Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nigerian 419 Fraud - Caso Nilo 87 defendants were found guilty of fraud and forgery Sentenced to 23 months & 15 days in jail + 1,800 euros fine

Un acuerdo masivo con el fiscal permite aligerar el 'caso Nilo ... › España
hace 8 horas – El macrojuicio del caso Nilo sobre la estafa de la lotería nigeriana -el ... la Sección Novena de la Audiencia Provincial de Málaga sólo había ...

  1. Noticias sobre caso nilo málaga


  2. Un acuerdo masivo con el fiscal permite aligerar el 'caso Nilo'
    El Paí (España) - hace 8 horas
    El macrojuicio del caso Nilo sobre la estafa de la lotería nigeriana -el envío ... de Málaga sólo había logrado localizar y citar para la vista oral a 113. ...
    65 artículos relacionados

The case macrojuicio Nile on the Nigerian lottery scam, the mass mailing of letters informing the recipient that has won a prize (fake) lottery in Spain and is being sought to initiate a number of collection efforts - will be much lighter than expected. Only 16 of the 168 defendants were finally face the hearing after the vast majority accept the penalty demanded for them the anti-corruption prosecutor Francisco Jiménez Villarejo.

Un total of 87 defendants were found guilty of fraud and forgery continuous and satisfied with the sentence of 23 months and 15 days in jail and a fine of 1,800 euros. The defendants do not have a criminal record should not come into prison. The prosecutor has withdrawn all cases the conspiracy charge, which carried a penalty petition and seven years in prison.
The defendants in accordance with the penalty will not have to attend the trial. With the initial plan, the trial of the case extend Nile over 49 sessions until May 2012. Now, with the mass conformity, the schedule will drop significantly.

One by one, the judge has appointed the defendants, the majority of Nigerian nationality, but also from other African countries-which have been declaring for or against the compliance agreement. Of the 168 defendants, the Ninth Section of the Provincial Court of Malaga had only managed to locate and cite to the hearing to 113. Of these, nine have not appeared, so that the prosecutor has asked to be put in search and seizure and another has not been taken to trial since the prison where he is.

The preview has been developed with few incidents. Three of the defendants went to trial without counsel. In cases that sought to benefit from the covenant, the court president, Enrique Peralta, assigned, with the consent of counsel ex officio on the fly.

1 comment:

john n said...

Well done Spain - more of these criminals should be brought to account