Saturday, February 26, 2011

A medida que el residente en el extranjero primero (1997) que Villanueva del Rosario me ha pedido que acepte el galardón el lunes Dia de Andalucía

Villanueva del Rosario,Andalucia

El tiempo

  1. Actualmente 9°c Despejado
  2. Hoy 18° / 7°
  3. Mañana 16° / 3°
  4. Lunes 13° / 2°


A la Comunidad Extranjera asentada en Villanueva del Rosario, y le comunica que la Corporación Municapal les ha propuesto para concederle el galardón "Dia de Andalucía 2011".

Asimismo, tiene el honor de invitarle al Acto Institucional que tendrá lugar el día de febrero a las 12,00 horas en la Casa de la Cultura, donde se hará del galardón.

Diego Miguel Gonzálex Ruiz (Alcalde) 24 de febrero de 2011

images villanueva del rosario

Britain declares war on the SCAMMERS this week

Send scam emails and mail to
]The National Fraud Authority (NFA) works with the counter-fraud community to make fraud more difficult to commit in and against the UK. ...
Average loss is twenty seven thousand pounds from the victims that have reported their case. However only ten percent of the Russian dating scams are reported to the British Embassy in Moscow it is said so, this figure could be much larger - Victims of web dating scams lose thousands of pounds click to view video

After BBC South's programme Inside Out featured a woman who lost £80,000 pounds in an internet dating scam, others realised they too were being scammed by fake internet partners fleecing them for money.

One victim believed she had an online relationship with an American soldier, but ended up transferring thousands of dollars to Nigeria exposures

Women warned of scam dating site

Dating scam woman loses £150,000

and here and delphi

Friends at Delphi have asked us to help expose and put behind bars the Nigerian MuguYou can leave a comment here or on the original page ...........

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English visitors have the series The Killing tonight and The Promise tomorrow night. Chico y Rita was released in Spanish cinemas yesterday. The film was made for 10m euros and won a Premio Goya. if you follow the link you will find both the English and Spanish trailers

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Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Saturday 26th February 2011

Want your AstroChart? - Listen to Russell Grant via Real Audio

Russell Grant's Weekly Horoscopes w/b Monday 21st February 2011
Weekly LoveCast® "Mercury and Mars entering Pisces

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) If work is uninspiring your mind will invariably wander off into personal matters. Thoughts are likely to turn to recent events and conversations and this may well generate a wave of affection towards someone you love. Ideas start to develop during the day. This will culminate with a surprised and delighted partner finding themselves the target of all your attention and affection, this evening. Romantic plans look like keeping you both occupied for some hours!
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Although someone who disagrees with you might be treating you as if you are dumb, you are certainly not a fool. There is a high chance you are the most sensible, cautious and practical person in the group! While others are engaged in silly talk and actions, you're quietly getting on with the serious stuff. Make your views known, let your knowledge abound and very soon others will be changing their minds and you will have carved yourself a new position in their esteem.
Gemini (May22/June21) There are traces of tension in a working relationship or close partnership. Someone appears to believe they are better than others or that their opinions have more value than everyone else's. Where you and they differ is that where they are inflexible at least you have made the effort to learn how to agree to disagree. You also know how to keep out of the way of senior colleagues who are in a touchy mood for some reason today!
Cancer (June22/July23) When asked about your opinion on something going on it will be easier to point out all the bad points than good ones. Think about it a little more and you will realise it is time to go back to square one and try it out all over again or call it a day. Either financially or in other ways, things might seem to be getting out of hand but don't worry. The answer lies in a simple clear out and some organisation. Once you know where you are, these problems will disappear.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You can see the positive in other people and you recognise everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Because you're able to face your own failings, you tend to be more generous and sensitive towards others. Whereas your ability to lead will come as no surprise to anyone as your dynamic personality helps you to naturally take control, your use of tact mixed with a softly-softly approach will surprise and impress!
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Your mood is affecting your work and your relationships and not in a good way either. Everyone has times when they need to shake themselves out of a bad mood or escape from a negative frame of mind. Even if you don't want to admit it, something or someone has rattled your cage. You now need to make an effort to change how you are feeling or you could find yourself spiralling into a black mood and this won't do anyone any good at all.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) If there is a specific project you want to get underway this is the perfect time to make a start. If you're keen to continue something recently begun, your positive attitude to the possibility of success will bring you the rewards you desire. Whatever happens as long as you stay positive and a little more secretive where competitors are concerned, then you really can't fail. Long term plans you have been thinking about deeply are discussed again this evening.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Stop feeling as if you can't make a new commitment work; look at the success you have had in recent relationships. You know from past experience how new acquaintances have soon turned into friends or even how a friend can become your partner. Whatever the relationship or commitment you are concerned about you can rest assured it will progress without a problem and fulfil your idea of a successfully dealt with situation.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) There are times when you're inclined to take small risks and this could be one of those days. If you are thinking of buying something for yourself or your family, then go for it. Half measures just won't do. You might feel unreasonably angry or irritable with a person who does not think or act as fast as you do. This won't be pleasant for you or for others around you and it will destroy your ability to focus on doing anything productive.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A question asked of you presupposes you agree to something you don't! Someone is attempting to order everything according to their own perspective which seems to you, to be slightly distorted. If they are allowed to carry on as they are, chaos will reign. You've always had a patient nature but someone has their limits and even you know when to decide enough is enough. If you lack energy at the start of the day, this will build up as the day progresses.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Taking a diplomatic approach when people get argumentative ought to see you rise both in popularity and esteem. Whatever the problem or issue, you can take the initiative and subtly control the situation without causing a stir. Not only are you doing better than anyone else but you are getting your views across with ease. This evening, throw yourself wholeheartedly into a group or neighbourhood shindig that again brings out the best in you.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) There will always be something you want or need but that doesn't mean you aren't ever satisfied. Life's journey takes you constantly to new places both in the world around you and deep within yourself too. Sometimes you will want to strike out and explore new places, other times you might feel more spiritually inclined. Currently most fulfilment will come through making an effort to develop your psychic side through studying those New Age subjects that grab your interest.