Saturday, November 12, 2011

Amaia Montero "Caminando" music video y Letra

Uploaded by on Sep 17, 2011
"Caminando" es el primer single de su segundo disco "Amaia Montero 2"
Saldrá a la venta el 8 de noviembre del 2011.

Te esperamos en "La Geografía de mi Alma"
FanClub de LODVG y Amaia Montero


Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 13th November 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A reputation for fairness makes you a desirable business partner. While it’s true you are blunt, nobody could ever accuse you of cheating. Anybody who teams up with you can be assured of getting their fair share of the profits. The key is to pick a partner who is worthy of you. Resist the urge to join forces with someone who is their own worst enemy. This character has a knack for blaming their troubles on everyone else. You need someone who solves problems, not causes them.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Trust your instincts about a troublesome colleague. Their secretive behaviour is the result of personal pain. By offering a helping hand your work environment will become much more relaxed. True, this sullen figure has never been very popular, and with good reason. By making friendly overtures at this vulnerable juncture you’ll see a dramatic transformation. Everybody deserves a second chance. You’re about to witness the power of redemption.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’re determined to get the recognition you deserve. You’re tired of being passed over for candidates with more style and less substance. Fortunately, you have a hidden benefactor who is eager to help you up the ladder of success. Continue to develop your creative talent. Enter a few contests and competitions. Advertise your work as much as possible through flyers, posters, and social media blasts. Soon, you’ll garner a strong following that will be the envy of all your rivals.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Protecting your loved ones is your first priority. A loved one who has had a tremendous disappointment needs your help. Give your relative a place in your home. At first, their presence will seem like a burden. Eventually you’ll be glad of their company. This is a wonderful opportunity to improve your relationship. Of course, you should establish some firm ground rules. Remember, you’re the one offering hospitality. Therefore, your rules should be followed.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You have a lot on your plate, but you can get it done by taking a methodical approach. Make a list of everything you have to do and then cross off items one by one. Of course, you should pay careful attention to deadlines. Don’t leave a time sensitive task until the end of the day, when you’ll be forced to beat the clock. You hate being rushed and often make mistakes when you feel pressured. Be realistic about how much time it will take to dispatch your business.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Creating a budget makes you feel a lot more comfortable about your financial situation. Find ways to reduce expenses and increase savings. Whether this means collecting coupons from magazines, being more resourceful with utilities, or cutting back on luxuries is immaterial. The important thing is to make the most of your earnings, so you will be able to retire in leisure. Get into the habit of putting a regular percentage of your income into a savings account, so you’ll have a cushion against uncertainty.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Taking the helm of a big project fills you with pride. You love being able to bring various people together in the name of progress. The secret to your success as a leader is letting the experts do their thing without interference. Micromanaging just creates resentment. You know this from experience. Therefore, follow your instincts and let each member of the team follow their instincts. Of course, you should invite everyone to approach you when they encounter obstacles.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’ve always been very good at keeping secrets. As far as you’re concerned, knowledge is power. Keeping an intimate relationship under wraps will protect you from troublemakers. Several people in your personal life resent your self sufficiency. They’re always looking for a chink in your armour. If they learn you have a soft spot for someone special, they’ll try to damage the relationship. Fortunately, you are too smart to discuss your romance in mixed company. Keep your diary in a safe place.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your cool, calm, and collected approach towards life prompts a friend to confide in you. It’s quite an honour to be taken into your loved one’s confidence. They aren’t very trusting. Eventually, everybody needs to talk about the problems that weigh on their conscience. Your refusal to pass judgement on others makes you a good confidant. This doesn’t mean you lack morals. On the contrary, you have a very strong sense of right and wrong.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Assuming responsibility gives you a strong sense of purpose. Jobs that cause most people to shake with fear fill you with excitement. You have a marvellous opportunity to whip an unwieldy organisation into shape. Fortunately, you have a lot of able helpers at your disposal. By refusing to treat these workers like children, you’ll bring out the best in them. Once you set a precedent as an able, respectful leader, everyone will rally to your side.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) As far as you’re concerned, hard work is all you require to get ahead. You won’t get tricked or trapped into a get rich quick scheme. Even if it did work, such a plan would not be very satisfying for you. You’re the type who enjoys working towards a long term goal, bringing people together in a spirit of harmony. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach a class, write a book, or start a study group. Don’t be surprised if you fall in love with one of your peers.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’re more determined than ever to reach your goals. Nothing makes you angrier than a bully who uses their power and influence to put others down. Now you have seen such an abuser in action, you’re determined to stop their behaviour. Whether this means filing an official report, stripping them of their duties, or assuming their job is immaterial. The important thing is to use your moral outrage for something constructive. You can be a formidable opponent when your anger is aroused.

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Russell Grant and Flavia Cacace dancing the Samba to 'Better the devil you know' from Kylie Minogue. Including judges scores.

Europe - Eurozone tension mounts

From: TheITVNews  | Nov 12, 2011
Austerity measures have done little to ease the pressue on the European Central Bank.

There are signs of increasing friction between the two main architects of the Eurozone.

France want the ECB to act decisively by pumping more money into the system, but Germany are adamant that this must not and cannot happen.

In a tense, European split, Britain backs France

Italy - 60 Billion Euro cuts / Italia - 60 miliardi di euro i tagli

From: TheITVNews  | Nov 12, 2011
Given no choice, Italy has finally acted to try to calm fears of a financial meltdown, and prevent a bailout. The Senate approved a sixty-billion euro package of spending cuts and tax rises, which, if accepted by the Lower House on Saturday, will trigger the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi, and mark the end of his 20 years in power.

The austerity measures include increasing VAT from 20 to 21 per cent, freezing public sector pay until 2014 and raising the retirement age for women to 65 - the same as that of men.

But the plans have prompted angry demonstrations in Rome
Dato altra scelta, l'Italia ha finalmente agito per cercare di calmare i timori di un crollo finanziario, e prevenire un salvataggio. Il Senato ha approvato un pacchetto di sessanta miliardi di euro di tagli alla spesa e aumenti delle tasse, che, se accettata dalla Camera il Sabato, attiverà le dimissioni di Silvio Berlusconi, e segnare la fine dei suoi 20 anni al potere.

Le misure di austerità sono comprensivi di IVA aumento 20-21 per cento, il congelamento pubblici a pagamento del settore fino al 2014 e innalzamento dell'età pensionabile per le donne a 65 - la stessa di quella degli uomini.

Ma i piani hanno spinto dimostrazioni arrabbiato a Roma