Sunday, September 18, 2011

Вера Брежнева (Vera Brezhneva) - Любовь спасет мир

Uploaded by on Aug 31, 2010
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Закачай эту песню на мобильный! КЛИП: sms 2126 на 4747. ПОЛНЫЙ MP3: sms 1961 на 4747. РЕАЛТОН: sms 1017 на 4042. Установить вместо гудков: МТС: sms 138 на 9505. МегаФон: sms 77747512 на 5560.

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Режиссер - Алан Бадоев

(c) 2010 Первое Музыкальное Издательство

Libra - Daily stars for today 18 September 2011 -

It's unlike you to become so incensed with anybody that you'll simply can't get them out of you mind or forgive them. But with your ruler Venus at odds with Pluto, the planet of power struggles, it's no surprise. You must either battle it out or walk away. There's nothing in between. 

Our most popular with you last 24 hours - 2011 Sep 17 09:00 – 2011 Sep 18 08:00 CET

La La Boda del amigos mios Andy y Rosa - Nuestra mesa. Villanueva del Rosario noche de 30/31 de julio 2011

Uploaded by nichols1936 on Sep 17, 2011
La Boda - Nuestra mesa (07-30-2011_122115.mp4)

La cena había terminado, los recién casados ​​paseando entre las mesas saludando a sus invitados que siguiendo la tradición española les dio un sobre con un regalo en el mismo. Me mira por el visor de la cámara de vídeo y cree que las velas entre los vasos vacíos, con la música y las voces de la gente se sentaba a nuestra mesa sería un buen video clip

The meal was over, the newly weds strolling between the tables greeting their guests who following the Spanish tradition gave them an envelope with a gift in it. I was looking into the viewfinder of the video camera and thought that the candles flickering amongst the empty glasses, with the music and the voices of the people sat at our table would make a nice video clip

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