Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekly LoveCast™ "Is your love rattled? " by Cortney Litwin

Source: California Psychics

Tuesday's emotionally charged New Moon eclipse in Cancer can rattle relationships throughout the week, so try not to overreact to the stress. Passion and drama both escalate in the middle of the week. During the weekend, feelings are chaotic on Saturday afternoon - but love casts a rosy glow over relationships on Saturday night and Sunday. Best days for love are Wednesday and Sunday.

Week of July 20 - 26, 2009

Cancer: The New Moon in your sign brings a fresh start in your personal life, but the eclipse can make you moody as well. Access your daring side to inspire passion midweek - and look for a moneymaking opportunity as well! Creating an enticing environment or throwing a party will inspire love and friendship on Saturday night or Sunday.

Leo: The week's New Moon illuminates your inner life, so heed your intuitive guidance concerning your direction, and strive to resolve the past. You're irresistible in the middle of the week, when a romantic interlude gives you fresh energy - and your creativity kicks into high gear. Rash words disrupt romance on Saturday, but flirting (and other heartfelt talk) sets romance aflame on Sunday.

Virgo: Socializing escalates during this New Moon, but a friend may be troublesome. A sexy, peaceful setting lights your passion afire midweek! Also, meditation will enhance your intuition - which is especially strong around then. You're irritated easily on Friday, and your sense of style draws admirers (and perhaps someone special) on Saturday night or Sunday.

Libra: A career opportunity may arise during the New Moon this week, but be sure it's right for you. Networking with colleagues will bring opportunities as well. Romance can be found through a friend or during a group activity toward the middle of the week. Your charisma kicks into high gear, and inspires a romantic liaison, on Saturday night or Sunday.

Scorpio: Your future is revealed this week during the New Moon, so listen to your inner voice. Also, look for romance during a spiritual activity, class or trip. Passion is hot and complicated midweek, when your willfulness is both intriguing and troublesome to others. You're feeling restless or dissatisfied on Saturday. A serene locale can deepen love on Sunday!

Sagittarius: The New Moon illuminates emotional blocks to intimacy or finding true love this week. It's time to heal the past. Impulsiveness can disrupt your relationship on Friday. Your sense of adventure percolates passion toward the middle of the week, so plan a rendezvous to somewhere exotic! Socializing is weird on Saturday, but a group gathering attracts and inspires romance on Sunday.

Capricorn: This week the New Moon energizes partnership activities (and issues). It's time to focus on improving your relationship, or on finding someone compatible. Intimacy heats up midweek, but you may need some time alone to recharge. Fine dining in a luxurious or beautiful location inspires romance on Saturday night or Sunday!

Aquarius: The New Moon encourages you to focus on improving your diet or exercise routine this week - and it may provide a work opportunity as well. Also, your helpfulness will prompt a romantic interlude. A rendezvous with a lover or close friend energizes you toward the middle of the week. An exotic environment or a trip for two brings romance on Saturday night or Sunday!

Pisces: Romance escalates during this week's New Moon - but feelings can be changeable, so you'll want to strive to stay grounded. It's time to work on or promote your creative project as well. Your imagination is on fire midweek, when some sexy inventiveness heightens passion. An artsy environment revs up romance on Saturday night through Sunday, so be creative!

Aries: The New Moon favors showing off your style while entertaining sometime this week. Just don't let family stress throw you off-balance. Romance is aflame in the middle of the week, so plan an enticing rendezvous to take advantage. You may feel like relationships are too much work on Friday, and small irritations escalate on Saturday - but love blooms anew on Sunday!

Taurus: This week's New Moon prompts you to express your feelings, which can deepen love. Just be sure to think before you speak. A trip can also inspire romance. Your wild side comes out to play midweek, when a little drama makes passion soar! Love feels irrational on Saturday - yet a mix of sensuality and artistry put romance into high gear on Sunday.

Gemini: Focusing on your values will help clarify your love life during this week's New Moon. Also, a moneymaking opportunity may present itself - but be sure it's reliable. Your sense of humor sets flirting afire toward the middle of the week, and a trip can heat up romance as well. Feelings are unpredictable on Saturday. Love is yours to enjoy on Sunday - so open your heart!

What do the stars hold for your love life? Talk to a psychic to find out more. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Solar Eclipse in Cancer

Did You Know?

This week's Solar Eclipse in cuddly Cancer will act like a turbo-charged New Moon. Eclipses bring about change and encourage you to take the next step on your evolutionary path. They also act as catalysts bringing events to pass much more quickly than they might have otherwise. This is the reason they can be quite stressful and emotionally challenging. Solar Eclipses have greater potential for new beginnings whereas Lunar Eclipses often coincide with letting go. Those born under the sign of Cancer will be powerfully affected as well as those with planets closely aspecting the degree of the Eclipse. The Eclipse can be active for months or years after the date. To get an overview of what this Eclipse means to you, contact our team of astrologers for up-to-the-minute advice.

The Importance of Faith

Achieve a fuller understanding

by Jamie Nishi
Source: California Psychics

Whether we are aware of it or not, faith permeates each day of our lives. Everything we believe in is based on some form of it. Faith in oneself. Faith in each other. Faith in life - or in a Higher Power. These are the three overarching areas of faith that enrichen and deepen our lives, and quite possibly hold us together in an ever-changing and often frightening world.

Faith is all too often misrepresented as blind (based not on reason, experience or fact, but on unquestioning adherence). More often than not, however, our faith is deeply informed by reason, experience and fact, as well as less-acknowledged sources such as instinct, intuition and gut feeling. How does a painter know she must paint? How does the healer know he must heal people? Tied in with the rational reasons (upbringing, education, history) is the faith each individual has - that he or she has a purpose, and is called to make the best out of this life.

What is faith?
In broad terms, all faith - religious, spiritual or secular - is a belief that life is worth living no matter what obstacles are thrown in our way. In the book, Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience, meditation teacher Susan Salzberg writes: "Faith is the animation of the heart that says, 'I choose life, I align myself with the potential inherent in life, I give myself over to that potential.' This spark of faith is ignited the moment we think, 'I'm going to go for it. I'm going to try.'"

We have all seen or heard examples of what faith can help people do. Such as a survivor of the Holocaust, who witnessed unspeakable horrors, who is still able to rebuild a life... an accident victim who transcends a disability into a new direction.... an artist, despite rejection, who remains creative and makes an important contribution. Many times over, we have seen that when all else is stripped away - safety, comfort, security, home, country, loved ones - faith is what has kept people going. It is both a basic instinct and a spiritual balm.

Faith can strengthen our capacity to meet challenges and face adversity. It gives us a mooring, a direction and a purpose - and, in so doing, lends meaning to our existence. But faith is often difficult to hold onto. One moment life feels full of possibility - and the next, it seems cruel and hopeless. When we are faced with difficult or terrible things, our faith is challenged, and sometimes momentarily lost. What then are we left with?

Faith's foil
Doubt is often referred to as the opposite of faith, but is truly its handmaiden. Doubt can lead us to question and think critically about our beliefs. It often helps to strengthen or reaffirm faith. Much closer to the opposite of faith is despair - disconnection from life. Salzberg writes, "Without a sense of possibility, we would be stuck - isolated, hopeless, and unspeakably sad." Many of us have experienced this type of sadness.

When you feel as if you are about to be plunged into the depths of despair, it's important to consider the very real possibility that you are not seeing the big picture. The events in our lives are so vastly interconnected that it is impossible to know all the factors that contribute to a difficult situation. You may think you are powerless, but you don't really know for sure. You may see injustices taking place and begin to lose faith in humanity, but you may not be seeing the whole picture. None of us can know all the elements involved, even in our own situations - or what the future might bring.

The possibility of change
One of the most striking lessons Salzberg teaches is that life is ever-changing - and so are we. Change doesn't always feel great, but it does allow for new possibilities. "Life is not likely to deliver only pleasant events," she writes. "Faith entails the understanding that we don't know how things will unfold. Even so, faith allows us to claim the possibility that we ourselves might change in ways that will allow us to recognize and trust the helping hands stretched toward us. It enables us to aspire to a better life than the one we have inherited."

Since everything, including this life, is temporary, allow yourself a moment to take a step back and take a deep breath. Reaffirm what faith means to you. In good times and bad, faith in yourself - which is the touchstone of faith in life - is the one thing that can remain steady at your center, getting you through the changes and keeping you open to all the new possibilities.

Are you having issues with faith? Let a psychic clear your way. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Act Simply... Dream Big!

Why the little stuff matters

by Jill Hoppe

Source: California Psychics

We've all heard the saying, "dream big," and having lofty aspirations is admirable. Yet because of our busy lives, we may relegate our smaller goals to a "tomorrow" that never comes. However, our smaller achievements may set the stage for larger ones. Plus, they can be satisfying in their own right.

So rather than focusing on the time you wish you had to get in shape, take guitar lessons, or learn a second language, why not try a different approach to making the more manageable dreams a reality? After all, if you wait until retirement - or you meet the perfect match - to do the things you want, you'll deny yourself experiences that might bring enrichment to your life right now.

There are countless goals you can achieve in as little as 20 or 30 minutes a day - in between work, family and daily chores. Forget all the excuses that have been holding you back. Here are some life-enhancing ambitions that you can satisfy quite easily.

Shape up!
Eager to get into better shape, but just can't find the time to fit exercise into your hectic schedule? Developing a fitness regimen you can stick to is easier than you think. Independent activities such as walking, jogging and weight-training can be performed any time - day or night. Even if you can only devote 20 minutes per day to a physical activity, fitness experts have developed dozens of "express" routines that work different areas of the body - such as abs, legs or arms - in just 15 minutes. By rotating two or three different routines, you'll get a full-body workout each week. Even the simple task of walking briskly for 20 minutes burns approximately 100 calories. Do that every day, and you'll burn 700 calories per week.

Bust a move
More than 22 million people watched the premiere of Dancing with the Stars this season. It appears that there's a big group of happy feet secretly yearning to demonstrate a little fancy footwork of their own! Dancing is a timeless art that not only keeps you in shape, but also provides tremendous entertainment. Whether you tango, mambo, swing, foxtrot or engage in hip-hop moves, dance lessons are an incredible way to meet new people and are usually held only once a week - which is perfect for even the busiest lifestyle. Even if you never reach the level of Ginger or Fred, you'll have gained a skill that will please you and impress others - and you'll burn calories while you're at it.

Learn a foreign language
Yes, we've all heard that the best way to master a foreign language is to immerse yourself in its nation of origin. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the ability to pack up and move to Paris, Tuscany or Madrid. But that shouldn't prevent you from living out your dream of being able to converse in another tongue - you can now download language lessons online, and practice during your commute. There are hundreds of books and DVDs available that will assist you with everything from pronunciation to vocabulary. In fact, even if you can only devote 30 minutes a day, you'll accomplish a great deal. By setting a goal to learn 20 or more new words each week, you'll build a vocabulary of more than 1,000 words in your first year.

Start saving
There's never been a better time to get your finances in order. Whether you'd like to pay down student loans, save for a vacation, put money away for retirement or reduce your mortgage, big-picture thinking can be daunting when it comes to money. Rather than limiting spending in extreme ways or taking on a second job, implement small measures that save money but don't deprive you of the things you love. For instance, the $3 you spend on lattes every morning may not seem like much, but those little purchases add up. Enjoy coffee at home four days a week and you'll save more than $600 a year - money enough for vacation airfare, or to cover unexpected expenses such as an automotive repair. Take it one step further by depositing $20 a week into a savings account - the equivalent of one dinner out with friends - and you will have accrued more than $1,000 in a single year.

Savor the journey
No matter what goals you set out to achieve, it's important to remember that the process is part of the journey. If you focus only on the endgame you won't enjoy the little milestones along the way. When it comes to dreams - big or small - little successes should be just as gratifying as the final outcome.

You should also be flexible about the time it takes to reach your goals. As we all know by now, life is what happens when you're making other plans. If you can't fit in a workout one week, or you miss a few guitar lessons, don't give up in frustration - or convince yourself that you simply don't have the time to make your dream a reality. Resume the quest as soon as you're comfortable doing so. Stops and starts are a part of all such endeavors, so turn dreaming into doing. It's easier than you think!

What is your dream? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Outdoor Sex by Sign

Make love in the open air
Source: California Psychics

The sun is shining, the air is hot. There's no reason you can't turn up the heat in your bedroom - by leaving it! Summer is the time of year that practically begs for outdoor adventure, so why not make it the sexy kind?

Here is your guide to making love under the sun - or under the stars. And you can pick your spot by sign! Hint: if you know them, be sure to read your rising, and your Mars and Venus signs, for added sin-spiration! (A psychic who is an astrologer can give you this information.)

These sensitive Water Signs can be some of the zodiac's very best lovers, but they can be shy - or slow to cave in to seduction when it goes beyond their comfort zones. They do, however, love the ocean, and all it has to offer. If sex on the beach (or in the ocean - where it's easier to hide what's really going on beneath the waves) isn't in the cards for you and your crab, get them going once you get home from a day of sand and surf. With your skin tanned and salty, you might entice your Cancer into a little clandestine action on the patio - or in a secluded spot in the backyard.

Spotlight-loving Leo makes for the perfect open-air lover, particularly if taken by surprise and seduced! Why? Because it makes them feel special . . . and daring! As a result, just about any secluded outdoor location can be magically transformed into a perfect lion hotspot - but these luscious cats do like sunning themselves. In other words, drive somewhere scenic (the specifics depend on your locale) and then hop on the hood or lift the hatchback to shower your Leo with all the adoration and rays they deserve! Bonus points if you get a digital snapshot for your memory book.

Ah, the details . . . Virgo is bound to be mired in them. Their bedrooms are havens of sin and perfection (these tastemakers take lovemaking to the level of high art - just check out that secret chest next to their beds). After all, a good Virgin is always prepared. So look for an out-of-the-ordinary locale with extraordinary aesthetic appeal. Does the Grand Canyon at sunset seem a little bit out of the way? Don't worry - perhaps a rooftop with a view, or a private deck where you won't be seen will serve your purpose. Take your Virgo somewhere quiet with just a hint of potential for being found out - and you'll uncover a whole new meaning in the phrase "like a virgin." Take the submissive role, and you'll be particularly pleased!

It's no secret that Libra loves luxury, but don't mistake that for opposition to an outdoor encounter. Whether in your backyard or under the cover of one of the swankiest poolside cabanas you can swing, get these smooth operators waterside (maybe by hot tub - or the hot springs) with a glass of champagne in hand, and go for something seemingly secret. Bathing suit bottoms were made to be moved to the side, after all, and lap-sitting can always appear innocent. Hint: have a luxe towel handy - one large enough to wrap around the two of you… and luscious Libra is bound to move in for seconds.

Odds are there are very few locations you could suggest that would turn sexual siren Scorpio off - or scare them away. It makes sense that a secluded little stretch of beach is always a bountiful proposition - especially if you can find a nice place under a rock for this water creature. Pack a big blanket to widen the playing field on the sand. On the other hand, if your Scorpio is a bit more metropolitan, they may be down for a quick ride on a park bench in the wee hours - or a visit to the cemetery. (Yes, they can be this dark!) How about a romp in the back seat of a black limo? The slinkier, saucier and - perhaps, even seedier - the more seductive it will be to these stingers whether it takes place outdoors or not!

The symbol for Sag is half-man, and half-beast. So if you're going to get it on with the archer in the great outdoors, you might as well head out into the wild. Blaze a hiking trail, and step off the beaten path for a sexy session in a field or under the trees. Make Sag catch you, and they'll be even more excited once they do . . . If the area is safe and secure with even a modicum of privacy, consider leaving a trail of clothes en route to your spot, then let Sag throw you down and ravage you - or do the reverse. Anything goes, under the sun!

A practical-yet-magical sign known as the goat, Capricorns are patient, hardworking lovers with a soft spot for ocean breezes who like to take their time. This is yet another sign who will enjoy some beachside bonhomie of the sexual kind! But if you're looking for something a little different - or closer to home - select a space where privacy is no concern. A corner of your own backyard, for instance, or a hammock for two or comfy outdoor chaise will offer Capricorn a chance to savor the moments. Do your lover a favor: take control (for a little while, at least) and lavish them with plenty of attention. They're often the givers, but they also love to receive!

Air Sign Aquarius is eccentric above all else - and often ethereal, too. Take them to a spot that offers novelty or intellectual stimulation. This "out there" sign loves lots of stars and twinkling planets. So consider sneaking a quickie in the outdoor gardens of a museum or maze at night. To send them over the top, try a round in the back of a horsedrawn carriage - of the type you see in some cities and parks. Tip: the stranger the location (and the more skill it takes to pull off having some sort of sex), the stronger the draw will be for these innovators.

Okay, wait for it . . . the sign of the fishes likes to make love near the water. Ocean, river, pool - it doesn't really matter. Pisces will be hot and bothered at the prospect of getting wet and wild! That said, if you want to make it interesting, why not do it on the water instead of in the water? Try getting into a boat! You might even hazard it on a rowboat - just be careful to rock gently, so as not to capsize - or give it a shot on a sailboat sundeck. Fishes will find that a rollicking round aboard a floating vessel starts their blood boiling - but be sure to leave plenty of time for a swim after you're finished.

As they are experimenters by nature - Rams will do whatever it takes to find pleasure - doing it outside with your Aries will be but one of many sexual adventures you're likely to experience. Hence, as with Scorpio, there are few limits to what they'll enjoy. Try something that emphasizes this animal's athleticism - climb a mountain (or try a local hiking trail), and find a spot at (or near) the top. Go water-skiing or swimming, or engage in any water sport - and dive off into the distance for an underwater romp. Stay late after your softball game, and do it in the dugout - or on the sidelines. Make action a part of satisfaction, and Aries is bound to be intrigued!

Taurus loves three things like no others: food, nature and sex. To satisfy all the outdoor appetites of this simple-to-seduce Earth Sign, pack a picnic and hit the park - or plan a camping weekend! Pick a spot that's sufficiently secluded, so as not to be bothered, and then cook over an open fire. For dessert, lay a blanket down with an unobstructed view of the stars, and feed your bull s'mores by hand. Taurus will feel even more grounded than usual out in the open - and, given the chance (and with the coast clear) - they'll make the earth move under your feet - or maybe your back.

Whether it's keeping them mentally intrigued or physically stimulated, Geminis can be work - the twins need constant stimulation. The solution? Cool these hot-blooded Air Signs down with an outdoor shower or waterfall. Don't have either handy? Then fill up a kid's pool, or get out the hose and set it on "spray." The dual action of your ingenuity and the fun will stimulate their minds - though stimulating the body is up to you! For an added bonus, talk your way through each move you make, without breaking eye contact. They'll be discussing your outdoor romp during the (many more) hot nights that lie ahead!

Are you looking to mix things up? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Release Movie: The Haunting in Connecticut

Apple iTunes

Based on a chilling true story, The Haunting in Connecticut charts one family's terrifying, real-life encounter with the dark forces of the supernatural. When the Campbell family moves to upstate Connecticut, they soon learn that their charming Victorian home has a disturbing history: not only was the house a transformed funeral parlor where inconceivable acts occurred, but the owner's clairvoyant son Jonah served as a demonic messenger, providing a gateway for spiritual entities to crossover. Now, unspeakable terror awaits when Jonah, the boy who communicated with the dead, returns to unleash a new king of horror on the innocent and unsuspecting family.

Мое единственное средство соответствует теперь

Лидия P # 8135 Горловка VISA только что позвонил мне. Они не могут извиниться перед вами. У вас нет адреса, по какой-либо бедствие, причиненный Вам в результате их действий, не проходящих в моей карточки в 8 раз по причинам, которые лучше всего известны им самим.

In view of a possible bad translation above

“My only remedy now was to leave this message for you in the hope that you would find it one day

Lydia P # 8135 Gorlovka -  VISA just phoned me. They cannot apologize to you as I requested for their negligence. You do not have claim for any distress caused to you by their actions in not processing my credit card in 8 times from May 20th until today´s date for reasons best known to themselves.

In December of 2009 (6 months later) VISA admitted their NEGLIGENCE but the damage had been done”

Juan 26 Mayo 2011

The Truth About Clairvoyance

What it's like to see the future

Source: California Psychics

Can you imagine being able to see the past, present and future in your mind's eye, as if you were watching the details of someone's life on a movie screen? That's how our Clairvoyant psychics describe their gift of seeing what most of us cannot see.

The word Clairvoyant means "clear vision." Psychics may get their visions with their eyes open or closed - some can set them off with a spread of Tarot cards, and others need only hear a client's voice, or relax deeply to gain clarity. Psychics call on their visions to answer your questions, see your guides or loved ones on the other side, and to help you understand how others see you.

Although Clairvoyance is common among psychics, they all see what they see in their own personal way, from words and numbers to stick figures and actual faces. Sometimes Clairvoyants get bits and pieces of images that flash before them and others, Lucrecia ext. 9326 says, "get pictures so vivid you could print them out and send them as postcards."

"My third eye seems to include an inner viewing screen," Tammy ext. 9380 explains. "On that, I see everything and anything I ask about - and much that I don't ask about. Events unfold like a movie. Sometimes I see symbols that lead me to the answers for callers' questions. I get letters, names, colors, auras, maps of where people might be relocating . . . and I see those who have crossed over and have messages for my callers. Recently, I've even had faces come through to me as if they are in the room."

"For me, being a Clairvoyant is like being connected to a movie camera," says Josepha ext. 5170. "Whenever I look into the lens, I see all kinds of pictures, depending on the client's questions. For example, if I get a question about love and I see two figures facing each other in my viewing frame, they are in love. If one of them has another love I see that person on the other side of the person that is in love with them. It's how I know when someone has a spouse or someone else on the side. I may see a setting where two people might meet in the future - a bar, a library, a coffee shop. It's amazing and exhilarating to be able to see!"

Being Clairvoyant is an interesting, yet challenging, way of looking at the world, our psychics report. "Just because a psychic has the gift of seeing, it doesn't mean they have the answers to everything whenever you need it," Chel ext. 5153 points out. It can take a trigger to focus the visions and information that comes through symbolically or metaphorically - plus a little extra skill to unravel the answers.

For instance, Lemuria ext. 5114 needs to hear a few sentences other than simply a question to begin seeing people or situations. When Alison ext. 9885 connects with a client, she will ask the person what they want her to focus on, because there is too much information that hits her at once - and often, some information is so private that clients don't want to touch on it. Anastasia ext. 5167 goes into a light trance wherein she can access alpha and theta brainwaves to enable her to see clairvoyantly. Like many of our clairvoyants, Judianne ext. 5129 uses her guides to trigger visions.

Our psychics agree that they have a responsibility to their clients to translate the visual information they receive with clarity and insight. "The major work is to interpret and explain what the vision means," Abrielle ext. 9894 asserts. "It must be placed in context and time in the life of the person I am reading. It's not our job to analyze a vision emotionally or to judge its credibility. On the contrary, it's my duty as a messenger to be the clearest channel available."

Psychics may call on other gifts, tools, or spirit guides to confirm their clairvoyant visions. Joy ext. 5142 is able to "pause" each scene that comes up Clairvoyantly to take a deeper look at the details in the situation. If a message is scattered or weak, Paisley ext. 9661, who generally reads without tools, will ask her client for permission to pull a card from the Tarot deck she keeps on her altar. "When I do get permission, the right card seems to fly out of the deck to affirm what I've said. It's actually more for my own validation than for theirs."

And because there is a yin to every yang - a dark side to all that's bright, which brings balance to the universe and our lives - being a Clairvoyant has its drawbacks, too. Not all visions are happy or pretty or nice, and the visions, Marin ext. 5113 adds, may not be what a caller is anticipating. "It's the truth, but they may not want to hear it."

"There are accidents, cheating mates, losses of property and jobs, and natural disasters," Darcy ext. 9488 cautions.

"But even the disturbing visions can be a mixed blessing," Jesse ext. 9027 points out. This gift can be used to bring very bad people to justice, warn lovers about an upcoming crisis in their relationships, help two people get back together, save jobs . . . and save lives!

Do you need advice from a Clairvoyant? Speak with a psychic. Call 1.800.573.4830 click here now.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Sign of The Comic

The zany magic of the moon
by Cortney Litwin
Source: California Psychics

It must be the lunacy of the Moon that makes Cancers so hilarious. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, after all. Just look at this lineup of comical crabs: Dan Aykroyd, Milton Berle, Mel Brooks, Bill Cosby, Will Ferrell, Tom Hanks, Gilda Radner, Robin Williams and talk show host Carson Daly. While Berle and Radner are no longer with us, the rest are still tickling our funny bones with their zany magic.

So what's their secret? Cancer is the sign of the "everyman/woman." That is, the person everyone can relate to. What makes Cancers so funny is that they see the humor in everyday situations, stuff we wouldn't normally think of as amusing. When was the last time you were amused by your irritated spouse, your unruly kids, or a rude driver who cut you off? Leave it to a Cancer to point out the humor in such situations.

What's more, Cancer rules emotions, so we often relate well to Cancer celebrities on an emotional level. They just seem to "get" us, which shows up in their performances - whether they're being funny or serious. Some Cancer celebrities, such as Robin Williams, Tom Hanks and even Will Ferrell, have a gift for both comedy and drama. Note Williams's dramatic roles in Dead Poets Society, Awakenings and One Hour Photo (creepy!). Hanks earned critical acclaim in Forrest Gump, Philadelphia Story, Saving Private Ryan and Apollo 13. And surprisingly, Ferrell was terrific as the straight-faced IRS auditor in Stranger Than Fiction. Cancers can be superbly multi-talented, especially if their emotions are engaged in their performances.

Of course, not all Cancers are natural comics. While it's tempting to say that Cancer and comedy go hand-in-hand, the Sun sign is only part of the picture. The talent for making us laugh is a blend of influences in the chart. For instance, the charts of Ferrell, Williams and Daly show powerful aspects from Uranus, the planet of enlightenment and rebellion, and Pluto, the planet of emotional depth and complexity. What a strange combination for a comedian, you say?

Well, Uranus can shock us into seeing life in a different way. A comedian with a powerful Uranus uses humor to propel us out of our complacency and into a different perception on life. Uranian performers can be highly original or downright weird, too. Or outrageously quick - like Williams. Pluto, conversely, adds an element of depth to a performance. It digs deep into the psyche to reveal our collective paranoia, longings and compulsions - fodder for funnies, especially the sarcastic kind.

Let's take a closer look at the charts of Ferrell, Daly and Williams to see what makes them tick.

Will Ferrell
For Ferrell, Uranus conjunct Pluto is a double whammy of weird and compelling. The New York Times described his performance in Old School as "hilarious, anxious zealotry" - undeniably the effects of wacky Uranus and compulsive Pluto. Plus, Moon in Pluto-ruled Scorpio makes him a spot-on impersonator. Scorpio's penetrating nature gives him a talent for impersonation as well. And Venus in Virgo assures he gets the details right.

Carson Daly
The host of Last Call with Carson Daly has a T-cross involving Sun, Mars and Pluto, which heightens his intensity and gives him an edgy vibe. And if he gets annoyed, watch out! He has a temper for sure. This seems at odds with Moon in Pisces, which indicates an impressionable emotional nature. Even so, he's a wild-child - Uranus afflicts his Mercury conjunct Venus in Cancer, which makes him a rebel at heart. He can be pretty far out there, both mentally and emotionally.

Robin Williams
Speaking of out there, Williams is unsurpassable when it comes to breaking the mold. His over-the-top performances and originality come from Mars conjunct Uranus in Cancer. Even without his forays into cocaine, the Mars-Uranus influence gives him a talent for lightning-speed performances. Additionally, Mercury conjunct Pluto in Leo indicates a razor-sharp wit. He can be reckless as well, both physically and in his personal life. But like Daly, Moon in Pisces gives him a sensitive side and, of course, plenty of imagination. And he shares Ferrell's talent for details from Venus in Virgo. Put this all together and you get a master comedian.

Funny, sad, original and often weird, Cancer comedians entertain us through a wide range of emotions. But it's their gift of laughter that keeps us coming back for more.

How does the sign of the Crab affect you? Talk to a psychic for guidance. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Blogs usually facilitate communication between the reader and the owner of the site. The author (s) can write about whatever is interesting to him/her in any writing style that suits him/her. There are usually comment sections for all readers or for selected readers to leave comments and/or start up a discussion thread similar to that of a forum. All comments and discussions are usually instantly made accessible to the public for all visitors to read through the World Wide Web (internet) that visit that site or post. Comments and discussions are archived with the entries that they come under.

fate works in strange ways - the answer to a question

overview Words or Weapons?

Mercury Conjunct Pluto

Jul 15, 2009

Periodically, everyone needs to decide whether it's most appropriate to answer a perceived threat with the verbal equivalent of a handgun, an atom bomb or a dart. This is your moment. Don't rule out silence as a fourth option.

A Good Day For Love

The planets align for destiny
Source: California Psychics

There are callers who sometimes want to get dates for the coming month or year ahead. They want to know when the best astrological aspects might be lined up for love, communication or finances. An astrologer can look into a caller's chart and end up saying, "Wow, in November you'll have your best day of the year! Its days like that that give us something to look forward to," explains psychic and Astrologer Marti ext. 9057.

Also a Clairsentient, and a Channel who reads the Tarot, Marti has a regular caller who was initially obsessed with the future timing of her career. A workaholic, Jessica (not her real name) was a respected attorney, definitely headed toward great things. She was also popular with men, but only consulted with Marti on astrological aspects regarding court dates rather than more personal dates. After spending a quiet week at her family vacation home in Mexico, Jessica called to check in with Marti before heading back to work.

"I was journaling every day while I was away, and strangely, the guy I dated during my first year of college kept coming up in my thoughts. James (not his real name) moved east to go to school, and years later I heard he had become a district attorney. We had a wonderful, fun, intimate relationship. He moved and that was it. It just ended."

"Just before you left for your vacation," Marti responded, "do you recall my telling you that you were going to meet a man in a park? There'll be something about his eyes, and an obvious letter 'A'." Marti was getting the same message again.

"Yes, but his initials don't include an 'A,' and I can't get him out of my mind."

Marti loves to throw out a few cards from her Morgan-Greer Tarot deck even before she picks up the phone, and she was already getting a scenario for Jessica. "Since you never forgot his birthday, and it's coming up very soon, why don't you give him a call?"

Marti went on to explain that Cancer and Venus were trining her Jupiter, the planet of communication. "Any communication during that time will be good for you, but there is a risk involved - because Venus is on a square to your sun sign. But I think the risk is worth it."

"But I'm not looking for anything from him. I mean... I'm sure he's married or who knows, he may not remember me… I was just wondering about him," Jessica responded, surprised at Marti's suggestion.

"Your planets are pointing to a call! And it's just a birthday call," Marti told her in an encouraging tone, knowing that Jessica's aspects were nearly perfect for a good conversation.

With her usual matter-of-fact delivery, Jessica called Marti the following week and told her that she had spoken to James on his birthday - but he sounded different, she remarked. "Cold, sort of…" They had a friendly catch-up conversation, and he mentioned that he would be visiting his father in Washington D. C., an hour's drive from where she was working in Virginia. James asked if she'd be willing to meet him there for lunch. They agreed to meet at the Washington Memorial in three weeks.

"His voice was cold?" Marty asked. She knew Jessica was reading him wrong.

"Yes. I was surprised when he suggested we get together. He did say that he's single."

"The Washington Memorial is in a park," Marti reminded Jessica.

Jessica wasn't moved. "This is just two old friends getting together," she insisted, while Marti explored their planets.

On the day of the meeting, Venus would be trining Jessica's Mercury, and Venus was trining both James's and Jessica's Venus - which meant it would be a very good day for love. Jessica didn't seem to digest the news that her old flame was probably the guy for her.

Marti heard from Jessica about a month after the planned meeting and told her how it had gone. "When I arrived at the memorial I realized I had no idea what he looked like any more. There were people everywhere… it had been at least 15 years since I'd seen him." A man approached her whom she failed to recognize… she was leery. Was it James? He appeared cold and professional. He was bald, and he wore thick black-rimmed glasses. "He didn't look bad - he was trim and buff, and well-dressed, but his head was shaved, and he had those dark rimmed glasses. Luckily, when he said 'Jessica' and put his hand out, I recognized his voice. My first thought was, 'I'll just have lunch with him, and then politely excuse myself.'"

But after the pair had lunch they walked and talked for hours. James went to visit Jessica twice during his vacation, and she'd already been to see him in Los Angeles before she called Marti with another update.

"When we became intimate I saw a tattoo on his shoulder - it was the letter 'A'! I thought, 'Oh, Marti,' and I asked him whose initial it was. He laughed, and told me that the night he found out he had passed the bar exam, his buddies dared him to get the 'A for attorney' tattoo! I finally began to wonder if he was the one... The park, the unusual eyes, the letter A!"

Marti didn't hear from Jessica again for several months. Much later, the client explained that after she had met James, her work issues seemed to evaporate. When she did call, it was to check on the timing of her move to California to be with James. "On my next call, I'll be asking about a wedding date!"

Have you found the one? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend Box Office Estimates (US) July 10 - 12 weekend

1 (new) Bruno / YouTube Bruno | Movie Reviews

Directed by Larry Charles and starring
Sacha Baron Cohen, Gustaf Hammarsten, Josh Meyers, Robert Huerta, Gilbert
Rosales - Brüno, a gay fashionista is the host of the top-rated late
night fashion show in any German-speaking country--apart from Germany.
Brüno’s mission? To become the biggest Austrian celebrity since Hitler.
His strategy? To crisscross the globe in the hopes of finding fame and
love. (Universal Pictures)

2 (2) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs / YouTube - Ice Age 3 - Dawn of the Dinosaurs ...

Directed by Carlos Saldanha,
Michael Thurmeier and starring Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis
Leary, Queen Latifah, Simon Pegg - The sub zero heroes are back. Scrat
is still trying to nab the ever elusive nut, while maybe finding true love.
Manny and Ellie await the birth of their mini-mammoth. Diego the saber
toothed tiger wonders if he’s growing too soft and Sid the sloth gets into
trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some dinosaur
eggs. On a mission to rescue the hapless Sid, the gang ventures into...
(20th Century Fox Distribution)

3 (1) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen / YouTube - Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen Official HD ...

Directed by Michael Bay and starring
Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Isabel
Lucas and Ramon Rodriguez - Sam Witwicky again joins with the Autobots
against their sworn enemies, the Decepticons. (Paramount Pictures)

4 (3) Public Enemies / YouTube Public Enemies Movie Review

Directed by Michael Mann and starring
Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard, Channing Tatum, David Wenham
- No one could stop John Dillinger and his gang. No jail could hold him.
His charm and audacious jailbreaks endeared him to almost everyone -- from
his girlfriend Billie Frechette to an American public who had no sympathy
for the banks that had plunged the country into the Depression. But while
the adventures of Dillinger' gang -- later including Baby Face Nelson and
Alvin Karpis -- thrilled many, J.... (Universal Pictures)

5 (4) The Proposal / YouTube The Proposal Movie Trailer

Directed by Anne Fletcher and starring
Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Denis O'Hare, Malin Akerman, Mary Steenburgen
- A book editor is forced to marry her male assistant in order to stay
in the country. When they travel to Alaska to meet his family, the new
couple has to fake their way through a surprise wedding thrown by his parents.
(Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

6 (5) The Hangover / YouTube - The Hangover Movie Trailer New!

Directed by Todd Phillips and starring
Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Heather Graham, Justin Bartha
- Two days before his wedding, Doug and his three friends drive to Las
Vegas for a blow-out bachelor party they'll never forget. But, in fact,
when the three groomsmen wake up the next morning, they can't remember
a thing. For some reason, they find a tiger in the bathroom and a six-month-old
baby in the closet of their suite at Caesars Palace. The one thing they
can't find is Doug. With no clue as to... (Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution)

7 (new) I Love You, Beth Cooper / YouTube - i love you, beth cooper trailer

Directed by Chris Columbus and starring
Hayden Panettiere, Lauren Storm, Shawn Roberts - Follows the adventures
of a geeky high school valedictorian who decides he has nothing to lose
by making a play for the popular cheerleader, declaring his love during
the graduation speech. (20th Century Fox Distribution)

8 (6) Up / YouTube - UP HERE - UNCENSORED full version

Directed by Pete Docter Bob Peterson
and starring Edward Asner, Jordan Nagai, Christopher Plummer, Delroy Lindo
and John Ratzenberger - At age 78, life seems to have passed Carl Fredricksen
by, until a twist of fate (and a persistent 8-year old named Russell) gives
him a new lease on life. (Buena Vista Pictures Distribution)

9 (7) My
Sister's Keeper
/ YouTube - My Sisters Keeper - Official Trailer [HD]

Directed by Nick Cassavetes and
starring Cameron Diaz, Alec Baldwin, Abigail Breslin, Jason Patric,
Thomas Dekker (II) - After their daughter is stricken with leukemia, a
couple conceives a younger sister who can provide a donor match, but the
family is torn apart when, after years of medical procedures, the healthy
younger sibling sues her parents for the right to decide how her body is
used. (Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution)

10 (8) The
Taking of Pelham 1 2 3
/ YouTube - The Taking of Pelham One Two Three ...

Directed by Tony Scott and starring
Denzel Washington, John Travolta, James Gandolfini, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Brian
Haley - Four ruthless hijackers take over a New York City subway train
and hold the passengers for ransom. They threaten to shoot one each minute
until a ransom is fully paid. (Sony Pictures Releasing)