Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Horoscopes / Teen Deviyan: Numerology prediction by Shelly for 18 May 2011

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Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 18th May 2011

Horoscopes / Teen Deviyan: Tarot prediction by Monisha for 18 May 2011

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Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 18th May 2011

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Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 18th May 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It's important to be very tactful with a neighbour or relative. Normally, you prefer to charge forward when dealing with sensitive subjects. You don't see any point in beating around the bush. In this case, circumstances are slightly different. A youngster or invalid could be involved and you must respect their feelings. Consider how you would feel if the tables were turned. You also take any rumours with a pinch of salt. People have a tendency to glamorise very dull situations.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Keep a careful record of everything you say to an insurance or government official. If you have to send any paperwork, make sure to make copies for your own files. The more documentation you have of this transaction, the easier it will be to prevail. It's possible the agency in question is counting on you to get discouraged and drop your claim. Unfortunately, they don't know they're dealing with an extremely stubborn, tenacious character.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to create a masterpiece. The sooner you let go and have fun, the happier you will be. A project close to your heart demands expression. Go ahead and get started, even if the conditions aren't ideal. The materials you need will arrive when you least expect them. The important thing is to take a leap of faith now, while desire is still burning. Don't show your work to anyone in the early stages.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) It will be necessary to scale back professional responsibilities to attend to family matters. Try not to dwell on this setback. You could never live with yourself if you abandoned your loved ones in their time of need. Besides, you have a tendency to get totally overwhelmed by work. Look at this situation as an opportunity to switch gears. Learning to lead a heart centred life will be liberating. Pour your energy into the people and activities you love.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Mastering a new skill won't be easy, but it will be rewarding. You'll be able to use this knowledge to help a humanitarian organisation. You've been blessed with a generous spirit and need to channel your impulses in a positive direction or you could fall victim to a greedy opportunist. Find a cause that's close to your heart and volunteer your services. Eventually, you will be offered a salaried position with this institution. You may want to keep working on a volunteer basis.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You're intent on getting your affairs under control, even if it means making some temporary sacrifices. Making a will, putting money into a retirement account, or buying a home will give you the security you want. You're not the type who takes each moment as it comes. Plans are something of an obsession for you. Fortunately, your talent for anticipating problems will put you in line for a job. Don't be surprised if a university or religious institution offers you a position.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You can't be creative as you'd like, mainly because of a stuffy authority figure. Any deviation from the norm causes this killjoy to complain. You can't afford to lose his or her support. Find a way to express your imagination in your leisure time. Fostering stray animals, learning a foreign language, or studying a different religion will give you the intellectual stimulation and emotional satisfaction you crave. Don't worry; the bore who is cramping your style will soon move on.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Finding a practical way to help those in need is your first priority. Whether it's providing unemployed people with job training or feeding stray animals in the neighbourhood, you'll be glad you exercised your compassionate nature. Too often, the world feels cold and indifferent. Once you start giving of yourself, you'll meet others who are just as generous. It's an unwritten law of the Universe: Like attracts like. People are a lot nicer than the news would have you believe.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your first loyalty is to friends. If you're looking for love, you may be astonished to discover you've developed a romantic attachment to someone in your social circle. For years, you looked at the object of your affection as nothing more than a good friend. Now you realise just how very attractive your amour is and how much you have in common. This is wonderful news, as you don't have to spend all sorts of awkward moments getting to know each other.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Career matters are highly favoured. You have a wonderful opportunity to make headway in a bank, government agency, or corporation. If you're going on a job interview, be sure to emphasise your diplomatic skills. Your ability to hammer out compromises will make you an attractive candidate for the job. If you're not looking for work, you will be offered a prominent position at a cultural institution. You can raise the funds necessary for an important initiative.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) As far as you're concerned, what you know is far more important than who you know. Although you have several high powered friends, you'd never dream of asking them for help. You're determined to reach the top on your own merits. While your resolve is admirable, don't let it get in the way of your success. Even the most talented people have called in the occasional favour. If you know someone who can get you in the door of an exalted institution, ask for an introduction.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Working behind the scenes yields impressive results. If you've been thinking of starting your own business or buying a home, apply for a loan now, while the stars are beaming support. Don't tell anybody else about your plans. That way, you can go about your business without feeling as if you're being watched beneath a microscope. Making financial plans for a youngster's future is also favoured. It will make their way much smoother.