Monday, June 6, 2011

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Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Monday 6th June 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Accept an unexpected offer and who knows what kind of new horizons might open up to you. Events that seem hardly significant could be bigger and more meaningful than you think. A course of study or learning a foreign language will tempt your curiosity. This could be the stepping stone to new group interests and activities. A partner or loved one will try to hinder you. They feel insecure and this is their way of trying to save your relationship or hold on to you.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You're moving away from areas that are no longer lucrative as you reposition your life and relationships. One problem you've got is persuading your partner and other loved ones that things aren't working and you need to break this cycle. If business deals have been breaking down and monetary schemes proved impossible to get off the ground now is the time to turn the whole situation round. Start making things work for you in an effort to salvage any recent waste.
Gemini (May22/June21) You've got to make a choice between one person and another or two very different situations. Once you make your decision you need to point out to those left feeling disappointed or let down, that it isn't because of anything they have done or didn't do. The deciding factor will have had a lot to do with your personal objectives and how new future roles might help you achieve these. Doing a favour for someone late in the day will show how selfless you can be.

Cancer (June22/July23) Something someone has been trying to keep secret is slowly starting to leak out. You might wonder if you should try and nip this in the bud. Now certain people have picked up on what's going on, they will keep trying to discover more. There is a limit to what they can find out so any intervention on your behalf may serve to unsettle the scenario. The situation will need to be monitored but as long as you don't reveal all, others will grow bored and take their interest elsewhere.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Systems that aren't working have got to change; people are calling for wide ranging reforms. You have been involved in a long running battle of wills but someone is now backing down. There's a need to tiptoe carefully through some combustible circumstances. You rely heavily on reports from those in the background. Taking on a leadership role will allow you to express a new side of your personality. Have the courage to stand up for what you believe is right. Upcoming social plans could tie in with your professional aspirations.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Professionally, you are sailing along on sheer bravado; at times you don't have a clue what you are doing or how it might turn out. What you do know is your current efforts could lead to a minor turning point in your life if all goes well. You wouldn't be taking the risk if there was nothing in it for you at the end. The good news is: not only will this be successful but it will give you a new sense of drive that will inspire you to launch some exciting plans for the future.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) There are different measures of equality as you're finding out now; some more fair than others! You know something you prefer to keep to yourself and you're aware too that other people are keeping their own secrets. An agreement to be more open with each other will help resolve recent communication problems. The fact you feel it is still necessary to hold some things back implies you aren't completely at ease with each other. Equality is gained in some areas, but not all!
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're growing increasingly aware of an impending deadline and all you still have left to do. You aren't finding it easy to reach targets you set yourself each day and this has put the whole project behind. The more you are growing aware of this, the more you are likely to panic and even less gets done. After one or two careless moments purely because you are starting to rush things, stop and reconsider your tactics. It may be possible to delay deadlines. Others can see what you are going through and they know the work will get done.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Throw out some of those selfish ideas you have for the day and make someone who depends on you the priority. Your partner, an older relative or a youngster could do with more of your time. You might begrudge all you have done and have to do for someone who depends on you solely, for much of their material well being. What you are forgetting is how important partnerships are to you. The situation can and will change in the future but for the time being, emotionally, you need them just as much as they need you.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're nervous about what you are getting yourself into but this is something you feel you have got to do. Once you've made a decision, it will be necessary to wait for the reaction. If all goes according to plan big changes are ahead. When all this is brought into perspective, your anxiety could grow. You need to distract yourself from these feelings by introducing as many varied activities into your day. Now you've initiated something new you can't do any more than leave the future to take care of itself.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Another person's problems may seem small and quite insignificant but they are important to them. Make yourself available to help clear up these difficulties because they can't do it on their own. Ignore a friend or neighbour's request for help and a big gulf could grow between you and this other person. It won't be any inconvenience for you to help them out of a quandary. It will mean a lot to them to know they have friends like you they can rely on.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) The only way to rid yourself of upsets or hang ups is to tell someone and get it off your chest. Your self image may take a battering when a person you have always respected says or does something that takes you by surprise. Their unfair insinuations or critical remarks will take you aback. Before lashing out in defence take a wee while to look at yourself and how you have been behaving. A little self criticism could be enlightening as you realise you've been far too touchy when others are only trying to help.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Where is the democracy and human rights / أين هي الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان

De: Malek
Enviado el: Sunday, June 05, 2011 6:26 PM
Para: John
Asunto: buenas noches amigo John / New posting

President Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh ( حمار )

Because of one person a lot of people must die. Then I hope that this donkey (حمار ) die first and all the people around him. How is it possible for the sake of one person to kill so many civilians. Why you don't have any peace and mercy on your own people.

Today 4 June 2011 a read good news, hit by shrapnel which sits just below his heart. And will travel to his good friend in Saudi Arabia for treatment in the hospital. So now you feel just little bit what you've done to others.

(This is explains everything Saudi Arabia, that's why he is still on power).

Each demonstration in Yemen against the dictator and his regime,  the attack them very hard back with live ammunition. The snipers shoot's in the heads of innocent and peacefully demonstration, they kill civilians like dominoes one by one. If you don’t have no heart for your own people. ( You earn respect and mercy ???? ).

How much senior officers given they function up for they own people. These people deserve respect they get a  heart for human been. And not that donkey of Yemen president.

Wat they have done ???  Yemeni Dictator his private forces

They shoot this child just 12 years, you can see his lungs from his back.
warning shocking images !!!!!!

Yemeni Shahd 5 years old girl murdered

Yemen president Ali Abdullah Saleh 

How many people are killed because of him
          and still must go ??????

Sharhab Revolution Sons of Yemen Liberal Forum / شرعب الثوره /ملتقى ابناء اليمن الاحرار

Who gonna go first of his dictator leadership
Gadaffi or Saleh
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Horse Help Heroes at the Epsom Derby 2011 - Today it was announced that the Charity has raised 100,000,000 pounds

Uploaded by on Jun 4, 2011
John Inverdale hosts Corporal Matt Wilson Presenting the Investec Horses Help Heroes Stakes prize at the Epsom Derby Saturday 4th June 2011

Help for Heroes is a charity formed to help those who have been wounded in Britain's current conflicts.