Thursday, January 13, 2011

Walmart: Big Time Savings for Game Time and Healthy Living!

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Continue To Conquer The Market. A new market, but the same indicator we've been using all week to conquer it

You only have to watch my earlier videos to see that it has performed very well this week in gold as well as the crude. In today's short video I want to share an ETF that is setting up nicely and should be giving us a buy signal using the same strategy that we used in the earlier gold and crude oil videos.

This ETF which closely follows the Swiss Franc (symbol FXF) is one you may want to take a look at. As you may be aware, the Swiss Franc is independent of the euro zone and is a separate currency that is backed by the Swiss government.

I think you'll enjoy this short lesson as it will reinforce the two previous lessons on how to use this indicator. In case you missed our earlier lessons, you can watch the gold and the crude oil videos on the INO Trader's Blog.
As always our videos are free to watch and there are no registration requirements. Feel free to discuss them on the INO blog, Tweet them to your friends, and e-mail anyone that you think could benefit from these educational trading lessons. -(email facebook & twitter buttons below)

All the best,

Adam Hewison
President of
Co-founder of MarketClub 

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes Thursday 13th January 2011

Want your AstroChart? - Listen to Russell Grant via Real Audio


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You have high expectations of others. When people claim you're being too harsh, you're honestly able to say you're not imposing any standards on them that you don't place on yourself. While this is admirable, it is also problematic. Very few people are capable of achieving your level of excellence. The sooner you admit this, the easier it will be to preside over groups. That's because you'll stop setting yourself up for disappointments.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) No matter how experienced you are people won't come to you for advice. Maybe it's because they are intimidated. If you want your authority to be of good use, adopt a friendlier attitude. Try offering constructive advice instead of absolute directives. Be willing to laugh off people's mistakes. Above all, don't put someone down for making the wrong choice. Your perfectionism is always impressive, but don't make a song and dance about how wonderful you are.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Idealism can undermine your happiness. It always feels like people are falling short of the mark with you. Instead of putting your loved ones on pedestals, try to recognise their strengths and weaknesses. Don't give a time sensitive job to somebody who is incapable of sticking to a schedule. An emotionally aloof friend probably isn't a good candidate for an intimate love affair. Of course, everybody has something valuable to bring to the table.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You're a very emotional person who is able to mask feelings beneath a calm veneer. As a result, some people think you're utterly cold blooded. While such assessments hurt you, they are the price you have to pay for being a good leader. People can rely on you to make good decisions in tense circumstances. It is important to exercise compassion when it's appropriate. If someone has suffered a terrible shock, stop what you're doing and offer support.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A sense of duty and commitment helps you put up with a situation most people would simply forget about. You're no martyr, but you are conscious of your obligations to the most vulnerable members of the group. If you don't protect them, greedy executives will swoop in and take advantage of their weaknesses. Finish what you started and get out as quickly as possible. In the meantime, you may want to advise your friends of the changing of the guard.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) If you don't stand up for justice and decency, nobody else will. You're sick and tired of watching people get bullied. Fortunately, you're a lot smarter than these abusers. By calling attention to their behaviour in a public forum, these tormentors will dry up like salted snails. Don't accept the claim their outrageous behaviour is just harmless fun. There's nothing amusing about humiliating others. If you won't stand for it, the nastiness will be replaced by civility.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) As much as it pains you to do so, you have to take a stab in the dark. You're entirely out of your depth, which makes you really uncomfortable. Still, until you make a decision, everybody else will be held in limbo. Be willing to take a chance, even at the risk of tremendous criticism. There's a chance you will choose the right path and all will be well. If this doesn't happen, stay strong. Eventually, the truth will come out and your reputation will be restored.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're a lot more outgoing than usual and it's because you want to learn as much as you can about an important subject. Picking a teacher's brain will be very informative. This expert has profound insight into emerging trends. Take their advice regarding classes you should take, books you must read and areas to explore. Refrain from writing a letter of recommendation for somebody who isn't capable of doing a good job. You can't afford to compromise your standards for the sake of friendship.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Just when you're getting close to somebody they push you away. You're getting tired of this dynamic. A straightforward person shouldn't be subjected to childish games. Talk to your friend about how you feel when your emails and phone calls are ignored. Discuss specific ways you need to feel valued. If you don't, the problem will only get worse and you'll end up resenting someone who was once dear to your heart. That would be a tragedy.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're in an optimistic frame of mind, which draws others to you in droves. It's good to offer others reassurance when they're down. In the past, you were quick to point out the potential dangers of any given situation. Now you realise it is pointless to worry about the future. If you open your heart to hidden possibilities, you'll be pleasantly surprised. You may experience the occasional disappointment, but you've always been able to roll with a punch.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Expressing your anger will be difficult. Many of the people who have disappointed you are facing tremendous hardship. Demanding apologies will seem like you're kicking them while they're down. Of course, you didn't deserve to be treated so shabbily, especially when you went above and beyond the call of duty. Chalk this up to a valuable lesson. Stop putting your faith in unreliable people. Cultivate friendships with those who won't waver if the going gets tough.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You will be able to charm your way into an exclusive club or organisation. Although you may not have the proper background, you are entertaining enough to gain popularity. The friendships you make in this group will be rather superficial, but they will help you in practical ways. Knowing officials will help you cut through red tape, get an audience with executives and have your complaints taken seriously. Who you know is just as important as what you know.

Midnight 2359 hours CET - todays most viewed posts. Good night and thank you for helping us break our record # of visitors

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