Monday, March 14, 2011

Lidiya´s astrology said that we should marry within 3 month of meeting 15 December 2007 - before people maliciously attempted to break us up

I have not published this to date but hopefully this will give a little more peace from the horrow caused by (External Holding Gibralatar Limited) - the Ukrainian Beast

I have never wished to infuluence this Princess - What she does is what she wants to do with all of her heart

From: To: Date: Subject: Lidiya P. #8135   john n   15 December 2007   Wishing I could find you ..... ...

Free Sample Relationship Potential Reading for john & Lidiya
Birth Date........... October 7, 
Birth Location.....

Your Sample Reading:

(This reading contains excerpts from your full-length version. To get the most from this reading,

Section 1 2

 SECTION II:  How Lidiya Relates to Other People

Mercury Square Neptune with an orb of less than 1/2 degree

     Your imagination is so powerful that, if you don't have a strong creative or spiritual outlet, you may at times be over-influenced by your own fantasies or those of others. Beware of gullibility. In the long run, telling the truth is in your best interest.

Venus Conjunct Mars with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     Yours was not a happy childhood and, while there is nothing you want more than a close love relationship, you may also fear it. You probably have an active sex life but may have some discomfort acknowledging feelings of love, dependence or vulnerability.

Venus Trine Neptune with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     However cool or cynical you may appear to be externally, you are extraordinarily sensitive and romantic. You are gentle and artistic and would rather do without a relationship than be part of one which does not measure up to your highest ideals of love.

Venus Sextile Saturn with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     While you may not be emotionally demonstrative or sentimental, you love deeply, lastingly and loyally. You may be strongly drawn to people either much older or much younger than you are. Love, for you, has always entailed an enormous amount of responsibility.

Venus Sextile Pluto with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     When it comes to love, you are definitely not casual. You yourself may be surprised at the depths of feeling a close relationship brings to the surface. You love deeply and passionately and do not understand people who are incapable of making lasting commitments. 

Free Sample Relationship Potential Reading for john & Lidiya
Birth Data for john:
Birth Date................... April 4,
Birth Location.............
Birth Data for Lidiya:
Birth Date................... October 7,
Birth Location............. 

Your Sample Reading:

(This reading contains excerpts from your full-length version. To get the most from this reading, 

Section 1

 SECTION I:  How john Relates to Other People

Venus Square Jupiter with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees

     You may be overly self-indulgent and inclined toward excesses of eating, drinking, sex or anything which gives you pleasure. You would not be comfortable with someone who was too reserved. You can be quite extravagant both emotionally and financially.

Mars SemiSquare Saturn with an orb of less than 1 degree

     Your emotional needs were not met when you were growing up and there was nothing you could do about it. Even today, you tend not to express anger or pain or resentment except when you are in an infrequent rage. This is a problem in close relationships.

Venus Conjunct Saturn with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     Since you were a child you have felt you could not just be yourself and be loved. You had to earn your love in some way by being or doing something special. You are far more self-protective than most people realize. Your best love partners are also work partners.

Venus Trine Pluto with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     When it comes to love, you are definitely not casual. You yourself may be surprised at the depths of feeling a close relationship brings to the surface. You love deeply and passionately and do not understand people who are incapable of making lasting commitments.

Sample Romantic Compatibility Reading for Lidiya & john
Birth Data for Lidiya:
Birth Date................... October 7,
Birth Location............. 
Birth Data for john:
Birth Date................... April 4,
Birth Location.............

Lidiya - Venus Sextile Pluto with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees

     When it comes to love, you are definitely not casual. You yourself may be surprised at the depths of feeling a close relationship brings to the surface. You love deeply and passionately and do not understand people who are incapable of making lasting commitments.

John - Venus Trine Pluto with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees

     When it comes to love, you are definitely not casual. You yourself may be surprised at the depths of feeling a close relationship brings to the surface. You love deeply and passionately and do not understand people who are incapable of making lasting commitments.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: Monday 14th March 2011


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You don’t have to listen to anyone who suggests that adopting a blunt approach to a problem is the only way to resolve matters. There is no need to be harsh with people to get them to tell the truth. Few people will fault your powers of communication and the full moon later in the week will also bring a difficult work situation to an end. Thanks to your patience, a contentious matter is resolved.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) With so many planets above the horizon of your chart you could create your own opportunities now. Be confident and let other people see how determined you can be. Take the initiative and you could be surprised by how easy you find it to get your own way. Aim to mix with positive and cheerful people and steer clear of those who are of the opinion that the world owes them a living!
Gemini (May22/June21) You’re likely to be rushed off your feet all week long especially in the working environment. The rewards that eventually come your way will more than make up for all the rush! In this friendly and sociable week some reassuring news could reach you about joint plans that were in danger of being cancelled. People you are mixing with these days are naturally friendly and optimistic.
Cancer (June22/July23) You will be right to hesitate if you are uncertain about new plans or procedures in your business world. A colleague will make it clear they think you should follow their lead and not be so cautious. Don’t listen to them! A pleasant and smooth running weekend will be yours to enjoy to the full. If you have had problems in your career it should be easier now to sort out problems and get back into the swing of things.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Contact with a foreigner or someone from overseas could leave you both excited and a little nervous too. Someone is more than willing to help you make a personal plan a reality. You won’t have expected so much support and now a special wish is about to come true you might keep pinching yourself to prove you aren’t dreaming! Spending on impulse should be avoided around the time of the full moon.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) A person who is trying to take over your life should not be allowed to manipulate you. You don’t owe them any favours, no matter what they might say. Following their lead could mean giving up on your own plans, hopes and dreams. If your future security is important to you, let negative comments fall on deaf ears and do only what you want to do. What’s the sense of continuing commitments with someone who isn’t on your wavelength?
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Share any ideas you may have for improving and generally changing your career environment. Those you work with will be cooperative and keen to back your suggestions. A lot of good could come through a team effort and you won’t want to waste a second of this cooperative period. A more optimistic outlook has a positive effect on your health. You’re feeling energised and ready to take on any challenge.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) If you earn your living through creative, artistic or journalistic endeavours this could be a highly profitable time. You inspire others with your enthusiasm and provide the incentive to shake someone who is aimlessly drifting through life with no real goals out of the rut they’re in. Single? Getting involved in a new group or team effort will provide a perfect opportunity to woo the person of your choice.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’ve always liked your freedom but you also appreciate the support your family is willing to give during those times when you need it. This week, extra helpings of love and affection will be coming your way from relatives and those close to your heart. With Mercury now in your romantic zone, if you have been lost for a way to express all your loving feelings, you could say it with flowers or send a text token to your love!
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’ve always been good at the job you do and this is because you take your responsibilities very seriously. If you are unemployed, any voluntary work you do will be greatly appreciated by others who are involved because they know they can rely on you. This week someone may need a lesson or two on how to deal with a pressing problem and they will be glad of your expertise and experience. 
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Along with a surprise offer that comes from someone who is older or more experienced, there will also be some good advice. This could help improve your finances in the not too distant future. Inspiration to complete or even begin a creative venture could come via an email, text message or phone call from afar. Plans of a long term nature will involve your mental interests.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) New personal plans are set underway; they will progress without a hitch. For that reason your world should take on a more upbeat feel. Those in your workplace are starting to take your views more seriously and by the end of the working week you should feel that this side of life is well and truly under sensible control. Your boss or a colleague turning up on your doorstep will add a surprising and lively feel to the weekend.

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American Mobil(e) Shopper

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 13th March 2011


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You have compromising information about a public official, and aren't sure what to do with it. Although you hate getting anyone in trouble, you are worried about people who are being hurt by this deception. Reach out to someone whose opinion you respect. Their advice will be invaluable. You simply can't harbour a secret like this any longer. Do what is ethical without robbing anyone of their dignity. Motivation means everything in a situation like this.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) It's never easy to receive criticism. Still, it's essential to keep an open mind of a demanding expert wants more from you. Pushing your talent to the limit is the only way you'll get better. You have to admit, you have a tendency to sweep little details under the rug. By taking a more diligent stance, you'll correct any minor problems that detract from your performance. Yes, it's tiresome, but the results will be worth the trouble.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You're gaining deeper insight to a loved one, and some of the things you're discovering are a little worrisome. You need lots of freedom when it comes to relationships. When somebody tries to control you, panic sets in. The only way to avoid this power struggle is to be absolutely clear about what you will and will not tolerate. If you have to enforce an ultimatum, do it. Compromising now will only prolong your agony.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A power struggle is draining all of your energy. A temporary separation will restore your energy and boost your self esteem. Lately, all a business or romantic partner has been offering is criticism. It's probably because they are threatened by your abilities. When all is said and done, you are much better at making executive decisions and managing finances. If this undermines your partner's confidence, maybe a little therapy is in order.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Taking orders from an authority figure has become unbearable. You know you have better instincts about how to run a business. Why not launch your own venture? If that doesn't appeal to you, think about finding another opportunity. It's always easier to find a job when you have one. Unemployed? It's critical you get some cutting edge skills. Mastering a computer program or learning how to operate electronic equipment will make you a hot commodity on the job market.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) The pressure to perform is making you sick. This is one of those times when you have to be gentle with yourself. Stop pushing the limits of your own endurance. If your efforts fall short of your goals, so be it. Nobody is perfect. An admirer is trying to push you into a romantic encounter which makes you uncomfortable. Stand in your own defence. Together, you can find ways of pleasing each other that don't feel threatening.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You're starting to regret a decision regarding a relationship. The only way to make amends is to issue an immediate apology. It may take some time for your loved one to forgive you. After all, they've been considerably inconvenienced by your choice. If you're single, it may be because you're holding all prospective partners to an unrealistic standard. Try to be more understanding of people's quirks. They can actually be a source of pleasure.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) No matter how much you plan, it may be impossible to avoid trouble. Being versatile is half the battle. If you encounter traffic or a technical disaster, don't panic. Review your priorities and find a way to do what is most important. No one will blame you if you fall short of your goal, especially when they understand the full circumstances. A nagging injury flares up, which is a sign you have to slow down and rest. Stop putting strain on this part of your body.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Secret information comes to your attention, and you could benefit from it. Whether it involves taking advantage of an exclusive sale or applying for a job that hasn't been advertised, you have to get moving. Some jealous rivals will resent your good fortune, but if the situation were reversed, they'd do the same thing. Don't get lured into a relationship by a wealthy suitor. Although their money can buy nice gifts, the two of you really aren't suited.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It's easy for you to influence a relative's decision, but be careful. You don't want to be accused of manipulating someone who is in a vulnerable state. Instead of putting the pressure on, make a strategic retreat. If your family member decides to go in another direction, so be it. At least your relationship will remain intact. There are more important things than getting your way. Cherish your differences and celebrate the things you have in common.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Take care not to reveal confidential information. You can't afford to betray a friend or relative's trust. If you happen to blurt out a secret, be sure to alert all the affected parties. That way, they'll have an opportunity to do some damage control. Taking a class isn't advised right now. A power struggle between you and the instructor will erupt. You're better off waiting for a teacher who has a more open minded approach to learning.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Someone gives you the third degree and there's no reason to go on the defensive. You feel perfectly justified in your behaviour, and shouldn't need to explain yourself. Unfortunately, your questioner refuses to let up. Maybe it's time for the two of you take a break. After all, you've always been honest. If your friend has trouble trusting you, that's their issue. Nothing you do or say will erase their suspicions. Turn to friends who love your generous spirit.

for the UK shopper
American Mobil(e) Shopper