Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Tuesday 15th February 2011

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Russell Grant's Weekly Horoscopes w/b Monday 14th February 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Everything gets worse before it gets better. Hang on to this thought when it might seem as if all is in chaos around you. If old systems are crumbling, the sooner people stop clinging on and start to accept it is time to move on the sooner new chapters of your life can begin. From chaos comes creation. Be ready with new ideas and embrace the chance to move forward and away from situations that no longer bring you pleasure or satisfaction.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) It will be the attitude and actions of others that make you question your relationships today. You've always tried to be patient with those who aren't on the same wavelength and you would never hesitate in offering to help those who are disadvantaged. This is why you are surprised by the way a person in your life shows so little respect towards others that they seem prepared to do anything to scupper another's chances of success.
Gemini (May22/June21) If something intrigues you and you want to know more about it, ask plenty of questions. Life will be interesting and fun if you give in to your craving to discover new things. Curiosity never has to end so don't get vexed with someone who accuses you of being nosy or interfering. How else can you learn if you don't ask research and feed your inquisitive nature? Those who don't understand will never know the joy of being an eternal student.
Cancer (June22/July23) You're facing some routines and responsibilities primarily out of habit and not because they mean anything to you. Change is possible but either a lack of confidence or motivation keeps you where you're now at. You might worry you will make things worse if you start rocking the boat or you might lose your job or friends. Others appear content with the way things are but appearances can be deceptive. Get talking and you could discover there are those who would welcome a chance to get out of this rut.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Tasks may have been set by others today but that doesn't mean you won't want to make a good job of them. You respect a good manager and your way of showing this is to follow his or her lead. You will also support their decisions if other people are making waves. Your intention today is to be helpful to others. Even if it's picking up a piece of litter from the ground, you want to feel you are doing something useful for society
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) There is only one option now; act on the ideas in your mind or you will live to regret it. Think of the consequences of your actions and how you might feel in the future if you don't at least give the plans you're considering a try. Your present is the result of past decisions and the future depends on your present actions. Even if you try and don't succeed at least you will feel as if you made the effort. Choices made now could well take you to the place you need to be but you must be prepared to act before the chance has gone.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Being honest is not always the wise thing to do if the truth could hurt someone. Equally, if giving an honest response might cause a person to lash out on another, do they really need to know the facts if they can't handle them? Be diplomatic in emotional situations if you sense others aren't ready to know the truth. This does not mean you will hide it from them forever. But you might feed it to them slowly at a later date when the truth won't hurt them so much.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Thoughts take you to strange places today. Past, present and future merge as you try to make sense of everything and consider your spirituality. Your mind may even wander back to the time before you were born and all the people who have been and are now gone. The day may end with you as confused or even more confused than you were at the start. Sometimes it is best not to dwell too deeply but to find lighter distractions that will help you relax your way through the day!
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Something may occur early on that was not part of your plan. This unexpected incident could undo all your hard work of the past few days. This puts you behind schedule. The fact others in the same position are going through something similar won't particularly help. If you're working to a deadline, you believe you could run out of time unless you rearrange your schedule.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You see bad omens wherever you look and this is more down to your mood than the actual signs around you. The more superstitious you are, the more signs and portents you'll see of things to come. The power of the mind and beliefs is amazing. Positive thinking can help turn dreams into realities. Equally if you believe something bad will happen, it will. Ignore any superstitious feelings, change your mind set and be happy.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A number of factors influence a purchase you make today, including brand, manufacturer and the popularity of the product. Should anyone accuse you of not putting thought into this purchase, they obviously have no idea how long you have spent comparing other products, prices and possibilities. You have no interest in being the same as other people. What's most important is that you're getting value for your hard earned money.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You've got some unfinished business with someone you don't particularly want to see again. Once you've got an awkward conversation out of the way you will wonder what you were worried about! A complex task will demand all your concentration later. Anything less than absolute precision will cause future problems. You can't afford to make mistakes with this type of job because if it goes wrong, it will go really wrong.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Premios Goya ayer Domingo 13 Febrero 2011

los ganadores del Goya 2011 son
  • Mejor Actor de Reparto, Karra Elejalde por También la lluvia, de Icíar Bollain.
  • Mejor Música Original, Alberto Iglesias por También la lluvia.
  • Mejor Diseño de Producción, También la Lluvia.
  • Mejor canción original, Que el soneto nos tome por sorpresa, de Jorge Drexler, de la película Lope.
  • Mejor Diseño de Vestuario, Lope.
  • Mejor Sonido, Buried, de Rodrigo Cortés.
  • Mejor Guión Original, Buried, Chris Sparling.
  • Mejor Montaje, Buried. 
  • Mejor Cortometraje de Ficción, Una caja de botones, de María Reyes González.
  • Mejor Cortometraje Documental, Memorias de un cine de provincias, de Ramón Margareto.
  • Mejor Largo Documental, Bicicleta, cuchara, manzana, de Carlos Bosch
  • .
  • Mejor Maquillaje y Peluquería, Balada Triste de Trompeta, de Alex de la Iglesia.
  • Mejores Efectos Especiales, Balada Triste de Trompeta
  • Actriz Revelación, Marina Comas, Pa Negre.
  • Mejor Dirección Artística, Pa Negre, de Agustí Villaronga.
  • Mejor Actriz de Reparto, Laia Marull, Pa Negre.
  • Mejor Guión Adaptado, Pa Negre, Agustí Villaronga.
  • Mejor Dirección de Fotografía, Pa Negre.
  • Actor Revelación, Francesc Colomer, por Pa Negre.
  • Mejor Actriz, Nora Navas, por Pa Negre.
  • Mejor dirección, Agustí Villaronga, por Pa Negre.
  • Mejor Película, Pa Negre, de Agustí Villaronga
  •  Mejor Actor, Javier Bardem, por Biutiful.
  • Mejor Dirección Novel, David Pinillos, por Bon Appétit.
  • Mejor Cortometraje de Animación, La Bruxa, de Pedro Solís García.
  • Mejor Largometraje Animado, Chico y Rita, de Fernando Trueba.
  • Mejor Película Hispanoamericana, La Vida de los Peces, de Matías Bize.

George - Sale new lines added


Muse Red Carpet GRAMMYs 2/13/11

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