Saturday, March 5, 2011

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes: Saturday 5th March 2011

I had to go to the emergency clinic this morning and they have placed me on a further 7 days treatment for the flu. My defenses are low due to the emotional stress caused by a Ukrainian dating site which is obviously taking it´s toll and probably is on the other innocent party. It has been suggested that our lives are in danger if the lady contacts me directly. We must stamp out this mafia. The lady only need to read aries below to realize my feelings at the moment. Pehaps I should bring this case to the attention of the British legal authorities who are having a war against scammers and says they will track them down

Want your AstroChart? - Listen to Russell Grant via Real Audio

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Opportunities arising now will give you the chance to forge ahead towards a personal goal. You are starting to realise the true potential of your nature and how much you can accomplish when you’re motivated. A relationship that has been off more times than it has been on is your main concern this evening. You’re ready to call it a day. Be honest and explain how you appreciate the good times you’ve had together but this union is going nowhere. Any hurt feelings will be temporary.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Time spent appraising your work will help you determine where you’ve been going wrong and what you are doing right. Someone you hardly know offers some wise suggestions. A friend’s comments make it obvious they aren’t happy about you acting on someone else’s advice. Even if you know it’s the most sensible thing to do. Sometimes it’s just impossible to keep all the people happy all of the time.
Gemini (May22/June21) Keeping a low profile seems nigh on impossible; keeping others happy will be wearing on the spirits! It might be something of a strain at times to maintain an air of good humour you are far from feeling but you will manage it well. Sacrifices will be made when you find yourself in the company of people you don’t like that much. Somehow you will pretend to be having a good time.
Cancer (June22/July23) Joining an environmental organisation will help you feel you’re doing your bit to save the planet. You are open to new ideas and aren’t so easily deterred from looking into unusual areas. You could reach a turning point if you’re changing your lifestyle. A friend will try to throw cold water on your enthusiasm for new ideas but you aren’t listening. You’re too determined these days to let anyone put you off, once you’ve put your mind to something.
Leo (July24/Aug23) If you’re buying or selling property or anything of a domestic nature, follow your instincts. You handle all practical affairs in a quietly confident fashion and this is what gets you results. A friend or neighbour is doing their best to talk you into some social plans for this evening. The fact is you have other things to do and although you appreciate the invitation, you’d rather give this one a miss.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Take away the fear of rejection and you would be far more open, honest and straightforward in a certain relationship. If someone likes you as much as you like them, they will accept you for who you are and they would appreciate hearing the truth from you. Take a new relationship nice and slow. Look on the time you spend together as a test drive to discover more about each other and your mutual compatibility.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Competitive and class related environments are places to avoid if you’re hoping to find likeminded people. You’re in a delightfully helpful mood and would like to do something that will make a difference to someone else’s life. Everything points to you getting most satisfaction through volunteer and fund raising efforts. You like to think the best of people and this enlightened attitude will gain you great respect from those who matter.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) An appraisal of a team effort might pinpoint who is doing all the work and who is shirking their responsibilities. There is someone who is overly keen to share their work either because they aren’t up to the job or they’re just plain lazy. Some will have a legitimate reason to delegate but you’re starting to realise who is letting the team down. Be prepared for a lot of straight talking today.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Someone you thought would understand your views goes against you unexpectedly. This is not just a simple difference of appearance but because of what’s at stake, losing their support could put you in a tenuous position. You aren’t expecting friends to side with you on every issue but you would appreciate a show of loyalty when you need it. You’re in danger of losing something you care for and you aren’t being unreasonable in hoping for the backing of your friends.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Visiting places and people who were important to you in your past will add a touch of nostalgia to your day. Don’t hold back from offering ideas to a group or club even if you’re a relatively new member. You can all learn from each other by sharing skills, knowledge and views. If there are difficulties to resolve, many minds will come up with the best possible solution.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Someone close won’t hold with your ideas on how to have some inexpensive fun. You won’t let them put you off. You might fleetingly wonder why they are so suspicious and cynical that they’re always expecting there to be a catch. Fear due to economic problems is what’s probably making them so suspicious and doubtful. Time will show you do know what you are doing and if you say your ideas won’t cost a lot, they won’t!
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Sides are being taken over a contentious issue. Gaining support for your side of the argument and knowing who is with you and who against you is the screening tool that sorts the friend from the fiend. An impassioned moral debate will give you the chance to express your strong feelings. Success in a competitive endeavour will rely on you adopting a firm and forceful approach.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes: Thursday 3rd March 2011

Sorry for the delay yesterday and today as I have got flu!

Want your AstroChart? - Listen to Russell Grant via Real Audio

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Make careful use of the space around you to create an airy appearance. If you’ve been feeling less than wonderful of late, use the principles of Feng Shui to help you get more done with less stress and frustration. Is your desk in a good position with as much natural light behind you to help you focus? Enhance the flow of positive energy by adding mirrors and fill your rooms with plants to increase your career luck.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Too many distractions keep you from concentrating on your work. Someone is being overly friendly; he or she wants to share all their thoughts with you. You understand it is in their nature to gossip incessantly but you need some quiet in order to focus on what you are doing. Rather than risk insulting them by asking them to be quiet, you could always ask them to do you a favour that gets them out of the room.
Gemini (May22/June21) Sometimes you amaze yourself with your brilliance! A project could have been ruined without your timely intervention. You really aren’t impressed with a colleague’s ideas when there is nothing dynamic or exciting about their suggestions. At times like these you might give off a few hints to try to help inspire their imagination. If your attempts to make others feel they’re making a contribution don’t work, there is always another day and another project in which they may shine.
Cancer (June22/July23) Everything is in place ready for a new long term project to begin. This news could also mean there will be changes in the family soon that everyone is looking forward to. You won’t be able to act on all information received but some facts will be useful to know. An invitation to spend the weekend with a friend or relative might seem to have come at an awkward time but you won’t want to turn it down. Travel and romance are actually high in your thoughts these days.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You’re stuck where you are right now because you have no goal. You’ve been spending so long supporting your partner or another with their aims that you’ve lost sight of your own. You must be true to yourself no matter what missed opportunities have occurred. If you look on it as things happen for a reason, accept what has already gone. But this is a state of affairs that must not continue. Personal fulfilment should now be high on your list of priorities.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Working out the benefits of introducing energy saving gadgets into your home makes this look like a viable idea. Reducing your projected costs will make it worth getting used to the notion of keeping a lookout for energy saving tips. Not all of these will meet your family’s running requirements; you have the common sense to choose which suits you best. You like the idea of learning month by month, how much money you will be knocking off your bills.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Someone nearby knows everything about everyone and is happy to share this knowledge with you. Bear in mind anything you tell them will inevitably be passed on to the next person they talk to. In your mind a friend or colleague gives up too quickly on something they’re trying to do. Had they got the help they needed and persevered they would have got results. Now you’re left with their unfinished business. Don’t beat yourself up about it as it isn’t your fault you weren’t around when you could have given them some support.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You feel there has been some injustice done and this will affect your mood. Someone who is in it for themselves is never going to encourage a team spirit. You don’t like to use the word ‘impossible’ but it’s how you might feel about a certain situation. At least you have the common sense to know when to give up while there are others who will persist in trying to make a success out of a situation doomed to failure.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) First appearances may not be the last but they are important and they will remain unforgettable. This is why you should strive to look your best if you are preparing for a nerve wracking experience like a business meeting or job interview. It will take time to build up trust between you and those you meet today. Although you can’t help but judge each other by appearances, in time you will discover how right or wrong these impressions are.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Take ownership of your thoughts; no-one else is thinking them for you. You might blame it on other people’s influences or on past experiences but what you’re thinking and how you’re behaving right now is your choice alone. So much in life is ambiguous so don’t feel guilty if you share the views of those in the minority. You could wait forever for absolute certainty or someone else’s approval before acting. Do what is right for you.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) If finances are in a muddle, don’t look for an excuse to avoid the issue. You need to attend to this matter right away to avoid watching your money disappearing down the drain. Deals and obligations arranged for the weeks ahead could restrict you in other areas. You may be limited through a professional contract in what you can or can’t do even in your off duty hours. This is a good reason why you need to give more thought to such matters before you fully commit yourself.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Set goals to keep you motivated and you will achieve what you deserve. If anyone exerts pressure on you today it is because they are sure you are capable of more. When you accomplish your aims, the sense of fulfilment this brings will encourage you to take on new challenges. If you had no goals, you’d be going nowhere in life. Joining forces with another person who shares your vision for the future could be the best thing you do, today.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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