Sunday, August 9, 2009

Live a More Serene Life

Spiritual steps to reduce stress

by Adrianne Stone

Source: California Psychics

Today, polls are showing that we're more stressed than ever before - recent ones even indicate that people are sleeping less and worrying more than they were just six months ago. So what can you do before things spiral out of control?

Like many challenges in life, many times the best and easiest approach is a spiritual one. Simply having a sense of awareness can help you turn your upside-down world right-side-up again.

For example...
Barbara's relationship with her personal technology - her Blackberry, in particular - was out of control. Between emailing, phone calls and Twitter, she had little time left for herself after she put the "crackberry" down. "I needed an intervention," she says. "Things finally came to a head when my husband woke up in the middle of the night to find me texting in bed... I realized I had a problem." So after a marital heart-to-heart and a decision to turn technology off after a certain hour, she and her husband came to an understanding. They have even rediscovered the joy of intimate communication - by not texting so much - and emailing less, too. This strengthens their marital bond, and provides a great natural means of stress relief.

Kevin, an internist, often saw patients from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., then brought paperwork home with him. "I'd arrive home exhausted, kiss my wife and kids, eat dinner at my desk, and then go to bed. That left little time for exercise, socializing - or even sex with my wife." Fortunately for Kevin, he attended a doctor's conference that introduced the idea of yoga as a preventative measure for optimal health. It led to a drastic change in his lifestyle, and it's something he and his wife can do together. "Every morning, we start with yoga. Breathing deeply and rhythmically together and stretching puts us both on a different spiritual plane. Needless to say, finding ways to relax at home has become a new priority."

Stacey was surrounded by negativity - she was in the midst of an acrimonious divorce, and her new boss was an unappreciative taskmaster. As a result, she found herself fighting depression. One morning she woke up to find a bird chirping in a nest it had built outside her window. "It was a perfectly joyous vision. It reminded me that there is more in the world than my problems. Now when I'm stressed, I just go for a walk - and admire the nature all around me."

Kevin, Barbara and Stacey were able to manage their stress with simple changes that helped to calm their lives and soothe their souls at the same time. Here are more techniques to ease some of the pressure in your everyday life. They will help you maintain your inner balance, as well.

Spiritual steps:

1. Alter your routine
Take a different route home after work, and stop to discover a new neighborhood or a scenic spot before you head back to the house. Decompress with a walk or a stroll - you might even go window-shopping. Moving your muscles a bit while you see the world from a different angle is a quick way to create some mental calm.

2. List your concerns
If you're one to awaken nightly with a worry-filled head, try writing down your concerns immediately. Spend a few minutes each evening listing your grievances with the world. Write down everything - especially the small things - like being bothered by a cold sore, a new blemish, or a few new gray hairs. You'll notice that giving yourself a place to vent will make your nights and days go by much more smoothly.

3. Be thankful
Start each day by reminding yourself what it is that you're thankful for. If your body is in good working condition, be grateful for that. If you have many loved ones, be thankful for that. If you enjoy your job, remember that blessing. Embracing thoughts of gratitude leaves little time for negativity.

4. Shift your consciousness
Find the good in everything. Another rainy day? Think of the gorgeous flowers that will result. A smaller yearly bonus due to the economy? Remind yourself that you're lucky to have a job! Simply put, thinking positively makes you happier. Do you tend to get the Monday blues on Sunday night? Flip your thinking, and schedule a regular event on that Sunday night - watch Masterpiece Theater, or have friends over for a weekly scheduled dinner or to play a board game.

5. Use visions of happiness
Gather some photos of that gorgeous beach from your island vacation, or your puppy's adorable face or your best friends - and post them at home or in your workstation. You need only look at them to take you to a happy place in your mind. Hold on to that feeling - and you'll feel your stress melt away. Esther M. Sternberg, M.D., the author of Healing Spaces: The Science & Place of Well Being, suggests choosing a pleasing desktop visual as your computer wallpaper - one of sweeping vistas such as green mountains against a blue sky dotted with puffy clouds, or maybe a beautiful sunset. A nice view, she says, triggers positive brain responses.

6. Change up your play list
Create a mellower playlist by loading your iPod with songs that you find relaxing or inspirational. Music with a slower or meditative beat can move your attention inward - and away from the everyday rush of chaotic events and thoughts.

7. Meditate
Last but not least, even taking five minutes a day to sit still, close your eyes and breath deeply can change your life. Anything that puts you into a gently contemplative state will relax you and take you to a higher level of consciousness.

If nothing else, when life is overwhelming, give your mind, body and spirit a break - even if it's just by making a conscious effort to breathe in and out, deeply and slowly. Directing your attention away from the things that are worrying you is always a powerful restorative during stressful times.

Do you need help managing stress? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830click here now.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Face Uncertainty

3 ways to handle life's unknowns

It may sound like a cliche, but uncertainty is a part of life. Even before these hard economic times, it was possible to unexpectedly lose a job, suffer a breakup or to get into an accident. That's because there are no guarantees in life!

As terrifying as that can seem, it's also what allows us to reach outside the status quo and shoot for the stars - even if the odds are stacked against us. We all create our own destinies, whether they come to us in exactly the form we're expecting, or not.

Try this three-step approach to tackling life's uncertainties- any one of them can make your life easier, simply because you'll find yourself better prepared for whatever happens - and, when the time comes, more willing to take the right risks.

1. You can't know everything
If we knew every single little thing awaiting us around the corner, life would be unbearably dull. Yet by changing the way you see life's curveballs, you can alter how you handle them. So, from now on, instead of worrying about events you can't foresee - or letting those that occur send you into a prolonged state of shock and immobility - try to see unexpected events as opportunities.

Perhaps getting laid off will put you in a position to go back to school and find a job you like better - or make more money in. Maybe getting dumped is a chance to reconnect with yourself and your deepest desires, before finding a mate who is suited to a more fully realized you. Seemingly bad things often wind up teaching us valuable lessons and setting us on the paths we should have been on in the first place.

Likewise, even in "good" times, don't let fear of the unknown get in the way of going after your goals. After all, while certain success is never a given, there's also no such thing as certain failure, either! It's up to you to chase your dreams - and sometimes that involves a little risk.

2. Best and worst
When faced with uncertain outcomes, many of us get paralyzed. After all, without knowing what to expect, it's best to keep a low profile and do nothing, right? Wrong! In times of flux (and any time, really), the best way to combat your anxiety is to be active.

If you're having trouble knowing how to act in any given situation (say, whether to make a change or stay put), why not ask yourself the same questions about the alternative choice? What's the best that can happen if you do what you're considering and - and what's the worst? Now see how your answers compare.

It could be that sticking with the status quo will not lead to the change you're seeking. And if things go wrong, you may not be any worse off than you are today. Even if you are - can you live with never having pursued your goal? Set aside your fear of the unknown, and repeat to yourself this fundamental truth - without risk, there is never any reward!

3. Baby steps
Often we make the mistake of thinking that huge changes are required to make progress in life. Not so. In fact, by taking small, active steps toward a larger goal, we make achieving it more likely by giving ourselves the opportunity to reposition and regroup if things don't go our way. Whether it's trying a class before enrolling in a program, or asking for a raise before looking for a better-paying job in a field you're less interested in, one thing's for certain - doing nothing definitely won't get you where you want to go. Doing something just might make a difference.

So what's stopping you? This is your life we're talking about! Throw caution to the wind every once in a while, and simply go for it.

Are you paralyzed by uncertainty? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

inbox - not interested - spam or scam?

Hi sugar,

Have not heard from you for ages! Have you forgotten about me? Hope not!

How are things going?

I am still single and spring has come.. all of my friends are hnaging out
with their boyfriends and I am alone ..

I have registered my profile at -
why don't you come and see my new photos? And perhaps even email me..

Though we might get to know each other better and perhaps this Spring will
be the last lonely spring for us?

Will be waiting:

I have never heard from this person before as insinuated although I do recognize Aff 32 that touts other dating sites. - I suspect would say that the dating site is behind this (they do have my e-mail address as my profile is with them)

Your Horoscope for Today

By Hollywood Astrologer, W.C. Moriarity

It may sound like a cliche, but uncertainty is a part of life. Even before these hard economic times, it was possible to unexpectedly lose a job, suffer a breakup or to get into an accident. That's because there are no guarantees in life!

As terrifying as that can seem, it's also what allows us to reach outside the status quo and shoot for the stars - even if the odds are stacked against us. We all create our own destinies, whether they come to us in exactly the form we're expecting, or not.

Try this three-step approach to tackling life's uncertainties- any one of them can make your life easier, simply because you'll find yourself better prepared for whatever happens - and, when the time comes, more willing to take the right risks.

1. You can't know everything
If we knew every single little thing awaiting us around the corner, life would be unbearably dull. Yet by changing the way you see life's curveballs, you can alter how you handle them. So, from now on, instead of worrying about events you can't foresee - or letting those that occur send you into a prolonged state of shock and immobility - try to see unexpected events as opportunities.

Perhaps getting laid off will put you in a position to go back to school and find a job you like better - or make more money in. Maybe getting dumped is a chance to reconnect with yourself and your deepest desires, before finding a mate who is suited to a more fully realized you. Seemingly bad things often wind up teaching us valuable lessons and setting us on the paths we should have been on in the first place.

Likewise, even in "good" times, don't let fear of the unknown get in the way of going after your goals. After all, while certain success is never a given, there's also no such thing as certain failure, either! It's up to you to chase your dreams - and sometimes that involves a little risk.

2. Best and worst
When faced with uncertain outcomes, many of us get paralyzed. After all, without knowing what to expect, it's best to keep a low profile and do nothing, right? Wrong! In times of flux (and any time, really), the best way to combat your anxiety is to be active.

If you're having trouble knowing how to act in any given situation (say, whether to make a change or stay put), why not ask yourself the same questions about the alternative choice? What's the best that can happen if you do what you're considering and - and what's the worst? Now see how your answers compare.

It could be that sticking with the status quo will not lead to the change you're seeking. And if things go wrong, you may not be any worse off than you are today. Even if you are - can you live with never having pursued your goal? Set aside your fear of the unknown, and repeat to yourself this fundamental truth - without risk, there is never any reward!

3. Baby steps
Often we make the mistake of thinking that huge changes are required to make progress in life. Not so. In fact, by taking small, active steps toward a larger goal, we make achieving it more likely by giving ourselves the opportunity to reposition and regroup if things don't go our way. Whether it's trying a class before enrolling in a program, or asking for a raise before looking for a better-paying job in a field you're less interested in, one thing's for certain - doing nothing definitely won't get you where you want to go. Doing something just might make a difference.

So what's stopping you? This is your life we're talking about! Throw caution to the wind every once in a while, and simply go for it.

Are you paralyzed by uncertainty? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Have you seen this woman?

Madeleine McCann Story

She is described as being white, aged between 30 and 35, with short brown hair and around 5ft 2in in height.

The witness claims she has a passing resemblance to the former Spice Girl Victoria and wife of footballer David Beckham.

read the latest - click here

Anyone who may know the woman should contact the Madeleine McCann investigation team on +44 845 838 4699 or via the Madeleine McCann investigation email address:

Soul mates reading

situation between...........

Click for Details

The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Two of Artifacts (The Colour Out of Space): Contradictory characteristics brought together as a means of resolving a conflict. Refusing to be ruled by negative emotions. Strife brought to a close through clarity of mind and restraint of force. Turning a blind eye to the minor infractions of others.

future between ......

Click for Details

The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Knight of Artifacts (The Hound Amulet): The essence of air behaving as fire, such as a tornado: A fearless and skillful warrior, unfettered by emotion or material concerns. One able to boldly take on challenges that others consider terrifying or insurmountable. A person who inspires fear and awe through the purity of their purpose and the intensity of their intellect. Speaking frankly, in an outspoken manner, and with great influence. May portend the swift initiation or conclusion of a conflict, through the decisive invocation of force.

The One Card spread is the most concise of all spreads, intended to provide a quick take on a situation, or to reduce it to a single point of meditation. The Lovecraft Tarot is a tribute to the gothic writings of the visionary H.P. Lovecraft. It is the deck of choice for explorers of the macabre, and for posing questions that should never be asked. If you would like your own copy of the Lovecraft Tarot, you can buy it now!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Win £35M tax free Euro Millions rollover

Tonight, Friday 7th August, there is a Euro Millions rollover with an estimated jackpot of £35M - Play online here

Get a Grip on Jealousy

Face the green-eyed monster

When love is mixed with fear it creates one of the most powerful emotions on earth: jealousy. Here are three questions to ask yourself that will help you handle your jealousy and become a more loving, trusting person.

Why are you jealous?
When you're trying to handle your own jealousy, the first thing to consider is why you're feeling jealous. Did something happen to cause your jealousy, or are you struggling with irrational emotions rather than a current situation? Do you have trust issues with your partner? Or are your jealous tendencies left over from a previous relationship? Maybe you have issues with trusting yourself that you are projecting onto the other person.

If your partner did something that made you question their trustworthiness, address that situation specifically. Otherwise, take a look at the patterns in your life that have brought on your trust issues. Address those core concerns - and you'll be less likely to drag them into an otherwise-happy relationship.

How do you express jealousy?
The next step is to question how you're communicating your feelings of jealousy with your partner. Do you quietly repress your feelings - but secretly let resentment grow in your heart? Do you throw accusations around and maybe threaten to leave? Maybe you break down in tears, and beg them not to leave you.

It's important to use positive communication techniques to let your partner know when something hurts your feelings and makes you feel jealous. Pick a time when you can communicate in a calm, safe way, and use "I" statements such as "I feel jealous when you have lunch with your ex-girlfriend" or "I feel jealous when you chat with women online."

What do you do with jealousy?
The next step is to begin paying attention to what actions you're taking as a result of your jealous feelings. When you start feeling jealous, how do you react? Do you snoop through email and check the cell phone records? Maybe you throw a tantrum and throw out accusations about cheating?

Whether you realize it or not, reacting to jealousy this way will only leave you with more fear and frustration. In a way, your goal is to find something incriminating, so in that sense you will only be "satisfied" if you find proof of infidelity. And your fear will drive them away, emotionally - which is the opposite of what you really wanted.

Stop the cycle - the more you act out of jealousy, the more you create that vicious circle of fear and frustration. Of course it's important to pay attention if your partner is acting suspiciously, but at the end of the day your jealous behavior is not going to keep anyone from cheating - in some cases, it may even encourage it.

If you truly want to let go of jealousy, you must also let go of the idea that you can control someone through love. Just as love is a risk, trust is a choice. Each time you decide not to snoop or pry, you make a choice to become a more loving, trusting partner.

What triggers your emotions? Get insight from a psychic today. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Who is responsible for the DOS attack against Twitter

I have been trying to post for the last one or two hours when I found out the reason for this

Thu permalink

Ongoing denial-of-service attack 1 minute ago

We are defending against a denial-of-service attack, and will update status again shortly.

Site is down 1 hour ago

We are determining the cause and will provide an update shortly.

Update: we are defending against a denial-of-service attack.

keep up to date with the situation with this link -

Could it be the Iranians? or some other person or company that is aggrieved by the truth being posted on the site and they wish to suppress the truth.

Extraordinary Lives of Psychics

4 intuitives reveal their past
Source: California Psychics

We asked four of the newest additions to the California Psychics® team to offer insight into what it's like to be born with the gift of prophesy. Then we reveal how they decided to use their inherent gifts to follow their life's path. Their stories run the gamut from funny to hair-raising... insightful and, most of all, inspiring.

What would it be like to be born into a family that has been psychic for generations? Can you imagine being tucked into bed each night as a child, knowing that when the lights went out, a man wearing a hat would be standing at the foot of your bed? Or, finally getting your mom to believe that your long-gone grandfather was keeping you up at night because he had a message for her? These extraordinary stories and more are an eye-opening introduction to the real lives of psychics Brendalynn, Corrine, Fiona and Kit.

New California Psychic Fiona ext. 5178 grew up in family where practicing readings in the family room and dinner table gossip about intuitive relatives, passed and present, were everyday occurrences. By the time the Clairvoyant was in high school, she had begun earning money predicting who would be dating whom. "The kids at school said I was always right - I wasn't, but I was right enough of the time for them to pay me out of their allowance for readings. Our home phone was always ringing off the hook. My mom would proudly say, 'Pick it up, it's another one of your clients,' and my grandmother, a master astrologer, would always smile. I can't tell you how much confidence all of these experiences gave me early on," Fiona recalls.

But receptive families aren't always there when you are the only psychic child in a non-psychic family. Brendalynn ext. 5173 hid her gifts early on because of her religious background. Even as an adult, she worried that she might make "psychic slips" in public. She was self-conscious about other people constantly asking, "how did you know that?" She didn't want to have to answer that question.

And even though Corrine ext. 5194 had a great grandmother who was known for reading tea leaves, her skeptical mother would yell "just go back to sleep! Nobody else is in your bedroom," when the nine year old began getting regular visits from spirits. "Finally, when I gave her messages from my grandfather, including the year he was born and the names of his horses, she began to believe me. Later, when my parents divorced, she'd come to me and I'd tell her about the men she would meet and date, which she thought was great fun."

By the age of four, Kit ext. 5180 could sense what was happening in the lives of people around her, and she believed that the man in the hat who appeared in her room at night was there to protect her. Her grandparents, whom she lived with, disregarded her psychic awakenings as dreams - and yet her grandmother did ask questions about what she saw and felt. When she was 17, Kit was given a set of Tarot cards as a gift, though her family wasn't thrilled with her new interest. As she began to study the Tarot, her psychic senses, she says, increased dramatically.

Psychics Kit, Fiona and Corrine grew into reading professionally quite naturally, and their client lists seemed to grow organically through word-of-mouth. "I never advertised my gifts in any way," Kit remarks - still, she became a full-time professional psychic at the age of 23."The owner of a small metaphysical bookstore called one day and asked if I would work for her, because she had heard about my work. Within months my path took on a life of its own."

"I finally understood that everyone has a special purpose in the universe and that as modern psychics, we provide answers," reveals Fiona about her decision to becoming a professional intuitive. "I found great joy in giving readings. Being a good psychic is about caring for people, about deep understanding, heart knowledge and unraveling mysteries - I truly love what I do."

Corrine, who had an active client list by age 14, was only allowed to work during the summer. "But like any teenager, I wasn't 100 percent sure what I wanted to do." Then Corrine met her husband, very early on. "We connected on a spiritual level at first - reading each other's cards, talking to each other's guides and giving each other tips. I can worry about something, like whether or not a reading was focused enough… and he'll read my mind and say, don't worry, you did fine. One evening, early in their relationship, after doing readings at a local "haunted bar" (they weren't even old enough to drink), they still had a line waiting for them after they closed the place down. "In the car, on the way home that evening, we knew we'd be a happily married couple who both helped people with our psychic abilities."

Only Brendalynn says she had to experience "a dark night of the soul," and it lasted three years. She felt it was necessary to "liberate her mediumistic, psychic self." For 22 years, she had jobs in real estate and business, until she found herself running into mysterious barriers. "I couldn't prosper. I couldn't get my work done. My personal life was falling apart," she openly admits. "I went through an intense and deeply spiritual transformation when I stopped doubting my gifts and caring about what everyone else thought. All of those barriers fell down when I revealed myself and said, this is who I am."

If you are psychic or are born with gifts or talents in any related area, our new psychics encourage you to embrace them - whether you decide to grow your gifts professionally or not. "Never underestimate the power of self-realization!" Fiona exclaims.

Are you looking to develop your own psychic abilities? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Villanueva del Rosario Feria

  1. nichols1936 - В Feria в Вильянуэва-дель-Росарио начинается вечером и идет на воскресенье (Run с быками на улице)
  2. john juan nichols
    nichols1936 - La Feria en Villanueva del Rosario comienza esta noche y va a domingo (Correr con toros en la calle)
  3. john juan nichols
    nichols1936 - The Feria at Villanueva del Rosario starts tonight and goes onto Sunday (Run with the bulls in the street)