Saturday, January 2, 2016

SEREBRO - Song #1 [Black Version]

Published on 14 Nov 2012
Song #1 Promo CD (2007)
© Monolit Records
Fan Made Video

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Stylez Major - "Dreams" & "For The Family" {Official Audio + Lyrics} #HipHop #Rap

Published on 21 Jul 2015
Stylez Major create's a tribute for his close family & friends with his new single "For The Family" he wrote and produced this song him self, with a hard beat, great sonic texture the music has a triumphet feel to it that will elevate the hip hop community this year, music video coming soon! Lyrics Below

Chourus- This one for my fans that got my back This one for my friends that keep me on track this ones for thoes that believed in my dream Yeah this ones for my family , this ones for my family.

Verse -1 this song a celebration , yeah I'm giving thanks for thoes you know who show love give me faith and give me strength, on a jounrey for greatness but just a normal guy whne I blow I'll bring all of you with me swear to god, you see I wish everybody success you winnning makes me blessed, last night I had a dream about being a father and having a daughter , why that seem so real things that we all feel but wheather kin or fan you always keep it trill, Ill never take forgranted you see the seed is planted, gorw together family forever , just as I planned it, they can't damage what we built the forces are to strong , I know you had me all along why I made this song!

Chourus- This one for my fans that got my back This one for my friends that keep me on track this ones for thoes that believed in my dream Yeah this ones for my family , this ones for my family.
Verse 2-
Chourus- This one for my fans that got my back This one for my friends that keep me on track this ones for thoes that believed in my dream Yeah this ones for my family , this ones for my family.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

#NYC - Never provide a Bank Guarantee to a family member, friend or business partner.

It is easy to be wiser after the event.

During my case against the Midland Bank a Spanish Bank interventor told me something very interesting

Banks if they have a client asking for a loan they will tell that client to go and get a friend to give him a GUARANTEE. They tell the potential client "When you bring him to us we will persuade him to be your partner". I was advised that practice was not limited just to Spain but worldwide - It is banking practice. They want someone else to take the risk whilst they make the profit on, guarantor taking the risk at no charge either to the lender or the borrower. Does it sound fair?

After a death threat on the phone - someone speaking in Spanish - the Spanish so bad that is was another nationality. a Spanish Bank inventor from a different bank than the first advised me "If you are setting a precedent a bank is capable to take out a contract killing if by setting the precedent it is going to cost them a lot of money" The next day whilst walking in the street (Torremolinos) I had the symptoms of a stroke so I went to my doctor. He put it down to stress caused by the phone call when advised about it

The last request for a  bank guarantee from me was refused - I was wiser after the event with the Midland  Bank case. A friend was owed a large back salary. He went to the Spanish bank who offered to pay the back salary via the loan which his boss promised to repay. My friend was told by his bank "find a friend who has a property to garantee the loan" After my experience with the Midland Bank I refused him. It is better to loose a friend than you home isn´t it?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

#KYC - The Midland Bank defrauded me. as did a Gibraltar bank. They both got taken over. ING where are my .....

The first two were in the eighties and the missing shares approximately 2005
in the informative article by Tom Zachystal, CFA, CFP. to read in full

Many people affected by this have contacted my firm over the last weeks and months looking for help and an explanation – so the explanation follows; continued.... There are two regulations that govern US brokerage firms’ and banks’ reporting and due diligence responsibilities with respect to dealing with non-US residents: The “Know Your Customer“(KYC) rule and the new FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) regulations. Each of these regulations is intended to make financial institutions responsible for ensuring that their clients do not partake in money laundering or tax evasion activities.

If you have been affected by these events and need help, please get in touch.

When a recent action drives you nearly to suicide I think it is the time to tell the full story. It is the time of judgement. When you have sunk to such depths going through a divorce (many years ago) you can hopefully ride this experience out and expose financial entities for what they are.

I have a my court papers relating to my prosecution against the Midland Bank where the Deputy Governer of England became Chairman of the Midland Bank and a Bank of England regulation was back-dated to favor the bank regarding non-residents being able to obtain and overdraft if I remember correctly. This case took 20 years out of my life - obviously the court (Swindon) had to find in favor of the bank. But from the smile on the face of the judge he knew that morally I had a case and should have won.

My writings may take me a year and hopefully my followers will bear with me

Top 500 US firms keep $2.1 trillion in tax havens, study finds
Oct 6, 2015 - The largest 500 U.S. companies would owe an estimated $620 billion in ... Apple has consistently defended itself against claims of tax-dodging.

From my point of view both the US & UK seem to be leaving the big players in peace

Without Prejudice - Midland case the judge gave me permission to publish on the internet 
John Nichols v Midland Bank plc (Case number 8505099 Swindon) February 1997 no defence was on the Court file and Mr Nichols entered in default. To be fair to him and critical of the defendant he did it after an on notice hearing to which the Defendant failed to appear. Judgement was subsequently set aside and we got back to square 1. Significant things which have happened since are that Mr Nichols provided Further and Better Particular and the Defendant Bank has filed and amended defence, the original Defence merely stating the Statement of Claim discloses no cause of action. 5 August 1998. Note because it was a bank it is evident that the Judge allowed the Defendant to break the law