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Weekly LoveCast® "Sun-Uranus conjunction in Aries and Moon in Scorpio intensify spontaneity and passion...."

By Cortney Litwin

March 21st -27th 2011

The Sun-Uranus conjunction in Aries and Moon in Scorpio intensify spontaneity and passion (or chaos and compulsiveness) at the start of the week. Multiple Fire placements midweek can inspire an adventurous rendezvous with your sweetie or friends. From Friday night through Sunday, afflicted Moon in Capricorn can bring up commitment or security issues, while Venus transiting into Pisces (Saturday night through April 19) heightens the fantasy, sensitivity and spiritual connections in relationships. Best days for socializing: Tuesday, Wednesday evening and Thursday.
Aries: The liberating Sun-Uranus conjunction in your sign can prompt you to do something brilliant, impulsive or foolhardy in your personal life, all in the name of freedom or self-expression. Your flirting skills will be especially strong. This weekend, a touch of fantasy or sensitivity can revitalize romance if an inner or outer block slows down love.
Taurus: Unconscious desires can make an appearance this week, so take some quiet time to get in touch with your inner life. A serene environment can bring out your lusty side at the beginning of the week, when your sensuality is particularly magnetic. Friends will provide support if you feel off balance this weekend, so surround yourself with positive people.
Gemini: Socializing can bring a surprise this week. Perhaps you’ll meet a potential paramour through a series of oddly connected events. Or a friend may surprise you with romantic intentions. At the very least, you’re likely to meet someone intensely intellectual, original, avant-garde or downright weird. This weekend, love may feel grounded, but a public event can still bring romance.
Cancer: The spotlight shines on you this week, especially when you’re at work or socializing with coworkers. Romance can be found through a colleague or during a party, especially at the start of the week, when passion sizzles! Emotionalism can unhinge love this weekend, unless you’re able to see the bigger picture of your relationship/love life.
Leo: A sudden psychic hunch about your future is likely this week, so heed your intuitive guidance. Exploring a new area can bring romance, especially on Wednesday night or Thursday. Sharing your knowledge will draw admirers, too. This weekend, responsibility or low energy can disrupt socializing. Being out in nature (with your sweetie?) will revitalize you.
Virgo: A spontaneous encounter can turn into a sexy romp, especially at the start of the week. Surprising your sweetie with something unexpected in the bedroom will set passion ablaze as well! Romance may be rocky this weekend, but Venus in Pisces during the next three weeks will sweeten your relationship (or help you attract someone new).
Libra: The Sun-Uranus conjunction electrifies your partnership sector, which can put some sizzle back into your relationship or bring a stunning insight about commitment/sharing. Verbalizing your feelings accelerates a romantic interlude on Wednesday night or Thursday. You may feel emotionally off balance this weekend. Still, a gesture of appreciation will inspire love.
Scorpio: Expressing your desires candidly can prompt a passionate encounter, especially at the beginning of the week, when your charisma skyrockets. Also, an unexpected situation at work may take you by surprise. During the weekend, rash words can disrupt socializing. Fortunately, Venus transiting through your romance sector for three weeks will energize your love life.
Sagittarius: An electrifying romantic encounter, prompted by exceptional chemistry or impulsiveness (or both!) is likely sometime this week. The relationship may be short-lived, though. Your humor and positive energy are especially magnetic midweek. A conflict between commitment and freedom can upset love this weekend, but throwing a party for friends will bring delight.
Capricorn: Heightened energy surrounding your home can intensify passion during a cozy tryst at your abode. Hosting a gathering of friends can bring satisfaction too. Your intuition is especially strong from Wednesday night through Friday. If you start to get rattled this weekend, expressing what’s in your heart will get you back on track emotionally.
Aquarius: Your brainpower hits a new high at the start of the week, when sharing your originality, humor or wisdom makes you irresistible! Socializing/networking can bring romance and other opportunities on Wednesday night or Thursday. You may feel unusually antsy this weekend. Discussing the past with close friends, in a serene environment, can be both fun and enlightening.
Pisces: A change of perception concerning your priorities can influence your love life (and other areas). An online romance may take off at the beginning of the week. If you’re paired, a romantic getaway can make love bloom. During the weekend, a friend may prove troublesome. On the upside, Venus in Pisces (through April 19) makes you a magnet for admirers!
What’s ahead for your love life? Try a psychic reading. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Monday 21st March 2011


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You feel compelled to make a decision, but you have no idea what to do. One path seems as unremarkable as the other. Be patient. Refuse to give in to an authority figure who is putting lots of pressure on you. Eventually, surprising facts will emerge. Once this happens, it will be easy to formulate a plan. Taking the more unorthodox route will be the rewarding. You’re not interested in having an ordinary life; you want to try things few others have experienced.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Tread carefully with a naive person who is facing financial hardship. This dreamer needs to hear some painful truths. If you don’t say anything, they will just get deeper and deeper in debt. Explain the situation in a direct, honest way. Once your friend has had time to process this shock, you can offer some ways to emerge from this hole. Job training seems essential. Acquiring technical skills will vastly improve their chances for employment.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’re not feeling particularly bright right now, but hang on. By calming your mind and centring yourself, inspiration will come. Learn how to be alone. A social butterfly like you has difficulty with isolation. By forcing yourself to adjust to the quiet, you’ll reap its benefits. An idea for a writing project will arrive quite suddenly. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any experience with short stories, novels, or screenplays. Just give yourself permission to write.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Working as part of a team is incredibly fulfilling as you were an integral part of the group’s success. That’s because you’re able to inspire others to greatness. This gift for intuiting people’s gifts is paired with a talent for providing them with the necessary tools to thrive. There’s a good chance you will be offered the top position at a revolutionary company or organisation. Critics will think you’re too mild mannered for such a job. Get ready to surprise them.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A sweet memory provides comfort at times of trials. Take care you don’t let nostalgia be a substitute for living in the moment. There are some incredible opportunities ahead, provided you’re willing to look for them. The chance to travel to an exotic land is imminent, but you’ll have to make some painful changes in order to grab this chance. Say goodbye to a failed romance, even if it means cutting off all contact with your ex. Give your heart a chance to heal.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You have to get out of the habit of isolating yourself when life becomes difficult. You hate being vulnerable to others, and don’t like to burden them with your problems. Still, the more you close your heart to friends, family, and colleagues, the harder it will be to form meaningful relationships. Reach out to a bold rebel who has impressed you with their initiative. You’ll be surprised how sympathetic they can be. Launching a new project together will be rewarding.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Don’t get defensive when a loved one starts challenging your decisions. There are some holes in your logic that need filling. By discussing potential problems, you’ll be able to circumvent trouble. Have a contingency plan for every possibility. This intense preparation will boost your confidence. It will also increase people’s faith in your abilities. Attracting investors will be easy once they hear your proposal. You will be calm, cool, and in control.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A new job will require you to summon your courage. You’re entering a highly competitive field. Colleagues will see you as more of a rival than a team member. The best thing you can do to prove yourself is to keep your head down and stay focused. Your ability to blast through problems using sheer determination is your superpower. When everybody else gives up, you dig deep and cross the finish line.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Continue to refine your skills. You were born with a considerable amount of raw talent, but it will be wasted if you don’t practise. Get into the habit of writing, playing music, or practising a sport each day. If you have to let other responsibilities by the wayside, so be it. Right now, your first priority is to yourself. At times, your mission will make you lonely. Nobody else seems to have a plan for the future. That shouldn’t stop you from fulfilling your potential.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It’s important to face your limitations. This is never easy for a workaholic like you. When somebody tells you not to do something, you become determined to do just the opposite. You’ll save yourself a lot of grief if you scale back your expectations. Taking some time off will give you a chance to rest, relax and rejuvenate. It will also help you remember there is more to life than just work. Your friends have been lonely for you.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Bickering is pulling apart your social network. What begins as a small argument between neighbours could escalate into a full on war involving the entire community. Refuse to take sides. If the situation becomes unbearable, look for another place to live. You thrive best in a neighbourhood which has lots of distractions, whether it’s natural beauty or exciting nightlife. It may be necessary to take a short trip on the spur of the moment.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’ll have to summon every ounce of energy to make a painful break. An unpredictable authority figure is wreaking havoc with your life. The only way to minimise the damage is to put lots of distance between you and this bully. If that causes conflict at work or in your living situation, so be it. You’ll sort things out, provided you have faith in the universe. All those good deeds you performed in the past are about to be repaid in the form of a well paid job.

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  1. Paulfatai_normal PaulFatai RT @JRCertified: Twitters 5th birthday today
  2. Save_badgers_normal LisaGSD @pandoraperx Happy Birthday xx (twitters 5th b'day today too!)
  3. Default_profile_6_normal TweetsBird3 @jack @GMA your tomorrow here already started. Congratulations on Twitters 5th birthday.
  4. Img00004-20110203-1645_normal JRCertified Twitters 5th birthday today
  5. Image_normal GusSaunders RT @pamm1e: It's twitters 5th birthday today 
  6. Pamm1e_normal pamm1e It's twitters 5th birthday today 
  7. 2411_1100390303680_1044357450_329273_8424_n_1__normal ReneePatino RT @TickYes: Today is the 5th Anniversary of the first Tweet – Happy Birthday Twitter! Here are 10 Cartoons to celebrate...
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  10. Me_normal jfieds2 So, apparently I started tweeting more than once every few months about 3 weeks before Twitters 5th bday. Happy birthday, #twttr.
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