Friday, June 19, 2009

Ukrainian online dating business model?

Lugansk has few illegal fake agencies that work behind the closed doors. They don’t give any of their contact details; they do not provide clients with any trustworthy information, they don’t have advertisements. The pictures of their beautiful clients they put in different free internet sites. Many of their clients are married young women. They are not unfaithful to their husbands and do not look for a partner for creating a family. So, why do they address to the dating agency? The answer is simple and horrifying – is the money. This is it! The work of Lugansk beauties is also simple and does not really bother them. They just bring their photos to the agency and that’s all. The rest is the task for their agency. They decide on what web-site to put the newly came girl’s picture, they write letters to her trapped fiance and so on. As a rule they receive lots of letters from the foreign clients and the fiances (if I can say so) on the wings of love fly to Lugansk to see their beloved ones. Finally, the couples have a meeting and… confused fiances get a cold look of their Lugansk beauty instead of a sweet kiss. They loyally pay money for personal translator service, driver, apartment found by their baby-girls and stay alone with their dreams. At the meantime, their brides honestly get their “share� for every deal from their translator who works for the agency. Usually, the fake bride gets some per cent from the whole sum given by her fiance. And actually, her salary depends on how much generous her fiance is.

Well, this is a sad story about Lugansk’s beautiful women and their fake dating agencies. I take all the responsibility for the reliability of this information and it’s checked by myself. In two similar agencies that I attended as a fake client I got the whole information about how the agencies of such kind work and how their brides should work in their team. I told them that I’m married hiding the facts that could make them suspicious and disclose my intensions. As I told before, I will not describe all the details. However, it made me even the more striving for realizing my purpose. And now I’m gonna do everything for the creation of a real, legal and professional agency that could help any girl of Lugansk to find her man. The one she could give all her love, passion, tenderness, faithfulness and beauty.

Oxana Gaertner
to read the full article by Oxana
A shocking truth about Lugansk Ukraine or ukrainian beauties

Technology Killing Love?

Finding the right balance
by Christina Julian
Source: California Psychics

It's been reported that 20 million people per month engage with online dating sites like Facebook, Twitter, eHarmony, and countless others. Economic strife is only fueling the numbers of people who are looking for love in all the online places.

Even web-savvy socialites and celebrities like Charlie Sheen and Matthew Perry don't seem to be impervious to online dating. In an age when technology continues to drive our dating tendencies, could it also be killing our chances for love?

Technology has become the vending machine of the dating future. Instead of selecting snacks, you can pick out potential love interests until your heart is content. Turn to Google for checking someone out before securing a date, lean on Facebook to answer your late-night date search cravings, and - once you've landed the date of the century - pop online and Tweet about it.

Like the good old vending machines of days gone by, if you don't like what you see there's another goodie lurking in the background just waiting to be picked. With little to no effort you can blast your experiences to your inner and outer circle of friends, work associates, and beyond. Is this really a good thing?

Vendible love
Social networking sites enable you not only to search your own network, but also your friends and their friends - and on and on until you find exactly what you're looking for. But this endless bounty of options may have rendered you unable to decide on anyone because your machine (laptop, PDA, iPhone) is stuffed with one too many dateable treats. While sites and services are arguably the quickest route to a good time and a wealth of dating opportunities, it's time to determine if it's a trip worth taking when true love is your destination.

Tradition vs. technology
Before the information highway took over the dating freeway we were left with good old-fashioned in-person communication (and chemistry!) to determine if someone was worthy of our attention. A lot of that tradition has slipped by the wayside, and now friends have a podium to weigh in on who you should and shouldn't date, leaving a smidgeon of space for your own personal views. Traditional dating grants some obvious perks, like nonverbal cues that let you assess how hot - or not - a date is. It's also one of the only ways to determine if you've got chemistry, something that your keyboard will never know.

While your options for locating viable candidates in "real life" are greatly reduced from their online counterparts, conventional means grant you something the Internet can't - a live person! People's actual presences, unlike their photos, can't fudge the visual truth. And look at it this way, by opting to forgo a love search on the web, you're freeing up a ton of time to connect with someone on a more personal level.

Data-ble bases
No one can argue that the Internet offers one of the broadest and most extensive methods for your dating search. It's been estimated that on a per-year basis over 100,000 couples tie the knot in relationships that began online. With a click of the keyboard and a tap of the mouse, the options are limitless. A quick stop at Google can unveil a tome of information that you might be delighted or frightened to know about someone. Social networking sites go a long way in cutting down the screening process for the datable population. If someone is a friend of a Facebook friend, we sometimes feel safer. The ease of exiting an uncomfortable situation or relationship is also a snap online. Relationships can even stop before they ever get a chance to start if someone posted a goofy comment on someone's wall, or if the company they keep in their online profile or photo gallery leaves you less than amused. And let's admit it: technology can be a hoot! Who hasn't had fun playing cat and mouse with someone at lunchtime, or as you kill time at Starbucks?

Un-private relationships
However, the web-based way of dating might not be for everyone. For the good and bad of it, your life goes on display, and - sort of like the Energizer Bunny, people's virtual lives keep going, and going and going - long after the relationship may have stopped. Does Jack really want to know what Jill has been up to after she left him for Ken? In deciding to date online it's safe to assume that your private life may not stay private for very long. And while it's great to be "friended" by the guy you've been eyeing at the gym, it doesn't feel nearly as nice when he "unfriends" you after you lap him on the indoor track. If you've ever been privy to a post-break up online rant (hello Mr. and Ms. Barker!) the public nature of the web only heightens the intensity and scrutiny of things.

The Internet, like any good tool, is only as good as its operator. So think before you click, and use it wisely as you pour through your dateable/un-dateable database of potential love interests. But once you've narrowed things down to manageable levels, stop clicking your keyboard and phone pad long enough to make a date: get to know your would-be squeeze, live and in person, because human connection - in every sense of the word - is what dating is and should be all about.

Will you find love online? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

In The Mood For a Reading?

Psychics talk about emotions
Source: California Psychics

Of course you call a psychic for a reading when you're anxious, heartbroken or confused... you need clarity! You want to know that tomorrow will be a better day - and that something good will happen for you again.

But is there a chance that your troublesome mood will influence the outcome of your reading? Yes and no, our psychics answer. Here's what you need to know.

Psychic Ellie ext. 9936 maintains that staying positive and filtering out the mood of the caller, as much as possible, is one key to being a professional. "It's important to allow them to express their worry or sadness. All clients seek spiritual comfort and assurance at one time or another."

Professional psychics know how to see past your moods, but there are circumstances when a caller might actually block the possibility of receiving a clear reading simply by being too emotional. And yes, if there's a huge cloud hanging over your head when you call, it may take longer for a psychic to get to the heart of your matter. But for the most part just being upset, or depressed or tearful, is expected - and emotions are respected.

"It's true that callers in a good mood tend to be more open to receiving messages and are more attentive to the details of their readings," Joy ext. 5142 reports. "They can concentrate on the circumstances I see surrounding their situation and appreciate the outcome, whether it's good news or bad." On the other hand, she explains, clients who call in upset tend not to be interested in their readings unless they hear what they want to hear at that particular moment. "I also notice that when I'm interrupted while delivering a spirit message, the messages are less informative."

While many of our psychics report that a caller's bad mood can slow down the reading process, the reading itself can help raise a caller's spirits and actually raise their energy vibrations. Some of our psychics work with their clients on an emotional level to help them get past their blockages.

The good news is that anger or great sadness can clear out as clients begin to accept some clarity on their issue… and often the information and answers then begin to flow more readily, many psychics including Tammy ext. 9380, report. "Readings often raise a person's vibrational frequency."

But there are people who will call in an overwhelmingly troubled emotional state that seriously limits what the psychic can do. If a caller is seriously blocked, Ariel ext. 9775 explains, a reader can only see so far into their energy and may end up stumped. If a caller's energy is good, the psychic can sometimes see very far into the future.

"It's the reason that people who are falling in love often get such good readings - they offer no resistance," Tammy adds.

"We all try to see past moods… but sometimes I have to get a client grounded so I can get to the truth. Otherwise as an Empath, I can pluck everything they're thinking right out of their head and the reading becomes confused. I may have a caller wiggle their toes, click their heels, focus on their feet… so I can get their overwhelming feelings to settle down," Nunu ext. 9504 explains.

Some clients just need to cool off before getting a reading, Alison ext. 9885 suggests. "People who have just been in an argument, are still fuming and not listening. They may get so impatient that they just hang up."

Anger and depression tend to block the flow of energy and energy is what psychics tune in to, with their various gifts and tools, to get the messages callers need to hear from a reading.

"I have had clients who call desperately upset, insisting that I tell them one thing, when I am simply getting another… But I refuse to tell a caller what they want to hear, just to appease them. Many calm down after I assure them I have absolutely nothing to gain by telling them anything other than what I am picking up," Paisley ext. 9661 reveals.

Moods can also influence a psychic's work day. All psychics need downtime to recharge their own energy. If they are exceptionally tired or moody, they won't log on if they believe their accuracy might be affected.

"When I'm in a good mood myself, I feel more connected to the higher realm and am able to deliver messages faster and more clearly," Joy reports, echoing the amazing interconnectedness that psychics describe as being a part of their overall work - when their minds are free and clear.

Are you stuck in any old thought patterns? Get a psychic reading to clear your way today. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Retrograde Jupiter

Time for a spiritual realignment
by Cortney Litwin
Source: California Psychics

Do you need a spiritual realignment? From June 15 - October 12, 2009, Jupiter, the planet of spiritual beliefs, will be in retrograde. Because retrogrades beam a spotlight on your inner life, this is the perfect time to evaluate and improve your connection to Source.

However, it can be a difficult time to start a new business venture because retrogrades don't support your material goals. It's not about focusing on prosperity, which is usually the domain of lucky Jupiter, but about being aligned with your integrity, beliefs and destiny. Goals of the soul, in other words.

If you do launch a new business during retrograde Jupiter, you may find yourself in a philanthropic role, like giving away services to those in need, which can be a good thing in the long run, but frustrating financially. Also, new clients won't be stampeding to your doorstep. So be patient concerning the financial and growth aspects of the business. Things will likely improve after Jupiter turns direct in October.

Be true to yourself
So what's the best way to handle Jupiter in retrograde? Look to see if your beliefs reflect your values. Are they truly a part of who you are, or are you blindly following the beliefs of someone else? Do you pay as much attention to your spiritual life as you do your job or family? If not, you may need to make time for contemplation, meditation or religious services, whatever form of spirituality nourishes your soul. Attuning yourself to nature, taking a class on Eastern religions or having your astrology chart read are also ways to energize your spiritual life.

The phony-buster
Jupiter is also about integrity. During the next few months, you may find yourself face-to-face with any pretenses you've build up. For instance, if you need the accoutrements of success (fine clothing, high-end car, six-figure income) in order to feel validated, be prepared for a lesson in what's truly important to you. However this lesson shows itself, just know it's there to realign your integrity with your soul's purpose.

Complete what you've started
Jupiter also rules education and adventure, while retrogrades prompt you to backtrack over old territory so you can complete your goal. Is there a distant land you've longed to visit? Are you needing to finish your bachelor's degree? Now may be the time to take that trip to Egypt to see the pyramids, or enroll in a college course (or two) to complete your education.

But what if you're starting college in the fall? With Jupiter retrograde through October 12, 2009 you might need to change your major eventually or readjust your schedule in some fashion. Most important, keep searching your heart to see if what you're studying supports your destiny.

It's a sign!
As the planet of the future, retrograde Jupiter will prompt you to examine your goals and how you'll get there. Heeding your intuition can keep your goals on track - or help you find a new path altogether. Be open to receiving messages from unexpected (unseen?) sources that can guide your direction - signs from the universe, if you will. A sign may come from meeting a long-lost friend who works in a field you've been considering, which propels you toward a new job. Or perhaps you'll suddenly hear a song on the radio that offers a clue about what you need to do.

During this time, be introspective and let the Universe guide you. Then you'll have a clearer perspective about your life, both spiritually and materially, after Jupiter turns direct.

Are you ready to embark on a spiritual journey? Let a psychic guide you in a reading today. Call 1.800.573.4830 or