Monday, April 9, 2012

♡ Libra Daily stars for today 9 April 2012 -

When your ruler Venus moved to accent new ideas last week, you began a lengthy cycle during which you'll broaden your horizons, and in many ways. You may already be thinking about some. But those ideas and invitations that appear from out of the blue could ultimately be of the greatest significance.
 Your stars for the week beginning 08 April 2012
Don`t allow your concerns about upsetting others prevent you from discussing the heightened feelings roused by the recent Libra Full Moon. While some were about the past weeks` rather tricky events, others involve persistent issues that really need to be discussed. Challenging as those exchanges will be, they`ll both clear up confusion and lead to the kind of forthright exchanges necessary to clear the air for good.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Semana Santa Badajoz 2012 - Virgen de la Soledad de Badajoz

Uploaded by on Apr 7, 2012
Procesión de la Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Badajoz la madrugada del Viernes Santo 6 de abril de 2012 a su paso por la Carrera Oficial (Catedral de Badajoz en la Plaza de España) donde realiza Estación de Penitencia.

La imagen "Nuestra Señora de la Soledad" desfila de riguroso luto, desprovista de todo lujo y joyas con un simple pañuelo entre las manos. Los nazarenos van acompañados por personas que portan velas. Se reza el Santo Rosario durante el recorrido. No hay acompañamiento musical.

Semana Santa de Badajoz. Fiesta de Interés Turístico Nacional.

Semana Santa 2012 Barcelcona - Procesiones Viernes Santo

Uploaded by on Apr 7, 2012
Salidas de del Cristo del Gran Poder, la Macarena y Nuestra Señora de las Angustias

♡ Libra Daily stars for today 8 April 2012 -

As a Libra, you've an ability to brush off upsetting comments when you know the background of situations. But now you really must say something. Remain silent and the next time such things are said, it will be more difficult. In fact, in accepting their antics previously, you'll have lost considerable ground.
 Your stars for the week beginning 08 April 2012
Don`t allow your concerns about upsetting others prevent you from discussing the heightened feelings roused by the recent Libra Full Moon. While some were about the past weeks` rather tricky events, others involve persistent issues that really need to be discussed. Challenging as those exchanges will be, they`ll both clear up confusion and lead to the kind of forthright exchanges necessary to clear the air for good.