Sunday, May 8, 2011

Libra - Your stars for the week beginning 08 May 2011 -

Few things make you happier than witnessing those you care about thrive, which has been the case and will continue to be. While you won`t necessarily be expecting to benefit from their bounty, judging by Wednesday`s encounter between your ruler Venus and the expansive Jupiter, you will – and beyond anything you`d imagined. The downside? Resisting the impulse to do something in return. For once, relax and enjoy the remarkable events coming your way. 

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Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 9th May 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Curb the urge to do anything too radical or drastic. You thrive in a competitive atmosphere but you also need to realise the best times to make a move and when it might be to your advantage to hold back. Competition will bring out the best in you. While other people are strutting around like peacocks convinced no one can beat them, you will quietly and efficiently get on with what you have to do to prove them wrong!
Taurus (Apr21/May21) What was supposed to be a good investment doesn’t seem to be making any money. Does this need a change of strategy? It would be best not to put any more cash into this venture but don’t give up on it altogether. This isn’t the time to make any drastic decisions or alterations. A friend could shed new light on an awkward situation involving a neighbour. There are some things that have happened recently that you didn’t know about.
Gemini (May22/June21) Extra work is necessary in a project you thought you would enjoy. Only now it is becoming more of a chore than a pleasure. Is no one willing to take it over so you are free to find something more suitable for your own tastes and abilities? You feel emotions intensely these days and you should feel free to express your feelings in your most intimate relationships. You need this kind of outlet for your strong feelings.
Cancer (June22/July23) Someone you work with or who lives nearby is constantly drawing attention to themselves. They regularly seek you out in order to delve into your life and find out what you know. Anything you tell them will be spread around the workplace or neighbourhood and this puts you on the defensive. You’ve always valued your privacy and you won’t be comfortable in the company of someone who loves to gossip and spread rumours.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You tend to say what’s on your mind without first thinking about how your words might affect other people. You’d really like to think of yourself as being sensitive but you’re in too much of a rush these days to actually consider how others are feeling. If you say the wrong thing to the wrong person, you could regret it when they walk out of your life. A little care in conversations should help the days pass by more harmoniously.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) A change in bosses might make you feel uncomfortable or uncertain for a wee while but you will adapt surprisingly quickly. Urge others to be careful when operating anything mechanical or electrical. Stick around if you feel someone should not be in a place or situation unsupervised. Try not to begrudge a loved one’s constant requests for your company. They have the right idea. Love won’t thrive or survive unless it is regularly nurtured.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) If you’re single and looking for love, romance won’t fall into your lap from out of the skies. Get out and mix and mingle. Be prepared to meet Cupid half way if you are to find your heart’s desire. If you already have a partner, make an extra effort now, to please your special someone. Conditions at home are working in your favour as your family are willing to support your current aims.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) The future of a joint arrangement is in doubt. A compromise could be found if you both stay calm. Won’t it be foolish to ruin all your past hard work because of a little argument? Look hard enough and you will see there is a way to resolve matters even if this means bringing in a third person. A new acquaintance introduced to you during the latter half of the week could lead to romance if you are single. The only caution in the weekend is not to give in to the temptation to splash out without thinking.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Business and pleasure can combine well as you will soon be discovering. Events connected with your career and concerning your public image could change the way other people see you. Your talents are being recognised. What might surprise you is how you will go against advice given by people you’ve always respected. This is all because you have more faith in yourself as your own guide. It is your time to rise up in life and beyond by following your heart.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It might seem as if everything is going wrong and the more you try to put it right, the worse it gets! You’re doing your best to get back on your feet after a recent disappointment. How much more do you need to do before life gets back on an even keel? You’re prone to stress and a build up of fatigue suggests you could do with more rest and relaxation. Very soon you will have more opportunity to enjoy life as someone else takes on some of your responsibilities.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Where you were hoping there would be understanding, there seems to be a lack of respect and too many disagreements. A relationship you had expected to withstand the test of time is causing you some disappointment. You are seeing selfishness and greed rather than giving. Calling an end to a relationship isn’t going to be easy but if in your heart you know it is time to say goodbye, it would be best to get it over with sooner rather than later.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You have always been sensitive to new experiences and this week so much of what you see, hear and feel will touch your soul. Emotionally, you feel strongly affected by events shared with your loved ones, a book or newspaper article you read and music you listen to. Occasionally you feel slightly embarrassed by the depth of your emotions but at the same time, who would you be if you were to remain entirely unaffected by everything you go through?

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 8th May 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Pretending to know more than you do will get you in trouble. Yes, working alongside an expert is intimidating, but it's also exciting. By admitting your ignorance, you'll give yourself an opportunity to acquire some valuable skills. Don't let pride get in the way of making a good decision. A relative who is experiencing depression will ask you to drop everything and come to their aid. Instead of jumping into action, finish what is on your plate. Your responsibilities come first.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Beware of daydreaming your life away; a family or civic problem isn't going to disappear into thin air. You've got to face it head on. A confrontation is inevitable. This is really worrisome for a peaceful character like you. Right now it's better to start an argument than suppress your anger. Getting paperwork approved will be a struggle. The person who is supposed to handle your case may be sick or away on holiday. Be patient and stay focused on your goal.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) A well intentioned friend will give you bad advice. You're better off listening to your own instincts. This is especially true regarding finances. There's no such thing as a guaranteed dividend where investments are concerned. Although the prospect of making a fortune is tempting, you'll do far better by keeping your cash in a long term, low interest account. If an unreliable friend asks you for a work recommendation, refuse. You don't want to compromise your reputation. Truth should trump loyalty now.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Unfavourable publicity is getting in the way of your career success. Be willing to admit your mistakes. Resist the urge to blame higher ups for the situation, even if they were at fault. These days, it's rare to meet someone who is willing to take ownership of their decisions. By establishing your accountability, you'll win the trust of some very powerful people. It might take time to restore your good name, but it can be done. Remain patient and stay positive.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A disagreement over a contract may be steeped in a cultural difference. Take into account that your beliefs are not universal. By meeting your colleague in the middle, you'll make more progress than demanding everything should be done your way. Stop listening to your inner critic, which is saying you are out of your depth. If you stay focused on your goal, you will overcome any obstacles that have blocked your path in the past. It's time to conquer your fears.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Take care not to put your nose where it doesn't belong. Digging into secret files and confidential information will be more trouble than it is worth. When you inject yourself into another person's private life, you take on their problems. You have enough on your plate without attracting more drama. A friend will ask you for a loan. Even if you have some money tucked into savings, you can't afford to give it to an irresponsible person. Protect your resources.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It's hard to see eye to eye with someone who seems intent on stirring up trouble. You're a natural peacemaker. Unfortunately, your friend thrives on conflict. Trying to convince this rebel to be gentler will be a total waste of time. A bully who is intent on getting their way will try to embarrass you into breaking the rules. Stand firm. If you bend for this pest, everyone else will try to do the same. It's up to you to establish order in a chaotic environment.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're not feeling especially well, probably because of a lack of sleep. Your mind keeps racing every time you lie down. The best way to get the rest you need is to create an evening ritual. Turn off the computer and phone one hour before you retire. Read a book or listen to some soft music while reclining in bed. Do the same thing night after night for a week. Soon, your body will get the message and learn to relax.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A personal emergency will force you to cancel some pleasant plans, which is really too bad. Still, you can't afford to let this problem fester away while you're out having fun. The sooner you take care of this issue, the safer you will be. Keep your mobile on; it's possible someone will try to make unauthorised charges to your credit card. Alternatively, a jealous lover will demand an audience with you. Either way, you can't afford to drop the ball at such a momentous occasion.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Trying to reason with a relative will be like talking to a brick wall. Don't waste your time; just move ahead as planned. You'll be accused of being selfish and insensitive, but you've been called worse. Besides, people who really know you will read between the lines. Your fans know how difficult this family member can be. With that in mind, keep your eyes trained on your goal and continue to move forward, no matter how many distractions are thrown in your path.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Your phone or computer could break down, throwing you into a communication void. Be sure to keep everybody's numbers on hand in case you have to call or text from another line. Too often, we become so dependent on technology that it becomes a real disaster when gadgets fail. Someone is trying to lay a guilt trip on you regarding work. Don't volunteer for extra shifts, even if your boss is short staffed. You're not responsible for their bad planning.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Business deals are not favoured. Hold out for a better offer, even if a potential client threatens to walk away forever. You've got better things to do with your time. Beware of spending money you don't have. You're better off making your existing resources stretch farther than buying yourself a lot of stuff you don't really need. Stay away from your favourite stores. Why put yourself in the path of temptation when you're vulnerable?