Monday, October 4, 2010

#havejustwatchedONtv - "Torque" Movie

Torque (2004)
Director: Joseph Kahn | genre: Azione | runtime: 81 | country: USA

Inbox - las estafas de trabajo de hoy - Saludos y Nuestra sociedad es su oportunidad en el mercado de trabajo

El estafador hace el error de enviar desde la dirección de los destinatarios (en nuestro caso con nuestro nombre de dominio. Hemos encontrado buscando en la web que esta es la misma en otros casos y los beneficiarios preguntar cómo se hace esto. Tal vez nuestros servidores puede explicar . ¿Hay una ola de suicidios en Lagos, Nigeria por los estafadores cometer errores y estar fuera del negocio? Hemos cambiado la dirección de correo electrónico publicado aquí por razones obvias.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 4:57 PM
Subject: Nuestra sociedad es su oportunidad en el mercado de trabajo

Ofrecimiento de cooperacion para los espanoles.

La sociedad mundial que perfecciona la logistica y adelanta el negocio internacional contrata a la cooperaci?n
(el estafador no tiene un teclado en español - deja fuera ó) al representante de servicio regional.

- Ensenanza (secundaria, tecnica, superior tecnica)
- Practica de trabajo en PC: usuario de Windows (2000, XP, Vista), MS Office (Word. Excel, Access, Internet).
- Experiencia: trabajo colectivo, proyectos prolongados, giro bancario, publicidad.

- Recoger la informacion en lo que se refiere a la necesidad de mercaderias y servicios que se otorgan por nuestros clientes
- Publicitar la produccion de los clientes
- Elaborar las ordenes de los clientes en lo que se refiere a la apertura de las cuentas del banco y de elaboracion de pagos.
- Prestar otros servicios de negocio que son requeridos para los clientes (a discutir separadamente).

No complete - es un timor
- Sueldo - 2500 euros
- Plazo de prueba - 1 mes.
- Dia laborable sin norma.
- Viajes de negocios a las regiones vecinas son posibles.
- Pago de comunicaciones moviles y de materiales combustibles y lubricantes.

Si tiene el interes a este ofrecimiento, envienos la forma siguiente al correo electronico
Nombre completo:
Ciudad de residencia:
Tambien es muy deseoso adjuntar su curriculo a la carta.
Información para la Policia Guardia Civil o Interpol
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Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 16:57:03 +0200
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Subject: Nuestra sociedad es su oportunidad en el mercado de trabajo
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Brazil (BRA)
Sao Paulo
S�o Paulo
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 7:53 AM
Subject: Saludos


Soy gerente de personal de la compania multinacional West Union Group.
Nuestra compania se dedica a las operaciones financieras, al registro de las empresas y a los inmuebles.

Nuestra compania esta ampliando las operaciones en Europa y en el caso si Usted reside en Espana,
podemos ofrecer a Usted el trabajo del manager regional.

No complete - es un timor
Las cosas que hacen la cooperacion con nuestra compania mas atractiva:
- El salario fijo de 2000 Euros
- El empleo parcial
- Grandes posibilidades de desarrollo profesional

Desde el primer mes del trabajo Usted va a ganar hasta 2000 euros al mes y su siguiente salario sera incrementado si Usted hace su trabajo precisamente y al tiempo.

Si Usted esta interesado en la cooperacion con nuestra compania - envienos la seguiente informacion al E-mail:

Nombre y apellido:
El pais:
La ciudad:

Con los mejores votos

Director de cuadros
Información para la Policia Guardia Civil o Interpol
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Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 07:53:36 +0200
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Subject: Saludos
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China (CHN)

Inbox - Buy a car scam! Tries to purchase the 8 Formula Renaults + Race Car Transporter

A friend that has this racing team for sale has just contacted us

----- Original Message -----
From: Captain John Osgood <>
Date: 2010/10/4
Subject: RE: car price

Hello ,

I want to inform you that I will buy your car at the price you listed it but I have a payment proposal for our benefit that i will pay from.

I am Captain John Osgood with the United Nations troop stationed here in Iraq, on war against terrorism. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing troops from Iraq this year, I have been deployed to come and work in your country's military base soonest. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. I will need a car for myself and that is why I contacted you.

On the other hand I want to inform you that I and my fellow soldiers in the same Division sometime in April 18,2010,discovered a pair of cement sheds filled with metal boxes.Inside each box was $4 million in cash -- $750 million American dollars in all. I have in my possession the sum of $16.2 million US which is my share from the money.

I have disguised/packed and deposited this money as a treasure box from Iraq with a Red Cross agent informing him that we are making contact for the real owner of the treasure. It is under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money.

I wish to use some of this money for charity purposes in Turkey, where we have about 3 million Iraqi refugees and Sudan where we have currently the highest numbers of refugees displaced as a result of war. You need to visit such places. I want to invest the money on stock fish from Norway to this refugees because base on my experience on battle ground in this places, they lack a lot of fish and meat to add to their meager and unpalatable meals which they get in little quantity just to keep them living until God knows when the problem ends. Instead of allowing these terrorists to get the money and spend it on purchasing arms from Russia, it is better channeled to saving the world. I cannot move this money to the United States because I will be in Europe for about 3 years, so I need someone I could trust. If you accept, I will transfer the money to Europe where you will be the beneficiary because I am a uniformed person and I cannot be parading such an amount so I need to present someone as the beneficiary. I am an American and a Captain for that, so I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service .I just need your acceptance and all is done.

Please if you are interested in this transaction I will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured car site where I can be sure that the person is real. I believe I can trust you. Where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication a facility which is secured so nobody can monitor our emails, then I can explain in details to you. I will only reach you through email, because our calls might be monitored, I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with.

If you are interested please send me your personal mobile number and Your full name so I can call you for further inquiries when I am out of our military network. I am writing from a fresh email account so if you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this message, if no response after 3 days I will then search for someone else. I am doing this on trust, you should understand and you should know that as a trained military expert I will always play safe in case you are the bad type, but I pray you are not. 16.2 million US is a lot of money which is the dream of anyone.

I wait for your contact details so we can go on. In less than 7 days the money should be in you custody and I will come over for my money. I will give to you 30% of the sum and 70% is for me. I hope I am been fair on this deal.

Captain John Osgood

NB: For reference purpose,please follow the link below for review on how huge sums of money are being discovered

Googled varios combinations and seems that he has targeted this site
This one pinned him down

"Captain John Osgood I want to inform you that I will buy your car at the price you listed it but I have a payment proposal for our benefit that i will pay from." (Race Cars For Sale) » SCAM WARNING - PLEASE ...

29 Sep 2010 ... I want to inform you that I will buy your car at the price you listed it but. I have a payment proposal for our benefit that i will pay from ... - Cached

Weekly LoveCast™ "Venus is currently in Scorpio" Week of October 4-10, 2010 by Cortney Litwin

Courtesy of

An analysis/review of your love life after Venus turns retrograde on Friday (through November 18) can reveal stumbling blocks in your relationships. This also applies to your sex life, because Venus is currently in Scorpio. It's time to learn from the past. Thursday's New Moon in Libra can bring a fresh perspective about your relationships during the next two weeks. Best days for socializing: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

Aries: Thursday's New Moon brings a new cycle of partnership activities. If you're solo, this influence can make it easier to meet someone compatible during the next two weeks. Retrograde Venus encourages you to break down any emotional/sexual walls you have that hinder intimacy. Passion sizzles on Friday and throughout the weekend, although romance may be tempestuous....

Taurus: The New Moon on Thursday may bring a work opportunity and/or romance through a work project. And whether you're paired or solo, retrograde Venus traveling through your partnership sector during the next four weeks can bring up past relationship issues so you can resolve them. This weekend, a sexy tryst brings out your lusty side!

Gemini: The New Moon on Thursday energizes your romance sector during the next two weeks and brings out your creativity. A relationship issue concerning the division of tasks (cleaning, cooking, paying bills, etc.) may crop up after Venus turns retrograde on Friday. Love is passionate but complicated this weekend. Twosome energy soars on Sunday night!

Cancer: Creating a beautiful home ambiance and hosting a party can bring satisfaction after Thursday's New Moon. Retrograde Venus transiting through your romance sector will illuminate any issues you have about receiving and/or expressing love. A past creative project may come to life, too. This weekend, romance is steamy on Saturday and adventurous on Sunday!

Leo: Verbalizing your ideas and desires can bring good results after Thursday's New Moon, which enhances your brainpower. Look for romance while traveling. Retrograde Venus can help you work through a family pattern that hinders your relationships. A cozy rendezvous at your home will fire up passion on Saturday. Romance escalates on Sunday night!

Virgo: The New Moon on Thursday energizes your need for both love and security in a relationship. Look for a moneymaking opportunity during the next two weeks. Talking about the past with your partner will clear the air and help your relationship move forward during retrograde Venus. Some verbal naughtiness sets passion ablaze this weekend!

Libra: The New Moon in your sign brings a new personal cycle by helping you get clear (and serious!) about your dreams. Retrograde Venus may bring up a relationship issue concerning values, priorities or spending. Also, a moneymaking opportunity may arise that's connected to the past. Letting your instinctual side out to play fires up passion this weekend!

Scorpio: A serene and beautiful ambiance inspires love during (and after) the New Moon on Thursday, when you may find yourself discussing the past. Retrograde Venus in your sign during the next four weeks encourages you to analyze how you express what's in your heart. This weekend, you're a magnet for admirers from Friday through Sunday afternoon!

Sagittarius: A new social cycle begins with Thursday's New Moon, so seek out contacts who are aligned with your dreams and goals. Your current friends can bring opportunities, too. Retrograde Venus is a double-whammy of energy that illuminates the past, which will help you heal emotional issues. Talking about the past can accelerate romance this weekend.

Capricorn: Sharing your expertise in a public forum or while socializing with friends can bring a relationship or career opportunity around the time of the New Moon. Retrograde Venus may prompt you to evaluate your friendships and aspirations to see whether they support your true path. A group gathering will likely bring a romantic interlude this weekend!

Aquarius: The New Moon illuminates your future if you listen to your inner voice. You may also feel the need to expand your education or focus on your spiritual life. An analysis of your work relationships can improve your career during retrograde Venus. This weekend, romance may come through a work activity, public event or colleague.

Pisces: Thursday's New Moon brings out your need for more emotional/sexual intimacy, and can help you clear away emotional junk that blocks closeness. Retrograde Venus can bring romance through a spiritual or cultural activity that is connected to your past. It's also time to review the spiritual connections in your relationships. Romance can be found during a cultural event or trip this weekend!

What do your stars say about you? Try a psychic reading. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.