Saturday, June 5, 2010

Last Sunday´s Walk - taking photos of the wild fauna near my place

Great Rustic Roadside Rockery :D (If you could only move it t... on Twitpic

Wildlife (mixture of wild flowers) Camino de la Cueva del Agu... on Twitpic

Wild flowers on the side of the Camino de la Cueva del Agua E... on Twitpic

Wild yellow flowers on roadside which I am now utilizing in m... on Twitpic

Olive tree in blossom :) on Twitpic

Lavender :) on Twitpic

Bee on Lavender on Twitpic

One of my favorite wild flowers :) Does anyone know the name ... on Twitpic

5 June the birthday of my youngest daughter Federico García Lorca and a Lady from Gorlovka once sent me his poem Mariposa!

Mariposa del aire,
qué hermosa eres,
mariposa del aire
dorada y verde.
mariposa del aire,
¡quédate ahí, ahí, ahí!...
No te quieres parar,
pararte no quieres.
Mariposa del aire
dorada y verde.
Luz de candil,
mariposa del aire,
¡quédate ahí, ahí, ahí!...
¡Quédate ahí!
Mariposa, ¿estás ahí?

Federico García Lorca nacido Junio 5, 1898 Granada Andalucia España

One of my favorite wild flowers :) Does anyone know the name ... on Twitpic

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes: Saturday 5 June 2010

Want your AstroChart? - Listen to Russell Grant via Real Audio

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Spending some quiet time with friends and family is just what the doctor ordered. Take this opportunity to make some comfort food to enjoy with your nearest and dearest. Don’t worry about cutting calories; you’ve earned a little indulgence. A moneymaking idea will help you make some extra cash without having to leave your home. This is a real relief, as you’re feeling scattered these days. You might want to cancel some social commitments for the week ahead.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Good news from a female relative makes you breathe a sigh of relief. This is cause for celebration. Take her out for a special dinner or shopping trip; she’s worked hard and deserves to have her accomplishments acknowledged. Other members of your family may not be as supportive, but that’s because they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. It’s sad when people put their own desires ahead of someone else’s wellbeing. Fortunately, you’re compassionate enough to see the big picture.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) You won’t be able to resist an expensive bauble beckoning from a shop window. Go ahead and treat yourself. It’s been too long since you’ve indulged your sensual side. Be sure to choose something special for an upcoming party. All eyes will be on you. Someone may be so taken with your charms they’ll ask for a date. If you’re single, you should definitely accept. The two of you will have a great time getting to know each other at a quiet, out of the way cafe.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Making plans for an upcoming trip puts a spring in your step. You’re burned out at work and need a change of pace. Although you’re exhausted, you look remarkably well. If you’ve been thinking of changing your hairstyle, this would be a great time to take the plunge. Instead of following a trend, find a cut to flatter the shape of your face and texture of your hair. Play up what you have, instead of trying to change what you’ve got.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You know you’ve got something special when you start letting down your defences with a new lover. Being with your amour feels as natural as breathing. You may want to join households or get a pet together. Devising a new career strategy is strongly advised, as there are some changes ahead in your industry. Updating your technical skills or working towards a license could help you up the ladder of success. You’re brimming with potential; it’s time to fulfil it!

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Friends are eager to lavish you with affection, and who are you to argue? Usually, you’re the one who is looking for ways to make other people’s lives easier. Now you have a chance to receive some kindness, so lean into it. A teaching or writing opportunity gives you the intellectual stimulation you crave. Fortunately, the public is receptive to your ideas and will want to hear more after you’ve made your debut. This could be the beginning of a beautiful new career.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your charm and wit gives you access to a glamorous social set. Take full advantage of the situation. If you spot someone attractive at a dinner or cocktail party, make your way over. Make eye contact and then move away. Your mysterious behaviour will pique their curiosity, paving the way for an exciting romance. Devise a plan to pay off your bills by a certain date. Having a goal is half the battle. Stay focused and don’t beat yourself up if you fall short of the mark.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your love life is heating up, giving you a most attractive sexy glow. All of a sudden, people who never looked twice at you will be showering you with attention. And while this adulation is flattering, you just want to win one person’s heart. You’ve made a good choice, as the object of your affection is compassionate, creative and loving. The two of you will make a great couple, especially since you seem to have an intellectual affinity.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) As a general rule, you’re not especially sentimental. When you’re in a certain person’s company your hard heart starts to melt. There’s something so touching about her optimism and faith. Spending time together will inspire you to make better use of your time. Getting involved with a humanitarian effort will awaken you to the fact lots of people are working to make the world a better place. By joining their ranks, you’ll get a sunnier outlook.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Be kind to a loved one who has been working so hard on your behalf. You have a tendency to take people for granted. Don’t make the same mistake today. Buying your friend a small gift or treating him or her to lunch will ease any resentment that’s been building. It’s not because you mean to be ungrateful; it’s just that you become so focused on your goals you lose sight of everything else. A youngster’s adoring words prompt you to spend more time at home.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Work has become a lot more pleasant, thanks to the efforts of a new boss or manager. It’s nice to be guided by someone who is intent on supporting their team. Don’t be surprised if you get a raise or promotion in the coming weeks. You always do best when you feel appreciated and respected. Sorting out your closets and cupboards will unearth some items you thought you had lost forever. Having a place for everything and keeping everything in its place will help.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A thoughtful gesture is deeply appreciated. You may not know it, but your presence is a great comfort to a sensitive youngster. Others are mystified by their behaviour, but you understand the method behind the madness. Besides, you never criticise their creative efforts. On the contrary, you admire your young friend’s inventiveness and encourage it at every opportunity. A cheque or package could finally arrive, much to your delight. It feels as if you’ve been waiting ages for it!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes: Friday 4 June 2010

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It’s hard to contain your desire for someone sexy, but you might have to. Crossing the divide between friendship and romance will be problematic. Besides, one or both of you are not free to pursue a relationship. If the two of you are going to have a happy future, you need to start off on the right foot. Sneaking around will only lead to disaster. Maybe you should table this alliance for another time. There are simply too many problems involved now.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Your unconscious desires make it difficult for you to get ahead in your present job. It’s possible you’ve pursued a career path based on security, not passion. This is ultimately a losing proposition. Cast your eyes about for a job more in keeping with your creative and nurturing talents. You may have to start at the bottom of an impressive company, but it will be better than wasting your talent at an employer you hate. Set your sights higher.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) If you’re going to get ahead, you need to make a realistic plan. Getting the proper training is essential to your success. If you’re not willing to put in the time, you need to change plans. Give someone who has attained a high level of education the respect he is due. This man is a bore and you resent his condescending attitude. Still, he has worked hard to become an expert and is probably able to teach you a thing or two.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Uncertainty about your financial situation is driving you crazy. Although the prospect is terrifying, you need to learn exactly how much you owe and how much you have saved. Once you learn the truth, you’ll be able to plan for a more secure future. Consolidate your bills, negotiate a lower interest rate, and start putting some money into an interest bearing account. If you stick to these principles, you’ll stop having all those sleepless nights, worrying.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Aggressive behaviour will make a bad impression on someone you are trying to impress. Truly powerful people don’t have to resort to threats. They maintain calm under pressure while asserting their authority. If you experience a terrible disappointment, go somewhere quiet where you can lick your wounds in private. Venting your rage at an unlucky waiter or salesperson will just make you seem like an ungrateful bully.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Be consistent with colleagues. Saying one thing and doing another will undermine your professional reputation. If you can’t handle all the responsibilities that have been heaped on your plate, say so. It’s better to refuse work than let somebody down when there’s no time to regroup. Unemployed? Finding work in your desired field will be difficult. Maybe you need to widen your search. There’s no shame in taking a job beneath your skill set as a means to cover your bills.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Friends are pushing you in a direction you do not like. You want to remain faithful to a creative vision or relationship ideal. Having your head filled with cynical thoughts is really depressing you. Maybe it’s time to take a break from these pessimists. Going on holiday alone can be helpful. It’s time to reconnect with your inner romantic or you’ll lose sight of the things that make life meaningful. You’re a lot more sentimental than you pretend.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your boss is asking you to go above and beyond the call of duty. By giving in to this demand, you’ll set an unhealthy precedent. As much as it pains you to do so, you need to draw the line. Don’t take work calls when you’re at home. Leave the office when you’re supposed to. If someone tries to make you feel guilty about keeping regular hours, give him or her a piece of your mind. No one can question your professionalism.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Going on a trip may be more trouble than it’s worth. Flight delays, hotel construction, and last minute cancellations can turn what was supposed to be a relaxing break into a logistical nightmare. At times like these, the best you can do is release your expectations. Go with the flow and look for ways to make the best of a bad situation. If you’ve been mistreated, ask for a refund. If management won’t help, your credit card company may be able to block unwanted charges.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Trying to buy someone’s affection is a mistake. You’ll always wonder whether your lover likes you or your money. What you don’t realise is you are an extremely attractive person, once you stop putting so much emphasis on status and money. Let your earthy sensuality shine through, whether it’s in your dress or musical taste or reading material. An observant person will recognise your true worth and make a move. Until then, be patient and hold out for true love.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Resisting someone’s advances will be a full time job. Your suitor just isn’t getting the message. If he or she doesn’t back off after you describe your feelings in blunt terms, contact the authorities. These days, you can’t take such situations too lightly. Tell colleagues, relatives, and roommates about your problem so they can protect you from future onslaughts. The more people who know about your situation, the better off you’ll be.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You may be idealising a work situation. A colleague who seems helpful is actually plotting against you. Be less trusting with your bright ideas, or a rival will take credit for them. It’s also wise to refrain from discussing your personal life at work. By maintaining a strict separation between your public and private spheres, you’ll be able to get the promotion or raise you deserve. Resist the temptation to send private emails from your work account, or you’ll get in lots of trouble.