Saturday, January 22, 2011

Russell Grant's Weekly Horoscopes w/b Saturday 22 January 2011

ARIES - March 21st - April 20th
Expect to see a better balance now between your career and personal life. At last commitments in one area do not outweigh the other. Better still, housemates aren't complaining that they never see you anymore! Recent changes and readjustments that have been made seem to be working now. There could be a surprise coming your way towards the end of the week in connection with a financial or legal matter. Make sure you get all agreements in writing. 
 TAURUS - April 21st - May 21st
A job you have recently completed comes under scrutiny. Although you know there is nothing anyone can complain about, you won't relax until your work receives the approval of those who matter. A loved one's spending is starting to get out of hand. Unless you get them to take a more sensible attitude it might be better if you separate your finances so you can keep more control of your own situation. Cutting back now will help you pay bills in the future.
 GEMINI - May 22nd - June 21st
You know who you can rely on and that's why you are right to hold back when someone you don't know well offers to do you a favour. If you aren't sure they can be trusted, it might be better to politely turn them down. As it is you don't feel as over burdened as you have done recently and if push comes to shove you could manage to juggle your schedule and fit in everything you have to do, yourself. 
 CANCER - June 22nd - July 23rd
Your outlook and attitude will affect what challenges you choose to accept and what you accomplish. To capture the action you need to be willing to give new opportunities a go. Even if you suspect you aren't capable of some tasks there are people who will be willing to help. There's a strong need to feel loved and appreciated. Your partner or another loved one feels the same. Just a word or a hug when it is most needed, will help keep you confident and bright. 
 LEO - July 24th - August 23rd
You may not have a detailed, point by point plan but you do have a good idea of where you are heading. You know that as long as you stay focused on your goal, you will do the job. Achieving goals and moving forward gives you confidence within and makes you glow, without. Set your sights high because you have it in you to realise your dreams. You may have to make something of a snap decision as the week ends when a chance opportunity needs an instant response.
 VIRGO - August 24th - September 23rd
You'll welcome a friend's ideas and suggestions for all sorts of reasons. The challenge will strike a chord among you and a group of people who often talk about looking for something memorable and stretching to do. Once you get involved, you won't quite believe you're doing it. Compared with the professionals your attempt may well be amateurish but you will have a great time. Make this a challenge by choice: only go as far as you want to go. 
 LIBRA - September 24th - October 23rd
Leisure, pleasure and romantic activities are highlighted. You are also more aware of the importance of family and your roots. This could lead you to delve into your family history. Domestic affairs could take on a fresh lease of life. Although you will be working on a creative venture that holds immense appeal, you should remember to follow orthodox patterns. Attempts to cut too many corners will almost certainly meet with disaster. 
 SCORPIO - October 24th - November 22nd
If there has been some discord in the family, it is time now to get on good terms with those around you. The communications area of your life may at first present problems but if you persevere, you'll find a compromise where there has been contention. This is a prime time to solve any problems or misunderstandings. People will be more willing to compromise and you should see a very swift improvement in both your family life and love life.
 SAGITTARIUS - November 23rd - December 21st
You're working hard now but Venus in your sign reminds you not to neglect your personal needs and passions. You are in an active, go getting mood and keen to circulate among friends and colleagues in a similar frame of mind. After each productive working day, focus on the things that bring you most joy. You're also happy to go along with changes in a community endeavour because you can understand their purpose and intention.
 CAPRICORN - December 22nd - January 20th
Watch your step because money will tend to slip through your fingers these days and you may end up buying a white elephant if you aren't careful. If you're shopping for a specific item, don't get sidetracked. The good news is: money matters will soon be taking a turn for the better. You might find art, music, prose or poetry is the perfect outlet to express your feelings. 
 AQUARIUS - January 21st - February 19th
Getting friendly with a newcomer at work could introduce you to new people and pastimes. You're inspired to start a long term project with deep personal meaning. Close relationships can be improved because a stubborn loved one is more tolerant and forgiving. Rather than opposing your ideas as you may have been expecting, they will be more open to new suggestions. You're experiencing more independence from family ties.
PISCES - February 20th - March 20th
Surprising developments taking place in the background of your life will give you the chance to try a new direction. Once you've made your mind up you will be determined to reach your goals no matter what it takes. You're in tune with your intuition and if you get a hunch about something, whether it is positive or negative, follow it. A neighbour is having a difficult time and in the weekend they will pour their frustration into words!

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes Saturday 22nd January 2011

Want your AstroChart? - Listen to Russell Grant via Real Audio

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're being given a host of new opportunities, which is gratifying. Don't get lulled into a sense of complacency, though; this lavish period won't last forever. Give careful thought to the risks you're going to take. Any offer related to travel, study and the media is sure to yield impressive fruit. It's essential to push yourself as hard as you can right now, because the stars are beaming an added dose of support. Even minor failures will lead to major victories.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Spending time alone leads to exciting discoveries. You're very adventurous when left to your own devices. Take this opportunity to experiment with sports, painting, cooking, decorative arts, whatever activity takes your fancy. When you're not worried about impressing an audience, you're capable of doing breathtaking work. That's because you let your own personal style develop. Instead of playing by the book, you allow instinct to be your guide. Rearrange your schedule so it includes lots of recreation. All work and no play is no way forward.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You're tempted to go on a crusade and joining forces with a group of activists gives you the courage of your convictions. Over the past year, you've become increasingly annoyed at public institutions. You started to wonder if you were the only person who felt angry about a lack of services and ethics. By joining a political or cultural organisation, you'll be able to make impressive changes to an outmoded institution. All it takes is a little willpower and a lot of support.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Moving ahead will be relatively easy for you. Your extraordinary leadership skills help you make order out of chaos. In the past, employers sought out more aggressive executives to do their bidding. This time around, they'll be drawn to your gentle methods. Make no mistake You exert power by hiding your iron fist in a velvet glove. Even the most stubborn characters yield to your will. Still, you manage to maintain control without making enemies.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) New doors are opening, which is marvellously stimulating. If you've ever wanted to lead a group, now is your chance. People will be eager to learn everything you have to impart. Travelling to a dangerous, out of the way place will also be stimulating. Loved ones will be worried about your safety, but wild horses won't stop you going. Although you love luxury, you don't mind roughing it if it means experiencing an entirely new atmosphere.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Your love life gets a big celestial boost. Suddenly, you'll attract the attention of people who were previously immune to your charms. If you're in a relationship, you'll be able to explore new territory with your amour. Acting out fantasies, trying something new and prolonging your mutual pleasure will make your physical encounters much more intense. Don't be shy about showing your partner what you want. An unexpected windfall makes it easier to afford a few luxuries.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Partnerships become much easier; if you're in a troubled union, you'll be able to break up and remain friends. This is a good time to hammer out a divorce settlement. The two of you will be able to divide your belongings without bitterness. Single? You could find the love of your life at a sporting event or gym. Keep your eyes open for a trim athlete. Sparks will fly as soon as you catch sight of each other so long as you can keep up with them!
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Several good job offers are coming your way, much to your relief. It's quite flattering to be in so much demand, especially in this economy. Choose the position that will afford you the most leisure time. Pay is less important than flexibility. A position related to security might appeal to you. If you've gained a few pounds, step up your exercise routine. Aerobic exercise will make the weight melt from you quite easily. You'll be very pleased by the results.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Take a chance on love, money, or work. If you've always harboured a crush on someone, now is the time to make your move. You'll be delighted by the enthusiastic response. Have an idea for a business? Start a small online venture; it could grow into a huge moneymaking institution. Have you always wanted to participate in a challenging industry? Take a job in your desired field. You'll quickly mount the ladder of success. You have the Midas touch!
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Property deals will be lucky for you; you can make a great deal of money buying and selling houses. You enjoy the challenge of rehabilitating old homes to their original splendour. If you're in the market to buy, you could find one in an up and coming neighbourhood. Be willing to be a pioneer. Moving to a rough area will be scary at first, but eventually, others will see the logic of your decision and invest in the area, too.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) This is a wonderful time to acquire cutting edge gadgets. You love any device that allows you to save time, advance ideas and connect with the outside world. In the past, certain items were too expensive to warrant splurging. Now everything is being priced more competitively. Take this opportunity to buy a new home entertainment centre, car, computer, or phone. Whatever you buy will serve you for many years in the future. It will also make your life more pleasant.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Money is coming in quite rapidly, but that won't always be the case. Take this opportunity to set up a savings account. Put a set percentage of every cheque you get into this fund. That way, you'll be able to build a nest egg that will sustain you through leaner times. You do like your creature comforts, but you don't feel compelled to overdo it. The danger you encounter is giving away your money to anyone who asks for it. Keep a little for yourself!

Eating breakfast I watched a documentary on TVE1 about Enrique Tierno Galván. I was impressed by the man

Desayunar vi un documental sobre TVE1 de Enrique Tierno Galván. Yo estaba impresionado por el hombre.

Enrique Tierno Galván (Madrid, 8 de febrero de 1918 - Madrid, 19 de enero de 1986) fue un político, sociólogo, jurista y ensayista español.

Yo estaba viviendo en Madrid bajo el franquismo desde 1974 hasta 1977

En 1976, un año después de la muerte de Franco, fue repuesto en su cátedra. En las primeras elecciones democráticas, el 15 de junio de 1977, obtuvo el acta de diputado por Madrid, en las listas de la coalición Unidad Socialista, formada entre el PSP y la Federación de Partidos Socialistas, (que obtuvo en dichas elecciones seis diputados), pero acabó por integrar su partido en el PSOE, del que fue elegido presidente honorario (abril de 1978). En las primeras elecciones municipales de la democracia (abril de 1979) se presenta a la alcaldía de Madrid. Aunque su partido no es el más votado (fue la UCD), una coalición con el PCE le da la alcaldía. Es reelegido, también con el apoyo del PCE en las elecciones de mayo de 1983. Permaneció en el cargo hasta su muerte en enero de 1986. Durante sus casi siete años de mandato, llevó a cabo importantes reformas, alcanzando una gran popularidad. Escribió un interesante libro de memorias, Cabos sueltos (1981), en una prosa culta e irónica excelente. Sin embargo, algunos autores le acusaron fundadamente, después de investigar la verosimilitud del personaje que se había hecho construir "El Viejo Profesor" de desfigurar su propia trayectoria personal.[2] .

En cualquier caso, se ganó el afecto de los madrileños con sus humorísticos y bien escritos Bandos municipales y con iniciativas que cuidaban los pequeños detalles como devolver los patos al Manzanares y las flores a los parterres públicos, incluso entre los jóvenes, al apoyar la llamada Movida madrileña.[3] Su entierro, el día 21 de enero, se convirtió en una de las concentraciones más numerosas de las ocurridas en la capital de España..

todo sobre el hombre

Friday, January 21, 2011

Legoland newletter - book early Kids go free and 2nd day in the Park Free

Legoland's early booking for 2011 offer. Prices start from just £135 for a family of 4 staying at a nearby hotel. For this amazing price, Kids Go FREE and customers will also get their 2nd day in the park absolutely FREE too.