so you can clear your mind.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It looks like you have several romantic rivals. You're going to have to move like lightning to win someone's heart. Don't waste time worrying about being rejected. If you act with speed and assurance, you'll yield impressive results. Your poise makes a fantastic impression. Leave the childish antics for another time, when you and your amour know each other better. Right now, a cool, calm, and collected demeanour will win the day.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You're determined to get your household in shape. This is a wonderful time to get rid of clutter, rearrange your living space, and streamline your storage areas. The easier it is to find things, the happier the daily course of your life will be. If you're always losing your keys, install a hook and get into the habit of hanging it up every time you enter the door. Place a basket near the door for mail, sunglasses, and other things you may need to locate at a moment's notice.