Sunday, March 20, 2011

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: Monday 21st March 2011


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) There is more time now to follow up pastimes that have been forced to take a back seat lately. You will be taking the lead in planning future events and your aim is to focus on your main ambitions. Once everything is in place you will be quick to act on your plans. Watching your ideas develop and turning thoughts into reality will give you a sense of accomplishment. Avoid taking on too much too soon or you will find it hard to keep on top of it all over the weeks to come.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A friend or colleague is determined to get ahead in a group endeavour. You aren’t used to working so quickly and their attitude could make you feel suddenly unimportant and left out. If you aren’t happy about other people cutting corners, continue on your own in the background. Eventually others will see you have the right idea and they will admit that sometimes too much haste can lead to mistakes and actually slow progress down!
Gemini (May22/June21) There is no worry about you falling behind with your work when a male friend or colleague is putting himself out to help you. You should also be pleased with developments in a group endeavour when the ultimate aim is to bring likeminded people together. A friend doesn’t seem to want to listen to your opinions in the weekend but a relative may need an extra hug. Enjoy romance and fun pursuits whenever you get the chance.
Cancer (June22/July23) A growing understanding of other people and their realisation of what makes you tick will make quite a difference to your relationships now. You can relax and be yourself without feeling self conscious. Friends and colleagues accept you for who you are. Inner turmoil and confusion of the past is not so evident now as you start to realise people do like you. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you aren’t and you can share your true views with confidence.
Leo (July24/Aug23) If you find a way to do your own thing, you will be booking a holiday or making a spur of the moment journey. It is within you to push ahead with your main aims and all because your determination will be equally matched with high levels of physical and mental energy. Emotionally you feel powerfully that you are making the right choices and decisions. Changes in your life will involve some binding commitments.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) It will be easier this week, than next, to communicate with those around you. For this reason, it’s a good time to clear up any backlog of emails and letters. Rather than leave messages for others to pass on, deliver them yourself. Conversations should be honest and open. This will help avoid any possible misunderstandings next week when your ruler Mercury turns retrograde.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Your calm presence can be soothing for those who are muddled, confused or upset. As the week begins, go out of your way to encourage someone close to relax, compose themselves and listen to your advice. They may resist at first but you will persevere. As a result together you will find a way for them to cope with their current problems. Thanks to your determined efforts, happiness all round can be expected!
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Give and take will be necessary if you are to find harmony within the household. Someone you live with may not be happy with the way you are putting work before pleasure, these days. Even so, there are jobs you have to do and you have always taken your commitments seriously. There’s a greater chance of contentment if you agree to put some time aside, either in the evenings or the weekend, to devote purely to your loved ones.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You could achieve many longed for changes and increased happiness through your current relationships. There’s a strong romantic feel to your days as developments in a loving relationship add a touch of sensuality into your life. Gifts are exchanged for no other reason than you long to please each other. Discussions regarding domestic changes are highlighted in the weekend, in a favourable way.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) The saying about charity beginning at home could well come true this week when an opportunity to help out a close relative will crop up. If you’re thinking of moving in with your current partner, this is an ideal time to let them know how you feel. You and someone younger will understand each other very well so don’t be surprised if they come to you for some advice on a subject they can’t discuss with just anyone.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Jobs, chores and pastimes calling for mental rather than physical skills will keep you occupied and even entertained this week. Physically, you aren’t feeling very active and anything demanding concentration will suit your mood better. If you’re trying something for the very first time, perseverance will certainly pay off. Weekend is an ideal time to visit your favourite restaurant.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your ability to tune into other people’s feelings and understand where they are coming from could strongly influence your thoughts and actions. Consequently, this could mark a turning point in a special arrangement. You feel more confident about the future because you know when others are being sincere. Increased optimism will also lead to a stronger desire to put your time and energy to better use now.

for the UK shopper
American Mobil(e) Shopper

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 20th March 2011


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Self indulgence will get you in trouble. A romantic or business partner wants your time and attention. Choosing to satisfy your own needs will put unnecessary strain on your relationship. Think of how it will look if you're having fun while your friend is struggling beneath a mountain of work. True, the imbalance probably occurred because you were industrious when your partner was lazy. Still, it's no reason to flaunt your superior work ethic.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You've always been vulnerable to hard luck stories, and this is especially true now. If someone asks you for a loan or favour, refuse. You work too hard to give away your money or time on deadbeats. A nagging ache or pain is making it difficult to relax. It will be difficult to find treatment for the problem, so find a pleasant distraction. Don't go for anything complicated or overly taxing. A silly comedy or a simple crossword will keep your mind off things.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) It's easy to get swept away by group thinking, but be careful. Somewhere down the line, you will be implicated in a bad decision. You're better off going solo, especially when it comes to having fun. Going to a movie, concert or play by yourself will keep you out of trouble. An old lover from your past resurfaces, making you nostalgic. Remember there is a good reason you parted ways in the first place. Resist the urge to make the same mistake all over again.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Trying to avoid the rules will tarnish your reputation. If you're going to maintain your position, you need to do things by the book. Younger people are following your example. If they see you cutting corners, they'll do the same. An old appliance needs to be replaced. It's totally beyond repair. If you don't have the resources to replace it just now, remain patient. Put away a little money into savings each week until you're able to buy a high quality brand.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Putting too much stock in a teacher or mentor will lead to heartache. Although it's nice to know someone with some an impressive store of knowledge, that doesn't mean they are perfect. Everyone is vulnerable to greed, laziness, and lust. When your friend falls victim to one of these temptations, try to understand. Relations with a relative or neighbour are strained. Their narrow minded beliefs have no place in your life.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Taking advantage of someone's generosity will create a bitter resentment. If you owe money to a relative, begin repaying it. Even if it's a nominal sum each week, at least you will demonstrate you have every intention of paying your debts. When faced with a choice between repaying organisations and people, choose the latter every time. There won't be much money left over for luxuries, but the sacrifice will be temporary.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You need to be a little more demanding of a business or romantic partner. Lately, you've been doing the majority of heavy lifting in this relationship, and it has left you tired and depressed. It's time to adjust the balance of power, even at the risk of spurring an argument. An overbearing relative is breaking your spirit. Stop apologising for your decisions. The next time this bully tries to humiliate you in public, start questioning their decisions.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Too much food or drink will take a toll on your system. Moderation is key, especially when it comes to your health. Beware of overdoing it at the gym, too. A little gentle stretching is preferable to an intense aerobic workout. Someone will unleash a jealous diatribe on you. Instead of taking these hateful words to heart, consider how your superior talent has been torturing your rival. You have a lot more power over this opponent than you realise.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Don't neglect your friends even if you're in the midst of a hot romance. Whilst it's understandable you want to spend all of your time with your amour, you need to remember the importance of your social circle. They've been there for you when you needed financial and emotional support. Now the tables have turned, you have to return the favour. Cancel plans for an intimate dinner and spend some quality time with somebody who has been there for you in the past.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're giving your family too much say in your personal life. Getting a little distance from your relatives will help you become more independent. Although you value their input, some of their priorities conflict with yours. A tasteful, diplomatic person like you puts great emphasis on grace, beauty, and elegance. People may accuse you of being decadent, but what they don't understand is that luxuries are as necessary as bread and water for you.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Beware of revealing too much personal information to your neighbours. Living in close proximity to people can be tricky. Sometimes it's better to keep certain relationships at arm's length. Getting embroiled in a legal matter will be a waste of valuable time and money. Take a deep breath and let the issue go. You'll be doing yourself a huge favour. Could a long standing fear be holding you back from furthering your education?
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Throwing money at a problem won't make it go away. You need to confront a bully before they do any more damage. An older friend is trying to lay a guilt trip on you. Turn a deaf ear to their accusations. You have every right to back out of a group activity, especially since you have so many personal obligations on your plate. Besides, a new relationship needs time and attention. Romance needs to be nurtured, especially in its infancy.

for the UK shopper
American Mobil(e) Shopper

#havejustwatchedONtv - "The Killing / Forbrydelsen" - what is the gossip on twitter?

Realtime results for Forbrydelsen

  1. Re6u3669_normal PeteDomican @Peston Who knows but please don't let it be Rie! Doubt I will sleep properly until I know next week! #forbrydelsen
  2. Me2_normal LJ_Pritchard @Sarah_Lund The woollier and monocrohmaticker (Blimey that's a real word!), the better. #thekilling #forbrydelsen
  3. Me2_normal LJ_Pritchard @Sarah_Lund ...and preferably provide proof of membership through a twitpic evidenciary trail. (left on twitdesk) #thekilling #forbrydelsen
  4. Rjakesuk_normal rjakesuk Well that was a great 3hr session of #Forbrydelsen
  5. Me2_normal LJ_Pritchard @Sarah_Lund Any plans for #jumperwearingsisterhood mass wearing of jumpers 4 next weeks finale maybe inc twitpics? #thekilling #forbrydelsen
  6. Paula_s_pictures_383_normal ibundle @TroelsHartmann it won't be the same without him, and lund will have to buy her own bananas for the last 2 eps of #forbrydelsen
  7. 41473_627730487_3407_n_normal rossdougal @KujiGhost the second series has already been made, and the bbc have bought the rights 2 it! #thekilling #forbrydelsen
  8. Als_first_normal TroelsHartmann @ebookwoman Well, who said "the Meyer the marrier"? #TheKilling #forbrydelsen
  9. Newtwitter_normal charlesarthur So Frans Bak (wrote #thekilling #forbrydelsen music) - Theme isn't available in UK *or* Danish iTunes Store #legalmeans
  10. New_pic_normal Danoosha RT @charlesarthur: Need to listen to the music from #thekilling #forbrydelsen again? (via @paulh61)
  11. Fde88a8c-6c0c-4f66-84a4-ccf3b2591f80_normal sweynh Goodnight world. WIll try not to have nightmares after #thekilling #forbrydelsen Match of the day has helped. Zzzzz.
  12. Als_first_normal TroelsHartmann @murmuration72 Trending's knot cool know. #TheKilling #forbrydelsen
  13. Mirror_normal Pochyemu RT @TroelsHartmann: @Pochyemu Lucky you. Maybe you can let me in to your secret. #TheKilling #forbrydelsen (Preferably before you die.)
  14. Als_first_normal TroelsHartmann @Pochyemu Lucky you. Maybe you can let me in to your secret. #TheKilling #forbrydelsen (Preferably before you die.)
  15. Als_first_normal TroelsHartmann @Isisdancer The chest doesn't come out when there's a full moon. Soz. #TheKilling #forbrydelsen
  16. New_pic_normal Danoosha @sargent65 quite a shocker, wasn't it? #forbrydelsen
  17. Image_normal Charley85 Seriously I will do anything. Sexual favours...anything. I NEED the last two episodes. #forbrydelsen #thekilling
  18. Newtwitter_normal charlesarthur Need to listen to the music from #thekilling #forbrydelsen again? (via @paulh61)
  19. Als_first_normal TroelsHartmann @Isisdancer My late wife - she's dead, you know - used to do the ironing vertically, but then she got board. #TheKilling #forbrydelsen
  20. Image_normal sargent65 @Danoosha NO!!!!!! #forbrydelsen

Yemen today - twitter

Realtime results for Yemen

  1. Tn_canadian-american_flags_together_normal americanincan ThinkProgress » No Coverage Zone: Media Ignores Brutal Crackdowns By US Allies Bahrain And Yemen
  2. Profile_normal cheung31 BBC News - Why is US backing force in Libya but not Bahrain, Yemen?
  3. Triangle_choke_normal zecnor7 RT @JustDahlia: Top stories on NYTimes inclds 5 on #mideast! Nvr so much nonterrorist black ink on #arabs: #Egypt #Yemen #Bahrain #Libya #Syria wow!
  4. Default_profile_6_normal ed_applewhite There's some afoot in the middle east. Now Yemen is on the march. Curious.
  5. 63468056014972125_normal Alzajil RT @suhail_tv: شعب تفلت من أغلال قاهره%حرآ فأجفل منه الظـلـم و الظـلـم%نبا عن السجن ثم ارتد يهدمه%كي لا تكبل فيه بعده قدم #yemen ‎#suhail‎_tv
  6. Default_profile_6_normal lolo_10th To be or not to be urgent plz help yemen join this group : #Yemen #Libya
  7. Triangle_choke_normal zecnor7 RT @khaladk: I call for #NFZ for the following countries: #Yemen and #Syria. When you're finished with #Libya could you give these two a visit? @UN
  8. P_normal penmatsap RT @SrBachchan: T 312 - War clouds loom over Libya .. and trouble in Yemen and Bahrain ... Everyday a fresh and new turbulence .. Difficult times we live in
  9. Dog-icon_normal maxomai What gives me hope for #MENA is the memory of the Phillipines revolution 25 years ago. More here: #bahrain #yemen
  10. Free-yemen_normal YemenFreeVoice Today in DC in front of the white house, there was a freedom rally for #Libya and #Yemen. Anti-war rally joined us as well
  11. 63468056014972125_normal Alzajil RT @suhail_tv: هنا البراكين هبت من مضاجعها%تطغى و تكتسح الطاغي وتلتهم%لسنا الأولى أيقظوها من مراقدها%الله أيقظها و السخط و الألم #yemen ‎#suhail‎_tv
  12. Rrrr_reasonably_small_normal osanboairan هذه صورة أحد مجرمي و زعيم البلطجية الذين هاجموا المواطنين في الحديدة وزير الاوقاف اليمني حمود عباد #Yemen
  13. 180472_10150408799835177_547815176_17343781_8336143_n_normal taheralomani RT @SallyBercow: Still not getting why Libya is different from Yemen & Bahrain... #justsaying
  14. P1011314_normal Priyanka206 RT @Vikram_Sood: We are in for a new war in North Africa an unwritten one in Bahrein & an unreported one in Yemen. Afghanistan will become the forgotten war
  15. Time_in_yemen_normal TimeInYemen #Yemen The current time in Sana'a is 3:30 AM on Sunday, 20 March 2011
  16. Images_normal Philjxn Bahrain and Yemen declare war on their protesters The Independent both fine allies until..what time is it now ?
  17. Anita_1__normal naturaloptions RT @womenadvocates: Women UNREST in Gaza, Yemen, Swaziland, Bahrain, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Senegal, Libya, Honduras, Jordan, Saudi, Italy...
  18. 26921_10150175517070506_772825505_12004310_7665376_n_normal TarakKamoun ... And #yemen RT @EngyG: I sleep with my heart in #Syria and #Libya...
  19. Angry Peggybinn RT @khaladk: I call for #NFZ for the following countries: #Yemen and #Syria. When you're finished with #Libya could you give these two a visit? @UN
  20. Dbd351ac-e58e-40fe-8ab2-3381e2a5c530_normal psy_warrior @Abe_Alansy salaam bro _ glad u made connection ; ) Keep us posted on #Yemen _ you are our ears/eyes #WorldIsWatching #ArabRevolt