Saturday, December 11, 2010

In the news Spain - SCAM ALERT - bogus scam offers are not just confined to the internet but the normal press

We have warned visitors to this site of the job offer scam, both in English and Spanish (mainly) and we are sure published in other languages.

The English expatriate weekly newspaper ( this week published the following story

“Readers are being warned to beware of some job advertisements that are appearing in local newspapers.

The job offering a monthly income for what turns out to be cashing travelers checks in Spain for a commission.

Some women in various parts of Southern Spain (Andalusia) applied for positions now believe they have unwittingly become victims of a possible scam. (See Kristina Svechinskayasee story who could face 40 years in jail) As a result they are believed to be part of police investigations.

One – a British expatriate has been held and questioned by the Guardia Civil (one of the 3 police bodies in Spain) in Garrucha Provincia de Almeria.

She is said to have responded by email to one of the advertisements and was consequently offered a commission for en cashing travelers checks at a Spanish Bank.

The bank contacted the authorities to check authenticity of the checks which they felt might be suspect.

Police have refused to comment on claims that a woman was held and question. But the reports have been confirmed by normally responsible sources (reports the newspaper)”

In October Euro Weekly News accepted a “Situations Vacant” advertisement after it meet all normal internal safeguards for publication the newspaper reports. It is believed this advert and others that have been spotted in a least on other free English language newspaper in Spain are scams. Euro Weekly News continues that is currently assisting the Guardia Civil with their enquiries

En las noticias de esta semana - Intrusos en Puente de la Peineta de Calatrava - Valencia - España

audiobit32 | June 11, 2010 | likes, 0 dislikes

Dos intrusos paseando en monopatin encima del Puente de Calatrava en el Paseo de la Alameda de Valencia.

El Puente de la exposición o de "la Peineta", conocido así por su peculiar diseño, se encuentra en la ciudad de Valencia, ya se ha convertido en todo un reto para los jóvenes. Son capaces de cruzarlo a gatas, corriendo o incluso en monopatín, arriesgando sus vidas

Inbox - SCAM ALERT "Dearly Beloved one" the typical Nigerian 419 scam sob story!

De: Sarah Showalter []
Enviado el: Saturday, December 11, 2010 10:31 AM
Asunto: Dearly Beloved one

Dearly Beloved one

My dear beloved I am the above named person but now undergoing medical treatment in Barnes Hospital, By fleet, Surrey, KT14 7LF, London, England. I am married to Sir Gerald White who worked with British Judicial Commission in Chelsea England for over a decade before he died on 5th of July in the year 2005. We were married for fifteen years without a child. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of GBP£350,000.00 (Three hundred and fifty Thousand Pounds} this money is still with the Bank, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next 4 months due to a rare form of cancer of the pancreas.Though what disturbs me most is my stroke. I decided to donate this fund to an individual or better still a God fearing person who will utilize this money to widows.

I want an individual that will use this fund and provide succor to poor and destitute persons, orphanages, and widows and for propagating peace in the universe. I don't have a child who will inherit this money and my husband's relatives are not inclined to helping the poor persons and I do not want my husband's hard earned money to be misused. I am not afraid of death since I am going to be in the bosom of the Almighty. I do not need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health, and because of the presence of my husband's relatives.

With God all things are possible As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Finance/Security in Europe. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will empower you as the original beneficiary of this fund. Please always be prayerful all through your life. I will also be most glad if you can tell me a little about yourself. Hoping to hear from you, you can contact me with your positive response.

Mrs.Amanda White - SPAM ALERT "entimación" "notificación-mpf.scr" que al pulsarlo descarga un virus "troyano"

Uno de los propósitos principales de este sitio es para advertir al público de las estafas, normalmente los que recibimos en nuestra en la caja, pero hoy en día cuando fuimos a recoger nuestro correo de Yahoo nos encontramos con esta advertencia de virus y sentir que es nuestro deber para publicarlo. Ayer fue uno de Inglés nos advierte de no abrir una tarjeta de Hallmark, que también contienen un virus - el famoso ZEUS

Según ha informado hoy la Dirección General de la Policía, el correo "spam" ha sido detectado por agentes especializados en la lucha contra el ciberdelito de la Brigada de Investigación Tecnológica (BIT), encargados de hacer seguimiento de este tipo de correos para evitar su difusión a través de internet.

El correo se envía con el asunto "entimación" y los mensajes que contiene hacen alusión a una supuesta "Notificación de asistencia en la audiencia en el procedimiento de investigación de que se trata en esta conducta regional".

Además, los correos electrónicos contienen un enlace denominado "notificación-mpf.scr" que al pulsarlo descarga un virus "troyano" de procedencia brasileña que infecta el ordenador del usuario.

La BIT ha solicitado a los ciudadanos que pongan en conocimiento de la Policía Nacional los incidentes que detecten en internet a través de la página web, con el fin de evitar la difusión de todo tipo de software malicioso.

Asimismo, los especialistas de la Policía Nacional recomiendan eliminar directamente este correo y no pulsar sobre los enlaces que se adjuntan en él.