Showing posts with label Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes:. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes:. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Tuesday 5th October 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It won't take you long to work out which plans are unrealistic, unaffordable or plain senseless! Changes in a close relationship are unavoidable as circumstances in your joint lives aren't the same as they used to be. If there are endings, then like in all times of uncertainty there will be some doubt and reservation. At least once everyone agrees on how to tackle current issues you will be relieved to get the chance to think of something else!


Taurus (Apr21/May21) A new job deal could mean more money for you. Providing you don't offer to do someone a favour at the wrong moment. Others are willing to pay for your services but they will snap your hand off if you suggest you will do the job for them for free! What's really troubling you is a secret worry you aren't up to the job. Yet everyone else can see how good you really are. Why undersell yourself? Go forward now with confidence and accept whatever payment others may offer because you are worth it!


Gemini (May22/June21) It might seem you aren't making any progress towards your dreams; don't give in. In times like these you feel as if everything is going against you and you might as well just give up. People are justifiable concerned about how you might throw away all your past hard work. You've hit a few problems and one in particular feels like the last straw but it isn't. Accept help if it is being offered. Take a break and come back when you feel less emotional. Whatever you do: refrain from making a drastic choice you could regret in the future.


Cancer (June22/July23) There's a fair bit of work to do if you're thinking about renovating your home but you won't let this put you off. In time, the clouds will roll away encouraging the sun to shine. An improved situation will soon appear; this will be somewhat dramatically and all because of the effort you are now putting into your environment. Make use of the planetary energies to concentrate fully on a special job which could bring huge improvements to your life in the future.


Leo (July24/Aug23) An emotional breakthrough helps you come to terms with a past hurt and takes the heat off you psychologically. Now things are more settled within your relationships, you might look for ways to give your life a boost. You've taken recent responsibilities seriously but life can't be all work, commitment and more work. Having too much responsibility will drain your energy. With things changing now in your family or social life and harmony returning, it's time to give yourself a treat.


Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) At a conservative estimate you may need to spend slightly more on a long term project or venture than originally thought. In terms of lasting gain, this may well be worth it. You and others involved may agree to club together to find the resources in order for this enterprise to continue. You will get over all the hurdles but not without some effort and some cost. Someone in the team is feeling low or inadequate; they may need a boost and you could be the one to give him it.


Libra (Sept24/Oct23) The scale of changes you are going through now is outside anything you have ever experienced. Because of the challenges it will bring, it won't unnerve you. You are too focused on what needs to be done and what others expect from you to realise the enormity of what you are going through. It won't be until it is all over that you will look back and realise how proud you should be of the way you handled the situation.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It will pay for you to follow your own path; pay no attention to what other people advise. Your determined attitude will win points with everyone you meet. Friendship scores high with older professionals you are involved with now; you might be intrigued by the stories some have to tell. Volunteering to do a service for free may be your first step on the road to a new career if you're feeling it is time for a change in this area.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Is reaching a specific goal worth the sacrifices you are now making to achieve your aim? Whether it is your love life, social life or family life that is starting to suffer, all you need do is imagine the problems occurring now, multiply them by how many people are involved and think of how it's going to be as they increase in the future. Difficulties won't go away while you're so focused on one target that you take no notice of anything else. They will increase. Ask yourself again: is it worth the sacrifice?


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Steer your mind down new avenues of thought and this will help you deal with a current baffling issue. You will be amazed at the difference a more imaginative approach will make. Pulling out of social or group commitments where you feel you are surplus to requirements won't be any real hardship for you. This may actually give you more time for those people and things in your life that do really matter.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Your heart is beginning to sag under the weight of the huge expectations other people have of you. Your support, enthusiasm and all the positive encouragement you have been giving someone has helped spur them on while draining your emotional and psychic energy. Teaming up with a person who is compatible and who understands may be the best answer to your problem and as they take on some of the load, you will be able to recoup some of your energy.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Deprivation will not lead to any form of psychological hang up. Particularly, if you are denying yourself something that isn't healthy anyway! You can do without something you love for a short while. In fact, the experience might do you good. If you have decided to quit an addiction, providing you are serious about it, nothing should hold you back. Depending on its severity there is professional help out there where you can find the support you need.

Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Saturday 4th September 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Something someone tells you could come true; you wonder whether they are psychic or just know something you don't. You have questions you want answered and there are people close by who will be able to give you all the information you need. You may have accused a friend of spinning a yarn or two recently or laughed at their perspective of a recent situation. It could turn out today their observations were right after all and you got it totally wrong!
Taurus (Apr21/May21) If you really care for someone and they're asking for some space you're going to have to let them go. If they really care for you, rest assured they won't wander off too far. Your partner or another loved one just wants a little independence and it won't cause a huge problem to give them more freedom. Not listening to them is where difficulties will begin. So, if someone is talking about leaving and you don't like the idea, ignoring it won't make it go away. Talk it over now while you can.
Gemini (May22/June21) Make the most of your instincts as your hunches will be a lot more reliable than you originally expected. The moment you start analysing and scrutinising your thoughts, problems will begin. Sometimes there can be no explanations about why you suddenly feel you must do something or call someone. It will turn out your intuitive reaction was the correct one to propel you in the right direction. Your Guardian Angel is trying to reach you today.
Cancer (June22/July23) You never seem to know where you are these days; other people keep changing their minds and plans are left hanging in the air. This could lead to a few minor confrontations. Disappointment caused by setbacks, difficult people and your own resulting moodiness will leave you feeling drained and exhausted. If you could just try to promote a sense of cooperation and harmony you would feel more relaxed and happier.
Leo (July24/Aug23) It seems unfair that someone makes a snap decision about you when they hardly know you. Their attitude is likely to rub you up the wrong way and you feel justified in airing your grievances. If this person is a professional you won't be impressed by the way they jump to conclusions and you won't hold back from saying so. Should anyone hope to gain your respect, this needs to be earned and currently the way someone is behaving, they are going the wrong way about it.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) A friend is enthusiastic and keen to involve you in their plans; your heart might sink when you hear what they're thinking of! You could always say no but something will compel you to go along with what they suggest. If you are single, romance is waiting for you at a casual gathering. Part of the fun of the day will actually be going along with other people's spontaneous suggestions.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) An intense encounter could leave you feeling emotional and confused. You could find yourself in a situation when you can't get out and about as much as you wish. Hanging around waiting for a professional to call or sitting in waiting rooms when appointments are delayed will cause a lot of frustration when there are other things you would much rather do. An argument preys on your mind and you wish you could bring others round to your point of view and get them to accept what you think is best.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) This will by no means be an ordinary and uneventful day; all you have to do is say yes to an unexpected offer or invitation. Joint activities will add variety to your life. If others ask you for ideas, let your imagination flow and who knows where this will take you. If you have been feeling a little disenchanted with your life, expanding your social circle or moving to a new area will liven things up a bit.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) If you get the chance to travel you might take advantage by adding a few extra days to your journey. Activities shared with others promise to be lively and will keep you active, interested and occupied. You're in an adventurous mood and you will make the most of this by accepting all and every opportunity that takes you away from your usual surroundings. It doesn't matter if all doesn't go according to plan as you will adapt to whatever each moment brings.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) There is something you want badly. Due to other commitments the choice has to be deferred gratification over instant satisfaction. A text message or email could be instrumental in reuniting you or someone who is close to you with a person who has been missing from your life. A relationship you expected to be cool and conventional could surprise you when you discover someone has an unusual and quirky side.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A challenge is daunting and you will relish the opportunity. There's a lot going on today and this will be enticing, drawing you into new situations and giving you the chance to meet new people. One person in particular who has their own way of doing things attracts your attention and respect. Someone you are fond of is talking about making some changes and you look forward to watching their progress.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Financial plans and investment opportunities that seem copper bottomed could easily go down in flames. Be careful about whose advice you take and who you trust in anything money related. There is nothing guaranteed and there could be more risk attached to a deal than you realise. It is true you may not be quite as confident as you could be but you should make your own decisions and don't be swayed by a persuasive sales person.
Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Saturday 21st August 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) There's some unease about matters of a joint nature. You may have a strong feeling you've been duped somewhere along the line; it won't be wise to ignore your instincts. If you're working with old machines or gadgets that are breaking down with regularity don't put up with this any longer. You need to think seriously about introducing new technological appliances into your personal or working life.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Health and money problems are likely. Getting involved in local social and sports events is a good way to improve your physical health as well as flex your cerebral muscles. Check all pension and insurance policies are up to date. If you're currently applying for a long term financial plan, be sure the scheme is the right one for you. You could find yourself in strange surroundings later in the day and this automatically puts you on the alert.
Gemini (May22/June21) An unexpected introduction could give rise to a sudden and irresistible attraction. Hints of changes to come are buzzing about the place. Despite your doubts you will soon find these rumours aren't without foundation. A variation to your usual routines is likely and the consequences could be far reaching where your domestic arrangements are concerned. Even so plans agreed on now could take a while to begin.
Cancer (June22/July23) You may have to dig deep emotionally in order to make decisions expected of you today. There is more going on within a close relationship than either of you realise. Remember: words are just one way to communicate. There's a lot to be gleaned from taking notice of body language too. Watch this today and over the weeks ahead and see what feelings you get when you don't always rely on words.
Leo (July24/Aug23) A decision is made and this is one that you may find difficult to accept. It might feel as if there are pitfalls littering your path every inch of the way. Many of these are caused by other people being deliberately controversial. If you find yourself at the centre of attention within a community exercise, for once you would prefer it if someone else was to take the stage!
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) If suggestions that were only meant as guidelines can be improved, now is the time to suggest new ideas. Schemes which appear foolproof at first glance may turn out to have a number of loopholes. Other people aren't so particular and are happy with a quick glance through policies. You prefer to go over the fine print carefully and some clauses you discover could change the picture dramatically.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Even statements given out by a professional association may turn out to be misleading or in some way mistaken. Someone is keeping secrets or holding back important information. You're being expected to make an important decision but if others won't tell you everything you need to know, you can't exactly do the job blindfolded! You could end up in the wrong place when heading for somewhere new.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Enforced changes on the work front may not be to your liking but other people are making all the decisions. The contents of a message you have to deliver won't please you. If you feel anything you have to do today may in some way be detrimental to your career, the message in the stars is: refuse to do it. If it's important to others, leave them to get on with it by themselves!
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Some events today will amuse, some will startle and all will trigger some kind of emotional reaction. After dodging a number of obstacles you could be surprised to find you and a competitor are almost neck and neck. This should spur you on and keep you motivated. Romance will be a feature of the evening especially if you are single as social events will introduce you to a new heartthrob.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A small mistake or misunderstanding could discharge a number of further problems. Rather than trying to deal with it all on your own, why not team up with someone who is an expert in these matters? With their expertise and your persistence and practicality, together you will be a force to be reckoned with. In most areas you will have no time for anyone who attempts to fob you off with less than the absolute truth.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Enjoy social experiences to the full because new emotional involvements are likely to come out of them. Snap judgements should be avoided. A loved one who is moody as the day begins could well cheer up later as long as no one pays too much attention to their earlier behaviour. An introduction to someone of the opposite sex at a party or other social event could completely change your life.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) There may be grants or funding available for a community project; seek and you will find. Regular reports followed up by telephone conversations keep you in touch with the developments of a project. There is also the strong likelihood that during a meeting or social function you will meet someone who will become a guiding force in your life, in the future. The strong support you have from others will help push aside any problems in your path.
Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope

Friday, August 6, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Friday 6th August 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You hit a complete dead end with a project which had been going well. Perhaps too well as all of a sudden everything has gone pear shaped. There must be a way through to the other side and you're determined to find the solution. With each passing minute a deadline gets closer. It could take you some hours before you start moving forward again but persevere and you will get there. Expect progress to be slow but don't give up.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) The gruelling pace of the day is starting to play on your nerves, fray your temper and affect your health. It might feel as if you've been working on a certain job forever and people are expecting more and more from you. It is starting to get tough and all you can do is continue to give it your best. Keep telling yourself, the situation cannot go on for much longer. You also need to tell a colleague they won't get the job done any quicker by shouting!
Gemini (May22/June21) In an important meeting be concise and communicate all important features in a short space of time. Don't make any important or hasty decisions as there may be hidden pitfalls ahead. People will distract you and when you're trying to deal with a number of matters at once it will be easy to make mistakes. If you haven't been happy with a business or financial arrangements, things should take a turn for the better late in the day.
Cancer (June22/July23) To try and speed things up you might be tempted to cut a few corners but is this wise? Currently you have a lot on your plate; the end is not in sight. You're acutely aware of all the things you have to do and how it looks as if you aren't going to make it especially if you're working to a deadline. Why not delegate? There is someone who is willing to help you and accepting their assistance will keep the overall quality of your work to a high standard.
Leo (July24/Aug23) A contentious situation can be resolved without you having to take sides or commit yourself either way. Getting people to open up and talk about their feelings helps them reach a compromise without involving you any further. If you work in the communication or information sectors, activities will be highly stimulating. Your range of contact with people in your immediate surroundings will broaden considerably.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) If you do your research well you stand a very good chance of impressing those who matter. Keep things simple. Complicated procedures might seem like child's play to you but for others to be able to understand, you need to describe them in layman's terms. If you get an early start on a special project you will be able to get steps ahead of competitors. A neighbour shares a piece of exciting history with you this evening.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Social and other distractions make it hard for you to stick to your own plans. There's a lot of good humour and high spirits in the air; even your more mature friends and colleagues are surprisingly playful. A deal you were offered and recently turned down has gone to someone you never thought would have been interested. A new exercise routine may not seem particularly taxing but you will notice an increase in fitness.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Something you're involved in now will be one of the most exciting things in your entire life. Others are pushing you to take a back seat; how can they expect this when you want to be one hundred per cent involved? The first thing you need do is make sure you aren't exaggerating intensely personal ambitions and pushing others away. Just as you don't want to miss out on anything, be certain others too are equally involved and don't feel left out.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) No challenge is too great or daunting for you to tackle. A materialistic minded friend won't understand how it isn't the money or perks you might get out of this that spurs you on. A major incentive is the emotional and spiritual satisfaction through your involvement in an exciting enterprise. With your help an innovative scheme will be turned into a huge success. If the idea doesn't appeal to everyone, it would be better they didn't get involved than make a half hearted attempt to join in.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Next time you do a similar job to what you're doing today you are determined to go a very different way about it! Despite having problems working with certain people you will continue to exercise as much tact and diplomacy as possible. This time next week you could be mixing with a new circle and the last thing you want to do is cause dissension now. Especially when you are well aware the situation is only temporary.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It could be hard to shake off the solitary mood which starts early on and shadows you most of the day. The cause of your dull spirits could be some news that disappoints or upsets you. Or it could be you will discover you've been deceived by someone you had put a lot of trust in. Prospects will seem brighter at the very end of the day when it will turn out you aren't the only one to feel this way. Try to arrange a fairly relaxed schedule for the evening.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Someone you work with proves extremely helpful to you; you will be glad of their kindness and sensitivity. This will not only keep you on the right path when it comes to a difficult job you're working on but it will also strengthen friendships within the workplace. You feel a stronger incentive to realise your objectives now you know others share your aims and are ready to back you all the way.
stopping you from seeing a friend! What bugs you most is someone's forceful nature. Anyone who tries to push you into agreeing with them when you don't is unlikely to remain a part of your life much longer.
Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Thursday 5th August 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You sense someone's trying to cover up a mistake or bluff their way out of a tense situation. Most of what they say should be taken with a pinch of salt. What's being implied has little relation to the truth. The fact you understand their predicament and intend to overlook some mistakes just goes to show how tolerant, broadminded and fair you can be. Even so you won't forget they now owe you a favour!
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You might be going over some old work, reading reports written in the past or checking an essay. If there's something you aren't sure about don't ask the boss for their opinion. This is your chance to prove you can learn from your past mistakes. Make any changes that are necessary if you must present this work to others for a second time. Be willing to laugh at yourself or make a joke at your own expense if you got some points horribly wrong!
Gemini (May22/June21) Use any free time you have available to do something relaxing and personally fulfilling. Start a blog, finish a painting, hunt out that book you've been meaning to read for ages. You've always had a tendency to work too hard so no matter what anyone says, concentrate on your own needs for a change. If you're doing something you enjoy, you are using your time positively, even if your mind is on anything but business and responsibility!
Cancer (June22/July23) It's not easy to settle into your usual routine when another person's health or problems are on your mind. You had high hopes of finishing a job you're now working on but it seems impossible when you can't concentrate on even the easiest task. Sometimes you get the results you want and other times you won't. If you manage to get through it all without making any mistakes you should be happy. You can't expect any more of yourself than that.
Leo (July24/Aug23) A hobby, task or job you volunteered to do is starting to feel stale. Although this isn't causing you any more than the average amount of stress, you are growing bored and restless. Whenever this happens it's always a good idea to change gears for a wee while. A switch of topics will perk you up mentally and make you feel less like pulling out of arrangements that mean a lot to others. Somehow you will see things through to the end.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Most days you find the best way to deal with problems is to power through the blockages in your way. Even so there are times when you simply can't find a way through the obstructions. You might feel as if you're wading through treacle and getting no further forward. On a day like this it would be best to take a break and return to the matter causing the problem when you feel refreshed. Everyone has a bad day every once in a while and it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Either you or those you're involved with have underestimated the time a job would take. Something you hoped to get out of the way early on keeps you tied up for longer than you'd like. Not a very encouraging start to the day! You're aware others are relying on you and you don't want to let them down. You're also annoyed with yourself for having got lumbered with this task. Had you been more alert, you could have avoided it.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're conscious of another person's increasing curiosity; their inquisitiveness is starting to annoy you. There are some people who just can't seem to stop themselves from prying into matters that don't concern them. You're dealing with issues related to intensely personal, health or career matters and you want to keep these secret. It will be vital for you to be firm when you tell others to mind their own business.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You need to make it absolutely clear you're only going along with what's going on because you have no choice. The majority have gone against the minority and you are against what is currently happening. You sense people are making a big mistake but they won't believe you until they are proved wrong. Hopefully it won't come to this but you can't help feel that what occurs now is doomed to failure.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're caught in a web of confusion and you hate it when you can't make a decision due to the turmoil around you. Either people haven't been honest with you or someone has been cleverly hiding the truth through being careful about how much they tell you. A person you had a lot of respect for has come down rapidly in your estimation. It isn't a good idea to do anything on impulse. Give yourself a chance to take everything in and you could come up with a workable plan.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You get most things done in the early hours of the morning these days. That's when you're more alert and there are fewer distractions around. As the day progresses you always seem to end up running around all over the place, constantly in demand by family, work mates and friends. To make things worse a younger male colleague has been shirking his responsibilities. The good news is: it's unlikely he will get away with this for much longer.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Health or money problems may occur and cause setbacks you hadn't planned for. You could make a potentially dangerous mistake if you take on too much or try to rush through jobs which need care and attention. There will be time to catch up later in the month when you aren't feeling so tense or anxious. For now, it's important to prioritise and deal with those matters that are currently on your mind.

Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope