Monday, August 8, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 13th August 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Working as part of a team satisfies your desire to contribute. Lately, you've been abandoning yourself to pleasure, which has been really fun. Ultimately you have to feel as if you're producing something of value. By getting involved with a charitable organisation, you'll make the world a better place and meet some unusual new friends along the way. You're especially drawn to an older person who has a deep appreciation for the arts. The two of you have lots to teach each other.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) All of your hard work is paying off and it's lovely to bask in the spotlight. Your success with this project will lead to a series of long term assignments, all of which will be lucrative and enjoyable. It's so much fun to get paid for being creative. If you've been thinking of launching your own business, this would be a great time to do so. You'll be able to capitalise on your reputation as an irreverent visionary.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) A teaching or writing position will be offered to you. People are starting to recognise you as an expert, which is a relief. For a while, you weren't sure where you belonged. Now you're making a name for yourself in an impressive field. Helping others to develop their creative talent will be especially enjoyable. Be gentle with an older student who has a fragile ego. In the case of this pupil, praise is far more effective than rebuke.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Money from a job you performed some time ago will finally reach your bank account. Now you're able to afford some household luxuries that were previously out of reach. When it comes to buying appliances, you should choose quality rather than something flash. Fortunately, there are some handsome, well made models that won't clash with your tasteful decor. Be willing to mix things up in the bedroom. Trying a new sexual technique will give you and your partner tremendous pleasure.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It's lonely at the top; you're ready to climb down from your pedestal and join the general population again. A short business trip is in the cards. You'll enjoy getting a change of scenery, and may forge at least one long term agreement. The intellectual stimulation you crave will arrive in the form of a class. Your teacher will have a long, impressive record. Although some of their ideas will sound dreadfully old fashioned, you'd be wise to follow their instructions to the letter.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Your sex appeal is at an all time high. Only your most intimate acquaintances understand just how sensual you really are. Fortunately, an experienced lover is eager to linger over your most sensitive parts. Spend a magical day locked in each other's arms. If you're single, you'll meet someone special at a lavish fundraiser. The two of you will feel an instant connection and feel compelled to sneak off to some quiet corner where you can talk privately.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) At long last, you're able to kick back and relax. Going away on holiday gives you a chance to feed your creative side. Take along a diary, sketchpad, camera, and whatever other tools you require to practice your craft. If you're single, you'll meet someone special on your trip. This cool rebel will invite you to try unfamiliar cuisines and activities. Normally, you'd be hesitant to venture into foreign territory, but your friend's presence will give you added courage.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) This is the best time of the entire year to buy a piece of property. A last minute negotiation will allow you to purchase a house that gives you lots of pleasure. Granted, the structure will be a little unorthodox, but that's why it appeals to you. You're not content to live like everybody else. Having a place that reflects your eccentricity will fuel your imagination and inspire a powerful work of art. Stop apologising for being a nonentity.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your intellectual curiosity has been piqued. Going on a short trip to a city known for its museums, theatres, and galleries will be fun. You're the type of person who needs to feel as if you're always in motion. Staying in one place for too long makes you nervous and irritable. If you're short on funds, ask a friend to accompany you and split the costs. The two of you will have lots of fun going off the beaten path, exploring out of the way shops and restaurants.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A project that is dear to your heart is finally coming to fruition. It's a relief to know all of your hard work is paying off. Don't be surprised when you're offered several lucrative jobs as a result of your masterpiece. Choose the assignment which allows your creativeness to flourish. Too often, you keep your artistic side under wraps, preferring to exert your leadership abilities instead. Now you're able to fuse both qualities into one powerful unit.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You're sick and tired of giving without ever receiving anything in return. The only way to remedy this situation is to cater to your own desires. When you treat yourself well, others will follow suit. This is a marvellous time to begin work on a book, get a degree, or travel to an historic land. You're not looking for a superficial experience; you want to explore the bigger questions in life. Accept an older, sophisticated person's offer of help.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Without giving yourself a chance to rest, you'll make mistakes at work. Turn a deaf ear to a colleague who is trying to pressure you into putting in longer hours. Although it would astonish you to know it, this troublemaker is trying to sabotage you. Someone close knows you have a yen for going above and beyond the call of duty. By pushing you past the brink of endurance, they'll move to take your place. Seize this opportunity to enjoy a sexy interlude with your lover.

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 13th August 2011


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Someone close can help you make a special dream come true. Lean on them when you need help with diplomatic matters. While you’re very good at jobs that require courage, you lack the finesse to win over authorities. Still, people respond well to your playful energy. A little DIY will be a good outlet for your restless energy. You can find some wonderful bargains on furniture, artwork, and other decorative elements in a vintage store or charity shop.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) At last you sense things are beginning to go your way. You’ve worked long and hard to get to this position, and should pause to enjoy your triumph. Your new situation will allow a greater measure of luxury. Make time each day to pamper yourself, whether it’s taking a relaxing walk, reading for pleasure, or exercising your creativity. When you’re spiritually fulfilled, it’s easier to take care of your health. You won’t feel compelled to overload on food and drink.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’re ready to open your mind to a possibility you weren’t able to consider before. In the past, you preferred to stay with people of your own kind. Now you realise how limiting your social circle has been. It didn’t allow you to experiment with different lifestyles and attitudes. Now you have a golden opportunity to sample another kind of life. Travelling to a glamorous city or sharing time with an accomplished, talented friend will broaden your outlook on life.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) An inheritance, refund, or bonus makes you hopeful for the future. At long last, you’re able to afford some household luxuries that were previously out of reach. Your own earning power will be enhanced, too, especially if you apply for a job related to the arts. Alternatively, you could be paid a handsome commission to write a song, paint a picture, or write a screenplay. Be willing to seize such an offer as soon as it is made, or a rival will steal your thunder.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Take a relationship to the next level and you won’t be disappointed. Having someone who you can rely on and trust allows you to travel and study. It will also help you to learn a new way of doing things. Take careful note of your partner’s strengths. If you play your cards right, you could acquire some of these skills. It’s all a matter of making yourself humble. Your friend will be happy to instruct you, so long as you treat them with the proper respect.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) The results of a health regimen are evident to everyone. You should give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work. Buy yourself some smart new clothes or a beautiful piece of jewellery. Normally, you don’t like to splurge on things like fashion, but this situation should prove the exception to the rule. It’s easy to build on your success when you look good. Trust your instincts when it comes to a youngster. They could use an extra dose of tender loving care.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Putting the finishing touches to an artistic project gives you a big boost. It will also attract favourable publicity. If you’ve ever wanted to earn money by dancing, painting, or playing music, now’s the time to give it a try. Taking a fresh, unconventional approach to old issues or past projects could open your eyes to a different range of possibilities. This is an exciting time for personal growth and experimentation. Break the mould and go for gold.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your private life is deeply enriching and fulfilling. If you attend a family reunion or celebration you’ll be surprised at how well you get along with someone who used to criticise you all the time. That’s because your former critic has seen the error of their ways. Be prepared to accept a sincere apology. The spotlight will be trained on you at work. Looking your best is imperative. You never know when you’ll be called upon to put yourself in the spotlight.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) After having had to keep quiet for so long, you finally feel able to speak your mind. Although your ideas will be distinctly shocking, they will hit the mark because several influential individuals will support you. Authorities that were once reluctant to make any changes to an organisation will start listening to your advice. Studying how foreign countries deal with similar problems and institutions will be helpful. Melding two approaches will be remarkably effective.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Payment for a job you performed some time ago finally arrives. This will give you a chance to make a bold career move. Buying a new computer, phone, or security system could put you in business. Ask a friend who has had experience in your desired field. Their input is invaluable. Money from a lending institution or silent partner will help you put a glamorous flourish on your endeavour. That’s important, because you must attract status oriented clients.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Asserting yourself brings surprising results. People are impressed by your original ideas, and may ask you to join their team and this could be the big break you’ve been waiting and hoping for. You need a seasoned expert who can find a practical application for your theories. Besides, you have to admit that you admire and respect their work. By staying close to their side, you’ll gain knowledge and experience that’s worth its weight in gold.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A spiritual epiphany helps you become more intimate with a loved one. You realise you’ve been holding back from a lover or friend because past relationships have been so draining. While your impulse to clam up is understandable, it is also harmful. The key to a healthy partnership is to choose somebody who respects your boundaries. That way your vulnerabilities won’t be used as a weapon against you. Let down your defences with a friend who has never let you down.

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday 12th August 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Putting too much emphasis on material possessions is making you miserable. Just because you don't make as much money as some of your friends and neighbours doesn't mean you're any less valued. People love your pioneer spirit. If you were to pattern your life after someone else, you would lose that special spark. Take this opportunity to develop your technical skills. Mastering a computer program or new gadget will make that nagging ache go away.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Resist the urge to overindulge in food and drink. If you've put on a few pounds, you must overhaul your lifestyle. Being more active in your free time is critical. It will help if you try a variety of workouts, like walking, swimming, and cycling. That way, you won't get bored or discouraged. The more physical activity you get, the sexier you become. That's a great incentive for getting in shape. Channel your affections; they're yearning to come out and play.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Beware of falling victim to a sob story; your first instinct is to give generously to anyone who asks for help. If you enquire more closely about their circumstances you'll detect some inconsistencies. It's possible the person in question is working some kind of scam. You've got better things to do with your hard earned money. A friend will propose an unusual outing. Although you'll have to make some last minute changes to your schedule, it will be worth the hassle.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Spending time with a large group has caused you to lose touch with your own thoughts and feelings. Take this opportunity to get away from the crowd. Devote yourself to an unusual project that requires you to be more assertive. By taking charge of a difficult assignment, you'll be less likely to be influenced by persuasive friends and colleagues. Their desire to cut corners clashes with your intention to surpass the competition. Continue to listen to your inner executive.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Relinquishing the reins of power feels scary. You're not sure the person who has come to replace you is capable of the job. Still, it's not up to you to decide what the future will bring. Step down and be as gracious as possible about it or you will be branded a sore loser. Now you have a little more free time on your hands, you'll be able to write, travel, and study. Taking up an unusual hobby will keep you from brooding.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It's sometimes difficult for you to consider another person's point of view. You're firmly convinced your ideas are the best ideas, and it feels threatening when others challenge you. Instead of getting in a heated debate, put yourself in your friend's shoes. Consider how their upbringing and experiences have shaped them. Remember if we all thought the same way, it would be a very boring world. The things that capture your imagination usually come from an entirely different perspective.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Financial and emotional obligations are weighing you down. Normally, you prefer operating as part of a team. Lately you are starting to resent your partner. It feels as if their behaviour is inhibiting your dreams. Before lashing out, make a list of three things you've always admired about your loved one. Keep them in mind whenever you feel that resentment building. Then do something designed to bring you closer to a cherished goal.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Jealousy has always been a problem for you. It scares you if someone shows interest in the object of your affection. You worry you won't measure up or you will be supplanted by someone else. Instead of obsessing over what you can't control, take charge of what you can. Be more attentive, loving, and affectionate with your amour. Encourage them to develop their own interests. Praise their efforts at self expansion, and show your gratitude for their kindness.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) The last thing you want to do is take on additional responsibilities at work. Unfortunately, you don't have a choice. Every employer is trying to stretch their resources further. The good news is if you agree to take on more assignments, you'll be afforded a more flexible schedule. That's music to your ears. If there's anything you can't stand, it's performing the same dull routine day after day. Take this opportunity to go on an extended holiday to a place you've always wanted to visit.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're using a love affair to avoid some harsh realities. Unfortunately, you can't ignore your financial obligations any longer. You'll have to cut back on fun in favour of making some more money. Whether this means putting in longer hours or taking a second job is immaterial. The important thing is to get a leg up on your bills. An opportunity to work from home is too good to pass up. You may have to upgrade your computer and phone lines.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Things are a little stressful on the home front. It feels like you never have time to enjoy peace and quiet; you're always on call. The only way to reverse this trend is to set some firm boundaries. That means turning off your mobile and avoiding the computer after hours. At first, the withdrawal will feel like torture. Eventually you'll come to enjoy the quiet. Relations with friends and family are improving because you won't feel bound by obligations.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You're stubborn about learning a new technique. If you keep digging in your heels, you'll get a bad reputation. Right now, it's important to be as cooperative as possible, so your boss will perceive you as an integral part of the team. By expanding your knowledge base just a little, you'll be in a good position to ask for a raise. The skills you learn will also make you more valuable on the job market, making it easier to find a better position, if you're so inclined.

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 11th August 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're expending so much emotional energy at home, you don't have the strength for anything else. Beware of rubbing an authority figure the wrong way. If you can't handle the same level of responsibility, hand off your duties to someone else. That way, important jobs won't fall through the cracks. It's scary to give your power away to a colleague who is eager to clamber up the ladder of success, but don't worry. You'll have other opportunities to reclaim your power.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) An angry exchange shakes you to your core. You don't like loud scenes, but sometimes you have to vent your frustration. When you keep your feelings bottled inside, your health starts to suffer. Besides, you're sick and tired of being pushed around by someone who thinks they know what is best for you. You're the only one who can make the best choices for your life. Relinquishing your control will be a cause of tremendous regret. Don't do it.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You're spending money faster than you make it. In the past, you had no trouble conjuring up work assignments. Now jobs are scarce, and you have to tailor your behaviour accordingly. Eat in instead of going to restaurants. Avoid expensive stores that make you want to shop. Read a library book in favour of buying a movie ticket. Even small economies will make significant savings. Above all, don't feel pressured to keep up an artificial appearance of affluence.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) An oppressive lover or business colleague is making you crazy. Somewhere along the line, your partner got the impression you are a pushover. Nothing is further from the truth. Although you're very tender and nurturing, you also have a core of steel. Nobody can tell you what to do, especially regarding money. You'll put your resources where you see fit. If that means spending money on your home or family, so be it. Don't let your partner denigrate your priorities.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A hidden enemy is doing their best to undermine your work. Although you think you are surrounded with friends, there is actually a viper in your midst. This rival is insanely jealous of your warmth, vitality, and glamour. They will do everything in their power to make you look incompetent. Take pains to cover your tracks. If you have a deadline, make sure your work is submitted both electronically and on paper. That way, you'll have a record of when you turned it in.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You're getting a lot of pressure to attend a party, but you don't want to. You'd rather spend time with an attentive lover, and who can blame you? Unfortunately, your absence will be held against you. It's better to put in a brief appearance than skip this event altogether. After all, you can't reach your objectives without the help of friends and colleagues. Take care not to discuss your private life with people who are apt to blab your news all over town.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) No matter how much you push, you won't be able to get your family to change their ways. You're tired of enduring toxic behaviour. It may be necessary to keep your distance from relatives who have drug, alcohol or emotional problems. Your attitude will seem callous to onlookers, but they haven't had to put up with all of this nonsense. When somebody asks why you're being so cold, just brush off the question. Getting drawn into an argument will be pointless.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your ideas are threatening to someone who clings to tradition. No matter how loudly the two of you argue, neither one of you will budge. It's possible you think a friend is in the grips of some dangerous cult or fanaticism. If that's the case, there's really nothing you can do, unless you think criminal activity is occurring. Notify the authorities if you suspect innocent victims are being exploited. Beyond that, steer clear of any attempts to convert you.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Resist the urge to try to manipulate someone with money. You can't buy someone's affection; at least, not for long. If the object of your affection seems to be interested in someone else, find a creative outlet. Playing music, drawing, or taking photographs will take the sting out of rejection. Furthermore, your artistic pursuits will put you on the path to romance. You'll meet someone who appreciates your special brand of charm while looking for a good place to work.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your powerful sex appeal is threatening to a person in your social circle. Lately, you've detected a seething resentment. It's coming from a friend who lacks your sensual allure. Although their jealousy is regrettable, you're not responsible for it. Just keep doing what you're doing, and don't apologise for attracting romantic attention wherever you go. Ultimately, your rival will show their true colours and be ejected from your midst.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You've been burning the candle at both ends. No wonder you feel tired and irritable. If you don't scale back your schedule, you'll burn out. Cancel some appointments, reduce your workload, and ask friends to run a few errands. That remarkable self sufficiency has its limits. By admitting your essential humanity, life will seem less of a chore and more of a satisfying journey. Healthy eating is a good plan, be careful about what you put into your body.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Friends don't approve of your choice of romantic partner. They think you're letting your lover walk all over you. While you bristle at such criticisms, there may be some truth to them. When you fall in love, you have a tendency to relinquish all of your power to your partner. This is a terrible mistake. After all, your amour was first drawn to you for your creativity, humour, and compassion. Subverting these qualities will cause all the juice to flow out of your relationship.
